March 14, 2015

Hello Bloggers (1/27/15)

by Thomas Smith (author's profile)


Tue: 1/27/15

Hello! Bloggers:

Sorry its been so long since I've wrote, I've been going through so much and being alone and broke don't help much either. My holidays was the same as always alone and forgotten.
I try n hold my head up high and pretend that I'm fine...Buy once I'm alone in my cell, I ask myself...what's wrong with me? How come people don't write me or help me in my hour of need? Sometimes I feel so alone I ask myself if I'm alive or is this Hell. I'm not a bad person although I'm in prison for the rest of my life. I can't explain this pain I'm feeling but sometimes I close my eyes n hold my breath until the pain doesn't hurt as much anymore. I wake up every morning do push ups, wash my teeth and just look at the walls and pray that someone out there in the world would maybe help me some and share there thoughts with me and help me to ease my own lost of thought by putting light into my eyes again.
This may sound crazy but I love life BUT son't trust people much at all. See life isn't what hurts us at all but people are and we also hurt life as well. What ever we don't understand we destroy even each other... I'm very emotional person and alot of times I wear my feelings on my sleeves. I'm really a good person I guess the life I've like all my life has made me seem like some one else the world should fear... all I want is to be able to smile sometime and not need the things I should have... I'll write again very soon, thanks for reading.


Replies (3) Replies feed

Klinice Posted 7 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
I was recently in Boston and came across some family, that told me someone I grew up with, someone I love and care about had been locked up. I have been trying to locate him, as crazy as this sounds I knew him all my life by his nickname Lil Tommy, my mom said shes sure that his name is Thomas Smith. I am hoping this is you, if it is this is KaRecia (ReRe)and I will write you regularly. please let me know

borgesian Posted 7 years ago. ✓ Mailed 7 years ago   Favorite
I hope that you know that I, a stranger, am thinking of you and wishing you well this new year. You're not forgotten by me, your letter is moving. Please know that even though you're in a bad position, your perserverence puts goodness back into the world.

I was in Massachusets recently. It's a strange place compared to where I am, the middle of nowhere. I can tell you're a good person from this. Remember, you're not your past, we have the potential to be good and strong from moment to moment, which is always new..

Thomas Smith Posted 7 years ago.   Favorite
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