Dec. 1, 2013

Hello World! (11/15/13)

by Gregory Barnes Watson


NOVEMBER 15, 2013

Hello World!

Hollywood magic can never compete with love. I stood in the prison's visiting room facing Simplelady 61, the woman of my dreams. Surrounding us were friends and family, including two members of my victim's family. I listened to the words of the minister but I heard the voice of God. He proclaimed his divine power to unite a man with a woman in Holy Matrimony.

The concrete walls enclosing us fell away. The electrified fence dissolved. The gun towers vanished like a fleeting thought. They were replaced by a landscape made up of peace, joy, and angels.

The peace came with knowing that the event was pure and right. The joy was equal parts astonishment and humility. I was astonished that God could love me so much to bless me with such an incredible woman as Simplelady61. I was humbled for the exact same reason. When I speak of angels, those in attendance to be witness to our vows could be nothing less. They travelled hundreds of miles, gave up a day of income, and endured the rigorous security process to not only give their approval, but to declare with toasts of orange juice that God's divine power rules everywhere. His will shall be done. He turns man's evil to goodness and to his glory.

With the "I do's" came the exchange of rings. Engineers have said that the strongest structure is the perfect circle. Love is the perfect circle. Regardless of where you start, you must return to where you began. For my wife and I, love begins with God. Only be beginning and ending there can it be perfect.

Hollywood magic is an illusion, it's time where we willingly suspend logic and reality. With love, we can believe in the impossible. However, we recognize that to achieve it there must be dedication to the goal, a selflessness to the other, and an unwavering focus on the source of all impossibilities-God. There is an illusion or suspension of reality that marriage is always going to be filled with breakfasts in bed and foot massages. It is always a work in progress. Fortunately, the work is always lighter when two put their hearts and minds to the task. Achieving something that's easy is never as fulfilling as accomplishing something difficult.

So Simplelady61 and I, as wife and husband have begun our task of achieving something difficult-to love, support, and encourage, and nurture each other through letters, phone chats, and weekend visits where our consummating comes as a brief hug and kiss. We then bow our heads and praise God for the miracle of each other, for opening our hearts and creating the impossible-love where only evil is suppose to exist.

Thanks for checking in on me.


Gregory Barnes Watson

Gregory Barnes Watson
D-67547 VSP B3-15-2U
PO Box 92
Chowchilla, CA 93610


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Edzell Posted 10 years, 9 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 9 months ago   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post.

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