Oct. 30, 2015


by Timothy J. Muise (author's profile)


"Let The Bullets Fly!"
Chapter LIV
by Timothy J. Muise

- The Joke Is Over For "Dicky Shuman" / Deputy Notches Her Gun

I am very sad to report that my dear friend, Richard "Dicky" Shuman, passed away this week up in Deputy Denied's evil "Sniff". I would never make light of such a tragedy, but knowing Dicky as well as I did (his plight appeared on the blog) I know he would say, "Go after the bitch, Timmy!" Trust me Dicky, trust me. They cannot hide out here in the woods any longer. They cannot kill with impunity without some exposure.

Deputy Denied-Oh (she has now denied Dicky life) killed Dicky just as surely if she threw the switch on old sparky herself. Dicky came here from MCI Norfolk on a medical transfer. His kidneys were failing and this is the only gulag in the system with the dialysis machines. Dicky had waited years at Norfolk to get his single occupancy cell, but then was transferred here to ShirleyWorld where Deputy Denied-Oh ignored his earned superiority status and placed him in a double cell where he was "strong-armed"" for canteen goods and chowhall meals. After months of this abuse they transferred his persecutor to another block and then moved a mental health patient in with Dicky: Torture, torture, and more torture. Deputy Denied-Oh never even had it cross her mind that she should give him his earned single cell, not a chance, and Dicky was too humble, too much of a citizen to fight the bitch. I guess he figured it was a small price to pay, a few honey buns and meals, to stay safe. Sick fucking world this world of Deputy Denied-Oh. Sick fucking world...

Dicky kept getting worse and worse. We worked to get him back into court and there is even a new trial motion pending which will now go away due to his murder at the hands of our deputy. Two weeks ago Dicky could not take five steps without passing out, but not one of Deputy Denied-Oh's sycophants would have him sent out to a real hospital for an evaluation. Instead he was seen by the gulag's trained team of "care deniers". Health care in prison means finding creative ways to deny the prisoner treatment. It means locking the prisoner away in the "Sniff" of the "ADL" to be scalded or killed. As Rubber Stamp says, "They receive 24 hour care." Tell Dicky's family that. Tell David Brady's scorched lips and scalded cheek that. Tell Herbie Earl's Ghost's howls of pain that echo the corridors of the Denied-Oh Sniff. They say Dicky had "fluid" built up around his heart: no shit Sherlock, you fucking bastards knew that two weeks ago and now he is dead.

Deputy Denied-Oh sits back carving another notch into her classification Colt .45's human bone handle. She greases the chamber and hammer and sets her sights on the next poor wheelchair bound victim. All in the name of public safety, all in the name of care, custody and control. She has killed so many with her hollow point bullets of indifference. With her magnum rounds of revenge and ego. With her copper jacketed self-hatred and arbitrary/capricious vindictiveness. She has closed the windpipe of rehabilitation and stabbed the liver of compassion for decades now. They smile in her face here and flip her the bird as she walks away. She is evil and her tour through the circles of hell will be grand!

God rest the soul of Dicky Shuman. May my pen never rest toward exposing the abuse. I'll miss you Dicky.


ShirleyWorld Updates Timothy J. Muise
Chapter LIV
Page 2.

- Mighty Midget "Climbs Ladder" Seeks The Coveted Silver Bars

Our sources say that our own hero of the Water Bottle Wars and Cleaning Chemical Conflict, the Mighty Midget himself, Sgt. Young-Un, took the "short version" of the lieutenant's exam, passing with a grade of 85%. Edward Snowden's cousin, Seamus Snowden, actually provided us with copies of some of the questions Sgt. Young-Un aced. They are as follows;

1) Which of the following is more dangerous?

a) Shanks ( )
b) Escapes ( )
c) Water Bottles (x)

2) What is more important?

a) Rehabilitation ( )
b) Library Naps (x)
c) Reintegration ( )

3) How tall do you have to be to go on the rides?

a) Five Feet ( )
b) Four Feet ( )
c) Taller than me (x)

With such DOC correct answers there can be no doubt that the mental midget will join the ranks of other super-human oxygen wasters who wear the single silver bar like Shameless Peckerhead and Dick McHardly. Such a proud lot sucking off the bloody teet of the unwitting taxpayer. He can climb upon his milk crate and lead the troops against the scourge that is prisoner clotheslines and excess cleaning chemicals. Fuck on time movement, screw opening the buildings for programs, to hell with keeping the Church open, and damn the volunteers waiting out in the cold at the security gate. I'm certain that when he speaks to "the public" he will tell of all the dangers he faces, not mentioning that this is a "gentler time" as he was recently quoted. The sad fact here is that the system is doomed to failure with all these head-up-their-ass morons who have perverted the prison system. These gulags have become their own personal employment agency with endless promotions, pay increases, exorbitant retirement benefits, and seven weeks of vacation per year; on all your dollar. The greater evil is that the chance of innocents being murdered in the streets is exponentially increased with these true fools running your prison system. We can poke fun at the absurdity of it all, but it is a truly tragic and this free speech vehicle must work to expose it.

- Another "Model Inmate" Sold Down The River Stockholm On Leaky Raft

Another one of Deputy Denied-Oh's "Model Prisoners" of the Sniff Companion Program was sold down the old Stockholm Syndrome River by the Well Cushioned Princess of Skin-Tight Capri pants. This prisoner, who is a parole eligible "lifer", fell victim to "audit madness" and was issued a disciplinary report for covering his cell window while he was using the toilet; something that is done hundreds of times each day in the prison without a disciplinary report ever being written. The saddest fact here is that this prisoner worked for Deputy Denied-Oh's "Willing To Kill For $22.50 a Week" Companion Program. He ass-sniffed and beach shoe polished Deputy Denied-Oh at every turn, but when the foolishness of the "audit" reared its ugly head this con had no money in the Denied-Oh bank. He was written a d-report just as fast as any other poor slob who...


ShirleyWorld Updates Timothy J. Muise
Chapter LIV
Page 3.

...got caught up in the audit fever. No relief from Deputy Denied-Oh as this poor man, who is waiting for a decision on his life from the parole board, was just trying to take a shit without anybody watching him. Too much to ask? You bet it is in the world of Deputy Denied-Oh and Rubber Stamp Wry-On. No one cares that this bullshit ticket could cost this man his freedom. No one cares that he has adapted to all their brain-washing but still gets no play. No one steps up and says, Hey this kid don't deserve this. Absolutely not in this friggin DOC layabout jobs program. This prisoner has buffed and swept, cleaned and swabbed, washed and douched Deputy Denied-Oh's evil Sniff program, eradicating the smell of death that permeates this modern death house. Does he get any consideration from the Princess of Tight Pants? Fuck no. I guess it is payback for taking the bait, for buying the bridge in Brooklyn, for putting down money on the land in the Everglades. Her fool's gold caught up with him. Maybe he can use his $21.50 per week to hire a lawyer and fight the ticket or maybe he can answer that old classified ad which sought employees "Willing to kill for $22.50"

- Layabout Guards Have Covers Pulled / As Usual They Take It Out On Cons

The Super Bitches who wear the blue uniform and blood stained badge got their asses chewed when their computer solitaire playing and hungover nap times just did not "get it done" as far as the "audit" was concerned. In response the "toughest beat in the state walkers" have begun a campaign of frivolous d-report writing and ongoing water bottle patrols. As the shithole that is ShirleyWorld falls down around them they twist policy and attack old and dying men while still being able to wheel their barrows up to the blood money window at the bank. The scene is sad, and disturbing, but it is also comical. These turnkey fools fashion themselves "para-military", but if they get yelled at by some high ranking feminist skirt they crumble like a Drake's coffee cake. Our featherless leader, Rubber Stamp Wry-On has booked Elvis Costelle to come in for The Ivory Tower Concert Series and sing his hit, "Watching The Detectives" as our Water Bottle Task Force, Sgt. Young-Un and Sgt. Genatalia, go around and bust soda pop felons. The ghost of Elvis Presley will also sing, "Don't Be Cruel" from the Alabaster Deck as a retort to the treatment the men in the "sniff" receive from Deputy Denied-Oh. Lt. Urine is also booked to do her karaoke version of "It's Raining Men" while principal Ho-Hum girates on a stripper pole!

More To Come...



Replies (1) Replies feed

MimiFrances Posted 6 years, 2 months ago.   Favorite
dear Tim Muise: I workd with Dick Shuman at Foremost Printers prior to his arrest and incarceration. Are you saying he passed away? I was trying to reach out to him. Please reply to my gmail account. mimi.frances975@gmail.com

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