Reply ID: v9dt
Dear VictimRights,
I can understand your anger over the suffering caused by offenders, especially offenders of crimes like mine. As a sex-offender and a violent crime offender, my choices and actions have caused great suffering. There is absolutely no excuse for the choices I made. There is also no changing the consequences of my actions. There is nothing I or anyone else can do about what has been done in the past.
The fact is, I did commit those crimes. People's lives have been altered by my extremely poor and selfish choices. I am responsible for the pain that resulted from those choices, and I never let myself forget it. Certainly the victims will not. So now what? I will be released from prison some day soon. I must make choices about how I'll choose to live within society. Also, if I am truly remorseful for my crimes, and I am, I must do something to show that something in response for my behavior, even if I can't mitigate the pain I've caused. The one thing I could think of was to dedicate my life to figuring out what led me to such abominable behavior. What happened? Why? How can I make sure I address all the issues that led to those choices? Having honestly begun this work years ago, I have remained committed to healing, growing, and understanding the issues involved, not just for myself, but so I can help others who may be on the brink of making similarly poor decisions. Others who struggle with mental health issues, PTSD, addiction, and dysfunctional life skills. How else would you like me to respond?
The fact is I am getting released. Would you prefer that criminals, sex-offenders such as myself, be treated brutally and inhumanely, not be given the chance to rehabilitate themselves, so when they are released, they will be far more dangerous than before? How is that in any way a sane, mature, or desirable approach? There is no "payback" or justice that involves revenge and sadistic punishment. All this does is make sex-offenders more violent and less able to deal with life after their release, putting you, your family, and everyone else at a higher risk of being victimized. I don't know about you, but I'm deeply concerned about how to reduce violent crimes and recidivism of all kinds. Maybe you get some kind of joy out of your anger and irrational outlook, but society cannot afford to go along with the toxic attitude you espouse concerning criminal justice.
As for myself, all I can do is dedicate myself to helping others and continuing to heal and grow. What better choice do I have considering my past? You may have thought that I am "hiding" from my past, but the truth is I want people to know that I am a sex-offender. Why? Because I truly am concerned about helping others, and if people can see that someone like me, someone who struggled with addiction, mental health issues, and dysfunctional life skills, someone who has fallen just about as low as any human can fall; if someone like me can heal, grow, and turn his life around and be a positive influence in the world, then surely there is hope for everyone.
This is my message and nothing you can say or do can stop me from sharing it.
May you find peace and healing, may you see the light of compassion and gain freedom from the suffering that has bound you in a far worse prison than I now inhibit.
Daniel Labbe
Daniel Labbe - a sex-offender in the state of Massachusetts, dedicated to spreading hope and educating the public. May all beings be happy and free from suffering.
P.S. What worse insult could be given to the victims of crime than an offender who does not acknowledge his responsibility or do anything to address the issues? And what better response could an offender make than to dedicate his or her life to helping others who struggle with similar issues, thereby reducing future crime? Who knows if I'll be able to help a lot of people, but I know I've already helped some and am dedicated to continuing this work. And why in the world world would you want to be an obstacle to this process? What happened to you? Is your anger and hate proving helpful and healing for anyone? Good luck.
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