Nov. 10, 2016

The Walking Dead

From Prison Dad by Robert Pezzeca (author's profile)

Replies (3) Replies feed

j.c. Posted 8 years, 1 month ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 1 month ago   Favorite
I will send these to Robert.

Robert Pezzeca Posted 8 years ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

j.c. Posted 8 years ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years ago   Favorite

Hi Robert,
I received your first reply a few days ago, and this one to my short comment today. I was waiting for the weekend to write back because that's when I have time to do all my stuff - I'm often worn out during the week after work. Such is life!

Anyway, thank you so much for the many ideas to help my friend (T.). Don't worry, I won't abandon her. We have been friends since we were 10 years old and are in our mid-forties now. I am the only friend she has that is keeping in touch. She does have her parents, but they are elderly and not in good health. I read a message board called "Prison Talk" for loved ones of inmates, so I do know how much the contact from the outside means to those in there. It just breaks my heart to think of all the people in there suffering. I think every one of us have done stupid things, that if things had been slightly different, could have landed us in prison, or at least on the road to it. I can think of a few instances in my life that I made poor decisions, and had things been a little different I could have been in a completely different place than I am now. And I do think people change and it sucks that there isn't any way for these people (and those who just made a stupid mistake) to have a second chance.

Your comment about pictures was enlightening. I do try to send her pics of her kids that are posted on Facebook and I know she loves getting them. I didn't know the pictures of the mundane things would be appreciated, so will try to do more of that. Thanks for the ideas of other services to try. So far I've uploaded pics to Walgreens and have them sent directly. You seem to know a lot about outside services, Google Play, and such. Good for you for keeping up with the times! I know it's difficult in there with the lack of info.

I have floated the idea of the penpal sites to her (in a letter, since phone time is limited) and am curious to hear if she would like that. I haven't heard back yet. I put her in a swap on Prison Talk for her birthday, I think she was a little bit puzzled by what was going on. The idea of having some male contact may appeal to her.

Sorry to hear about your shoulder and the crappy medical care. I know that is a major problem in there. I fear for T. as she has a chronic condition that is likely to shorten her life anyway, but will do so even more with the lack of care in prison. Have you looked into any yoga or stretching moves? Or do you think it's beyond that?

Lockdown is also a huge bummer, and it must be frustrating to not know why. T. will be in quarantine for 9 months which means she is in lockdown 23 hours a day. Do you get out that one hour per day to go outside or not at all during lockdown?

I read another post of yours about the problems with your daughter. I'm sorry to hear that as well. She is young and stupid (as we all were once) but I know the betrayal must really hurt. Try to hold her in love and not get too angry about it.


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