To my readers. It was not my intentions to post this writing. It was written for a specific and personal audience. However, so many have come to me and expressed the need of its wider audience.
So I don't mean to alienate anyone moving in a positive direction for the greater good of man. I know the intelligentsia can detour Ecumenism if there is no faith, conviction and sharing.
So I share this a information into save oneself, bettering oneself and preparing oneself ton best serve Allah and bring peace to man.
Life on this planet is being lived towards a death instead of living it as life. This is because a pattern has been established that benefits some, at the expense of others and those in between fear being at the bottom. So the pattern continues. So much so, that it has become norm and seemingly divine. Yet is is not. Knowledge will awaken the want in the soul to be free. 100% dissatisfaction will bring about change.
Success comes only from 2 points. 1.) There has to be unity. All must unite for the common goal of FREEDOM. 2.) Righteousness. If wickedness and destruction are tools, then the only outcome will be more of the same. Just a different face and name!
2015 nov 19
2015 nov 19
2015 may 19
2015 jan 5
2014 dec 22
2014 dec 22
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