Nov. 3, 2011

Chyna Precious

From Ms. Precious by Chris Rogers (author's profile)


October 3, 2011
11:03 PM

Chyna Precious,
Happy 15th
15 months

Hey, girl. I miss you.

Guess what? I just heard one of our fav songs. Time After Time at the exact time and date above. :) Smile, beautiful! I hope all is splendid where you're at. I miss you so much, needya even more, but I love you very much. I'm still getting over you not being around. I cried the same day. I heard the song I Love You This Big, I couldn't help it. You're my lil' sister. I really, really hope we can meet up again. Soon.

Just got tons of pictures of my dear Ted with Mae on the way! Should be getting my magazine subscription soon, my sweetheart said! Oh, and I'm doing okay so don't worry. Just be sure we'll meet again. Soon. Please. I'm so blessed to have a sister, Axel, in my life too. Sometimes, if I didn't have her to talk to, I'd go crazy.

Well, it's on the 15th, our 15th, so hug yourself, lady. :) Dang, let me hear from you. Why oh why did they put my love so far away? Kenay says he is, as does the Precious fan club. Precious has been running the show, big good. Ha ha! So many fans, so little time. Oh well, guess that's the price to pay to be a #1 Queen, huh?

Where are you exactly? If you hear from our sister Dee-Dee, send my love as well. I think I got a sis over in the Delta area. I'll see. Well, don't be a stranger, love. Know I love you, miss you, and need you home. And you keep it real, raw, uncut. I need to see it. Ha ha! And rock, pretty girl.

N-e-ways, you know... Girl power 4 life.


Always with love,
Precious Chyna



Replies (1) Replies feed

axel Posted 13 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 13 years, 2 months ago   Favorite
Precious - Hello honey! I have found our missing girl - she is in the same building as Pimpin D. They have not not gotten together yet but they are working on it. Your letter is on the way via snailmail.

Hang in there baby-girl. All will be well. Much love Axel.

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