Jan. 20, 2014

Dismal Position

by Bobby Villado (author's profile)



Dismal Position

SHU syndrome, post traumatic stress disorder, psychological and even pathological behavior. You might have heard of these mental disorders. However, I find them all around me in the encasing of concrete that surrounds me. Becoming me to speak whom they offer... a tantalizing offer I must admit. But in a place where insanity is king, I choose to be the rebel who wishes to not only keep his sanity but dethrone this king of unsanity also.

Being in solitary confinement, I'm in my cell 24/7 with the exception of two times a week for 2 1/2 to 3 hours! One week is 168 hours minus 6 even 7—that's 161 hours in a cell. Now, since I have a TV, does that take away from the solitude? Since I have books, does it lessen the burden of being confined in a room all day? Or can I just be a whiner?

For the most part it is recognized that isolating a person for a number of days can have psychological effects on the anatomy of the brain. The mind is something different, or is it? What a disaster—or better put—a disappointment when people put in a place to oversee prison use a farm of torture to curtail and disable certain behavior in prison environments. Especially here in California where there's a emphasis on rehabilitation. True, the economy's not up to par. Then again, "crisis" is an inevitable part of capitalism. Instead of finding solutions to problems, prison officials sweep the problem under the rug. Now the problem under the rug is visible, and it's called the SHU!

With the next hunger strike protest, prisoners throughout California are demanding to be treated like human beings. Reminiscent of the same echo prisoners shouted during the rebellion at Attica. What must be going through prisoners' minds? What suffering are they going through to take the last resort of starving themselves to the point of death? To put an end to torture and be treated decently instead of like a savage animal found in the jungle? What's the breaking point for humans? At what point does one come to the realization that no other means or avenue is available except to sacrifice?

It doesn't take long for one to discern that solitary confinement puts an imprint on the guest it hosts. Dampening spirits, dashing away hope, killing rebellious spirits, and pacifying people who were once defiant. Already in a broken up position, what position will society at large hold? Will noise be made or will the strike become void, out of earshot, and shut up by those in power?


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