Aug. 6, 2014

Every Man And Woman Is A Star

From While I Breath, I Hope. by Sarai Rose


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

July 20th, 2014
(E.V. IV)

Every man and every woman is a star.
AL 1.3

Pax Vobsicum,
In the last several weeks so much crap has come about. My daughter whom I love dearly was doing good since moving to N.C., keeping herself clean and holding a job, things that would help her regain custody of her children in due time.

Well, she seems to have hooked up with some young boy around 22 years old, ten years younger than herself. This young idiot turns out to be an abusive bum and, not only this, but Sarah endangered the lives of her own mother and child by telling this coward that her mother said he was an evil person.

At first, I tried to get her some help through personal contacts of mine beyond these walls; gave her a way to get out of this abusive relationship. Then she turns and lies on my little brother, thus, it's clear that she's made her choice.

Her mother and son was forced to move back to MO in order to be with my youngest daughter, and with her oldest daughter whom could help her raise and care for Sarah's child. And she'd be safe from this monster whom Sarah chose over her own child.

I am greatly disappointed by Sarah's actions. I find it quite disturbing that a mother would actually put her own children's lives in danger, that she would endanger her own mother's life when her mother did all she could to help her and give her a new lease on life itself in another state. We believed in her, only to have her spit in our faces, choosing instead drugs and some evil coward to shack up with. So sad it is that this child of my heart and soul has fallen so deep into the abyss of addiction. She possesses no dignity, integrity, nor morals whatsoever.

Will she ever find her way back to the land of the living or remain lost to the world of the dead? I can only hope with all my heart and soul that one day she will be resurrected from the grave she now resides in, that one day the light of the sun will once again shine forth from her cold dark eyes.

"Your New Home"

Creepin' Crawling inside your disease infested brain,
Paranoia swims like some malignant cancerous cell,
inside your head—life so inane. Sanity slips away
as you sink into your own torturous hell.

Run as fast as you can, but there's no escape from
yourself; your very life has become someone else's token
upon a shelf. Drip drop, flip flop—how far will
your morality drop.

Locked away inside a cold dark prison—the one
inside your itsy-bitsy head; shadows dancing 'round
your only friends, the ever present voices chattering
inside your head.

Come as you are I heard 'em call, how deep into
the abyss must you fall? Deep within lies evil &
dark and fetid well—the bells begin to sound
loudly as the Morning Star arrives to lead you into
your new home—Hell.



Where Darkness Hides

Hopelessly crawling toward life's ledge, slippin' and sliding
along the razor's bloody edge.
I can hear the rustle of the angelic wings,
tearing through flesh and veins; Ah! how sweet the razor stings.

No matter how hard I try to please me, it never seems to
be enough—does nothing but warrant their condemna-
tion and penalities per diem.

Trapped in a world so cold and cruel, surrounded by hun-
dreds yet I'm still alone. Everyday life grows darker,
hours on end spent dodging stone after stone.

Without remorse I vow to take every blow, no matter
how painful it may be; accepting my fate with each stone
that you throw. Deep within I've come to realize; I am
nothing in your eyes.

I know it's only known taking its course, sins of
my past its sole source. The shadowed mysteries behind
each blow; none but you will ever know.

Use and abuse me—guess that's just how life was
meant to be. Where deep within I know there are no
innocence, we're all guilty—yet it makes no sense to me.

Thousands of lies and sweet sounding lullabies.
When death comes to claim her long-awaited prize, I
know there'll be no sad goodbyes; for deep within
the human heart is where darkness truly hides.

David "S𓋹vX" Bauguess

Love is the law, Love under will.


Replies (1) Replies feed

LaurenAT Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
I have many words for you about this among many others. I LOVE YOU forever and always, HMBS&S Your Zahra

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