Sept. 25, 2014


by Daniel Gwynn (author's profile)


Daniel Gwynn Blog Update
Date: 8/21/14
Subject: "Incarceration"

The worst thing about being in prison has been the great distance that's grown between me & my family/friends. In the beginning they were very supportive, but as time passed, they faded and even died since I've been in here. I've received a letter once in a while, my birthday was forgotten & holidays were just as bad. And every time I call home(which I pay for) they make promises they don't keep. I feel abandoned & forgotten.

Before this bid on death row, I've only did brief stints in county for petty stuff and failing to appear in court. I didn't take it very seriously because I didn't think that I would do hard time, they kept letting me go with a warning or a new court date. I also had no idea how bad it would be in a State prison, and I had no fear of the consequences.

Having parents in my life would've made the difference for me because I was abandoned, and I'm still healing from that wound today. With their support, I would've had some clue as to how to navigate my way through this biased society. Even though they didn't become a screaming success, their struggles could've inspired & guided me. Also, during our brief time together, my mother stayed on my case about school and doing the right thing. She showed up at school when I was acting up and beat my ass in front of the class. I was on my best behavior up until she abandoned me. My father was never in the picture.

My advice to anyone that ends up in prions is to mind their own business, avoid the foolishness and get their heads into some law books or self-help books. I had learned the law so I could assist my attorneys in my appeals and also to fight for my rights. I've seen a lot of prisoners taken advantage of because they didn't know any better. I had also got my GED & taught myself to paint (which has bloomed into international acclaim and publications). Be productive by keeping busy, it keeps you out of trouble and your mind is occupied.

Daniel Gwynn


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Nicki Posted 10 years, 2 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Hi Daniel, Of all the posts I've read on Btb, I don't often see people giving advice to others & if they do, it's usually followed by a negative comment, devaluing their words (like who am I to give advice in my situation).

The strength in your words, your qualified opinion struck me today. I think posts like this could help young people going down the wrong road & I'd love to see more of this positive strength in this space. I hope you are well Daniel, you're often in my thoughts my friend. Take care x


Daniel Gwynn Posted 10 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
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