Sept. 21, 2015

A Lot To Be Thankful For

by LeVar E. Jones (author's profile)


A Lot To Be THankful For

Just look around you, there's people who's worse than you
No matter what you did, they probably did something you won't do

In prisons, if you don't have life, you're going home one day
Because most are not, prison is where they'll stay

They wish what they've done, they would've never did
Now they're stressing out 'cause they can't be there for their kids

If a lot of people would think first, jails wouldn't be packed
And if we knew the law, they wouldn't railroad the blacks

Even on the streets, live day by day, you never know about the end
It may come when you sleep like a thief, it sneaks in

Be thankful! Most people take life for granted
Always doing wrong and not even thinking about their family

There are too many things to name, but be happy you're blessed
Because God is still working on you, even though your life may be a mess

You never know about tomorrow or what the future may hold
A lot of people losing their lives 'cause the world is so cold

Take it from me, be thankful. No matter what happens
And not that you'll be judged by all your actions

You're thankful you woke up and had an opportunity to breathe
Because a lot of people didn't wake up, just like you and me

you never know when death may come knocking at your door
Take the time to give thanks because you got a lot to be thankful for


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