May 1, 2014

Judges Out And Judges In

by Luis D. Perez (author's profile)


Luis D. Perez W-33937
NCCI - Gardner, P.O. Box 466
Gardner, Massachusetts 01440

April 18, 2014

"Judges Out and Judges In"

I read about it, I know about it, but the exodus of so many judges in
Massachusetts does not change the problems of the mediocre criminal
justice system. There is a great need to review and to correct the
system. This is the time.

For decades the Judicial Brand of the Government has been growing stronger
until the point that they over-powers the Legislative and Executive
Branches of the government without any challenge at all.

Now is the time to re-construct our legal system similar to the State of
Connecticut, judges being elected by the citizens and appoint the District
Attorneys. - To the contrary, Massachusetts continue with the process of
increase the crime rate and creating a larger prison population.

The State of Connecticut for many years had the same problems as Massachusetts
of allowing the emotions and public fear to over ride common sense,
every time a terrible crime is being played on the news, over and over. -
While this is taking place, the County District Attorney is jumping up-and-
down before the tv-camera in preparation for the next election. The changes
that were made in Connecticut's legal system, little by little is running
more effectively and can be used now as a National Model.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the birth of our Nation, but
it is blinding itself from reality by keeping historical contradictions
that are indeed counter productive. Our Criminal Justice System
without any question, has become like the Massachusetts Probation
Department, (or) the Massachusetts Department of Correction where
"policy and regulations" have been standardized, creating a tunnel
vision looking at the issues as black and white; - Without looking
into the grey areas, that is growing so big that when exploded make
people to stun and thinking, in particular when you have a police
officer being killed, a drive by shooting or rape and murder by a
person on parole or having a prior criminal record. WE ARE THE PEOPLE,
the founders of our country are moving from inside the burial grounds;
we have to adcance our legal system so that it can compete with
contemporary problems; historically Paul Revere rode into Boston
announcing that "the British are coming", I'm not riding the horse,
I'm using the computer system to address the issues of concern so
that the public can further understand the juvenile gangs have been
multiplying and exponentially infiltrated into the school system in
the State.

Can we look into the cause, the state holder's answer is prison,
prosecution and increasing the nepotism with the legal system


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