April 15, 2020

Encouraging myself in the lord Ch 21 to 31

From Lessons Learned by Antoine Murphy (author's profile)


Date: 3/30/2020 11:47:31 PM


My heart is in God's hands. He turns it wherevin righteousness he so desires
I will continue 2 ask God, "search my heart"
I will do justice n judgment
I will strive 2 avoid the sin of having a prideful heart
I AM no better than anybody else
I think on good things n thoughts of righteousness
I will not seek death through the vanity of a lying tongue that's in hot pursuit of blood money
I will not refuse 2 do judgment
I refuse 2 steal from myself
Righteous actions will be birthed from my righteous heart. God bless u
My soul desires good
My neighbours find favor in my eyes
I would rather be single n living on the rooftop than 2 dwell in a mansion with a brawling woman
When I AM instructed I receive knowledge, wisdom n understanding
I will learn a lot of from the wicked less I should mimic them
I will feel the pain of the poor enuff 2 intervene. So help me God
I will give the gift in secret that pacifies anger
N I will bestow upon others the reward that extinguishes strong wrath
I will enjoy the just joy that comes when I execute righteous judgment in the capacity God has called me 2
Now that I am spiritually alive I refuse 2 wander outta the way of understanding or gather with the congregation of the dead
I will keep the pleasures of this life in their proper perspective so I can get n stay spiritually rich
The Lord is my savior who gives the wicked as a ransom 4 me, as I live 2 walk in righteousness
I'll move 2 the Sahara desert b4 I marry an angry, bitter n argumentative n nagging woman
God has blessed me with the treasures men so desire, because I fear the Lord enuff 2 walk in his statues
By following hard after righteousness n mercy I am promised 2 find abundant life, Christ righteousness n the honor that comes from God alone
God is on my side n no man can stand b4 me
God is my strength n my confidence
I keep my soul from evil by asking God 2 help me keep my mouth n my tongue. Amen
I surrender my desire 2 respond in proud wrath 2 God. He will save me
My hands refuse 2 not labour day n night
I will give of my material n spiritual possessions
I can not out give God
God help me worship U sincerely n not offer the sacrifice of the wicked
As I value not perishing more n more I come 2 testify more n more truthfully
God, please direct my way. Amen
I confess there is no wisdom or understanding or counsel or weapon that can defeat or destroy the Almighty God
Despite having the ability 2 fight my own battles I will not. See the battle is the Lord's 2 fight.



I AM full of Christlike character n God richly blesses me with loving favor as do others
God help me 2 see U in the rich n the poor, as we all are created in Ur lovely image
When I 4see evil I will strive 2 hide myself
My humbleness of heart, soul, n spirit coupled with my fear of the Lord Jesus will lead 2 earthly n spiritual riches,
not 2 mention honor n abundant life [as] well as eternal life
I AM 2 keep my soul from thorns n snares; sin n wickedness
I AM fulfilling my godly responsibility 2 teach my child(ren) about the Lord Jesus Christ while encouraging them 2 make the decision 2 have a personal relationship with Him
In accordance with the promises of God, I AM a lender not a borrower
I will not sow iniquity which means I won't reap vanity
I AM bountifully blessed with a heart that cares 4 the poor, so I can give expecting nothing return
I will not intimately associate with scorners
Jesus, who loves pureness of heart, is my friend
God is my self preservation, my spirit's life preserver
I AM an industrious man with a work ethic that strives 2 please the Lord
As I determine 2 live 4 Jesus, he will keep me from the seductive words of strange women
Righteousness, by the grace of God, is being bound in my heart
I will seek God's wisdom in my giving less I be vulnerable 2 favoritism
I love 2 keep my ear 2 heavens street 2 listen attentively 2 the words of wise men n women, so I can go about applying my heart unto godly knowledge
It is a most pleasant thing 4 me 2 keep God's truths in my mouth n deep within my spirit
That my sole trust may be in the Lord Jesus Christ
God has written unto me lovely things that are excellent in wonderful counsel in highly knowledgeable in righteousness
Because of this I know God is truest truth
I will boldly share this truth with those who run up asking y I have faith in God
I refuse 2 rob the poor. Like wise I refuse 2 be an oppressor
Thank U LORD 4 pleading my cause n that of the oppressed
It's not in my best interest 2 have close friendships with angry n furious individuals
Being around them will only serve 2 make me angry n furious n ensnare my soul in ungodliness
Being someone's surety also enjoins my precious soul, so it's 4 me 2 avoid situations where someone just want 2 use me as they cosign
I don't need the burden of them not paying the loan back n my collateral being snatched from under me
I will respect other people's boundaries: physically, financially, locationally, emotionally, socially, spiritually
I AM diligent in the business of work
This will bring me in the presence of CEOs, Presidents, World Leaders n the like
Diligent in the pursuit of his kingdom, I will peacefully stand b4 God, now n when the time comes
I greatly rejoice in the righteousness of my beloved children.
Yes! My children are wise in the things of God
This makes ME a good father in God's eyes
I AM giving God my whole heart
I AM single minded in observing his ways
God I need U 2 keep me from promiscuous n adulterous women
Alcohol shall not have dominion over me


Date 3/31/2020 5:07:31 PM


God help me not 2 be envious of those in "the game": give me the strength 2 not be joined at the hip with them
My heart will study war no more
I will build my house upon the wisdom of God n by his understanding it will be established by exercising God's knowledge in my daily affairs my house will be filled with all manner of riches
I AM a strong wise man
A man of knowledge who's going from strength 2 strength
I AM trusting God's wonderful counsel 2 counsel me
By prayer, effort n sheer discipline I will obtain Godly wisdom
I desire 2 do righteous things that are well pleasing 2 God
I AM determined 2 think on the things of God
My heart will not faint in the days of adversity, 4 God is my strength
By the grace of God I will strive 2 deliver those who insist on dying n being eternally separated from God's loving presence
I will not make excuses 4 not doin what I know 2 do
As I feast on the word of God it gets even more sweeter 2 my soul
I know my faith in God shall be rewarded, now n in eternity
I will plot 2 do good
Refusing 2 stay down I get back up n stand tall after each n every fall. Amen
I AM not going 2 pray 4 enemies downfall or cheer when he or she suffers the inevitable consequences of they behavior
I AM going 2 pray 4 him or her n speak blessings over they life like Jesus instructed me 2 in Matthew 5:43-44
Jealousy 4 the wicked n evil person has no place in my heart
I AM secure in my relationship with God, the Father
My righteousness is profitable unto eternity
My behavior will be dictated by my fear of the Lord
(I may not be all the way there yet, but I AM getting there)
I will not fall into sudden destruction, that's 4 the wicked
I AM not going 2 show favoritism 2 rulers or those in authority: they human just like the rest of us
I will not blow smoke by telling the wicked, "y'all righteous!"
I AM going 2 encourage them 2 turn from their sinful ways
I will pursue n develop my relationships with those who prayerfully provide godly counsel n companionship
I count the cost b4 I get involved in the endeavor; there 4 I AM properly prepared 2 patiently finish the work I started
Loving my neighbours as myself, I won't lie on them or 2 them (God need Ur help 2 do that)
I AM not going 2 take revenge on my enemies nor am I going take vengeance in my own hand
I AM a life long learner who learns from others mistakes
I AM always awake there4 I shall not want 4 anything


I will learn the word of God by copying it down n committing it 2 my hearts memory (Deuteronomy 17:18-20)
I will search 4 n discover spiritual gems God has hidden in his holy word
In addition I will search 4 n discover the purpose 4 which he has blessed me with life in the 1st place
God's heart truly unsearchable. As I become more n more like him, my heart becomes similar
At this very moment God's love is purging me of dead works n any propensity I have 2 be enslaved by sinful inclinations
A king in my own right, my throne will be established in righteousness n by righteousness
Humility requires that I stay in my lane n not cross into others
I would rather be told "come up here" than "what u doing in so n so seat?
I AM asking God 2 help me not be so argumentative
I don't have time 2 get into debates over frivolous matters
(Jesus calling!)
I choose not 2 sow arguments so I won't reap shame
I will graciously speak words that are fitly spoken 2 be uttered by the mouth of kings
I will listen n obey when reproved by God
I AM a faithful messenger sent by God
I acknowledge that I don't know everything n don't have every gift/talent
I will not brag bout having gifts I don't have
I AM going 2 utter soft words that bless hearts
The Word is honey n I will eat a sufficient amount based on my dietary needs, which change daily
I will be mindful 2 not wear out my welcome or overstep my bounds
My tongue will not be a sharp sword but an instrument of peace
I will confidently trust in my faith in God
I will offer a listening ear n the comfort of compassion 2 those with a broken heart
I AM going 2 feed my hungry enemies the Bread of Life
I AM also going 2 offer my thirsty enemies the Water of Life
By telling them bout the goodness of God I will not only stop them in their tracks but obtain a reward from the Lord Jesus Christ
I will strive 2 maintain a joyful disposition - even in prison
I would rather die lonely than have a brawling wife
I will bless thirsty souls with the good news that God came down from heaven 2 ransom us back 2 Himself
God, help me overcome my fear of man. Amen
I AM going 2 love 2 exhalt God not self
I AM choosing 2day 2 surrender 2 the Holy Spirits power

Date: 4/3/2020 11:01:30 PM


Honor is fitting 4 a child of God, which I AM
In Jesus name I speak death 2 the causeless curses n miscellaneous words spoken over me n my life n loved ones
In humility I will seek 2 serve the Lord
I will not embrace the foolish actions or the philosophical doctrines of those who don't honor God
When moved by the Holy Spirit I will utter the wisdom of God 2 those who are living in foolishness
I won't send messages by an unfaithful n untrustworthy person who will mix n match what I said
It's not 4 me 2 give honor 2 fools, so I won't do it
The Great God who formed me shall righteously reward me 4 my behavior now n in eternity
I AM not going 2 be that dog that returns 2 his vomit
I refuse 2 be that fool that returns 2 his foolish folly
God help me overcome the temptation 2 be wise in my own conceit
My hands n heart shall be strong in the work God has called me 2
I arise early 2 pursue the Lord my God
When weariness seeks 2 thwart me I will pray 2 the Lord 4 the energy 2 persevere
I AM one of he 7 men that can render reason unto others
I AM not going 2 meddle in other peoples business
I will not deceive my neighbors just cause the crowd is doing it
I AM 2 flee sinful causes so as 2 flee the sinful consequences
By being cool, calm, n collected I can put out the wild fires of strife
I AM not going 2 use my words 2 wound n hurt people soul n spirit
I AM going 2 ever strive 2 have a righteous heart which leads 2 speaking righteous words. Amen
I won't believe the salacious lies of those I know are phony. They talk good but I know he speaks from the 7 abominations lodged in his heart
May my righteousness be exposed 2 the whole congregation. Amen
Rather than dig pits 4 others I will cover them
Rather than help others fall into sin I will help them fall into righteousness
Lying destroys u from the inside out, I AM not seeking 2 be destroyed


I AM not going 2 boast or brag about what's gone happen tomorrow cause 2 do so is 2 set myself up 4 disappointment
It's unbecoming 4 me 2 be my own hype man!
I will avoid walking in foolish wrath since it doesn't manifest the righteousness of God
I AM so blessed by God there's no room 2 envy others
I will love openly
I will flee the deceitful kisses of the enemy
I find spiritual fulfilment in Jesus Christ
I shall not wander from my place or my faith
I AM there 4 my friends via hearty counsel n a shoulder 2 lean on
Only with God's divine assistance can I love my neighbors, friends, n myself
By walking in wisdom I make God's heart glad
When sin trys 2 entrap me I will hide myself in prayer
I AM not obligated by God 2 cosign 4 people or put my blessings on the line for them
I AM not obligated by God 2 jeopardize my blessings 4 another's sinful sake
I will bless my friends n family early in the morning with a soft whisper of loving affirmation
I AM not going 2 stagulate my own growth
I value friendships where iron sharpens iron
I AM iron that sharpens iron
Because I'm committed 2 wait on God he honors me
God loves me enuff 2 show me what's still in my heart
My eyes can only be satisfied as I keep them upon Jesus
God help me have humble reactions 2 the praise of men
By worshipping the Lord I AM better equipped 2 flee foolishness
I will lovingly care 4 those God entrusted 2 me
Only eternal riches last 4ever so I will seek them with all my Gd given might
God, my provider, will provide 4 my household
Amen n Amen

Date: 4/5/2020 10:45:31 PM
Subject: Reply ID:9k4v

Mrs T,

Happy midnight 2 u as it's 12:22am in ur location!!
How r things?

Thanks 4 ur most recent response. Brightened my day!
Thanks 4 the "brilliant post"
It inspires n encourages me 2 write n freely post. Just as well it lets me know somebody is digesting that which I'm moved by God 2 pen. Currently finishing up these Proverbial Declarations which r loosely based on the book of Proverbs. On chapter 31 which features the characteristics a godly woman/wifey should possess. I like it n know in my heart my future wifey has the kind of spirit n heart n mannerisms n style that's taught in the text. Also know that I'm becoming the type of king listed in the first 9 verses!
Meanwhile felt the urge 2 change title 2: ENCOURAGING MYSELF in the Lord
Fits the text better n honestly speaks 2 where I'm at personally n my desire 2 grow in the Lord.
Reminded this is a dog fight!!
Thanks 4 the spin u put on the words.
Never looked at it as a manifesto
Love how u broke it down
Took me a while 2 get, then it dawned on me like 30 seconds later!
Well I'm inclined 2 "encourage myself" via the book of Ecclesiastics n post that as well. Really the 2 books seem 2 go hand in hand! Reason I penned rhyming poetry based on both in the first book I wrote in prison: Urban Prove Amen

Well me n my loved ones r OK 4 the most part! Just always have 2 deal with those who love the smell of dirty laundry! Whose choose that 2 b their identity! Sorta like the man Jesus encountered at the pool. He asked him a simple question: Do U want 2 get well?

Do U want 2 get well?...

Had 2 ask myself that question the other day. Watched a movie called Coach Carter in it the coach asked one boy "what's ur biggest fear?" Well a roomy asked me n I said, "going 2 hell." But that changed. When the end of the movie rolled around the guy told the coach, "our biggest fear is being ourselves" I'm paraphrasing, but nevertheless I had 2 acknowledge that I do fear being myself at times.
Like in here sometimes I don't walk in love n instead have a demonic swag like try me if u want 2...
Need 2 want 2 b well all the time!
Have 2 stop fearing others opinion of me when it comes 2 my walking in love. Shouldn't b ashamed 2 love like Jesus did, even when around hardened criminals. Have 2 be determined 2 b my authentic self. Amen
Along them lines I was inspired 2 write a song like 7 something this morning
In it just poured out my heart 2 God as I listened 2 a sermon n prayed 4 God 2 bring the lyrics that came 2 me in a dream 2 my remembrance. Amen

Now 2 ur second post...

Yes I'm free of the Corona pestilence! No one here has it though we were locked down 4 a day n a half as 2 men were taken 2 the hospital with Corona like symptoms! Guess they both alright though I haven't seen the one I know personally. Interesting

NE who they have instituted rules n ways 4 us 2 engage in their version of social distancing! It's cool only thing really drives me nuts is "no basketball" can't even touch a ball! Miss shooting around. Watching old NBA/college games on TV makes me miss it more. Oddly enuff yesterday n today they put on old Finals games. The 2008 n 2010 champions games. Both featured Kobe n the Lakers vs Paul Pierce n the Celtics. Yesterday the Celtics won! Today it was the Lakers.
Yeah I'm with u there was more emphasis on Kobe dying than anybody else including his daughter! :(

Feel u on the police situation. Been through it like being stopped 4 being in the wrong neighborhood. Which led 2 us being put faced down in front of my best friends house! Good thing she n her mom intervened! "hey y r u messing with them?"...
Course they could've been stopped a shooting in the hood or solving cold cases. Never did find Cheeseburger killer
Well they doing the same thing over here! No church! Guess they broke up an event 2day that was holy week related. No love!
Still I know god the only one can solve this problem. Amen

Yeah I've heard of burpees! Used 2 do em! Girl do they take a toll on ya knees! But they do give u mad cardio. Would do some in my cell but I have 2 share space n smells! With 3 others! If I still had my single cell I'd get it in. But on that note we got rec in a half hour might so dome there unless I can get on the elliptical then that'll b my cardio. Did do some walk-in earlier. That was cool! Got blessed with a book that has a deck of exercise cards inside but have yet 2 play with it! Gone have 2 invest in some exercise gloves, kool aid n a healthy mount of fish n peanuts b4 I go hard on a routine. Have been still at it though, know my wifey can't wait!
Can already see my chest sticking out! Getn a 6 pack gone b the hardest!

Wish I was there in jail! I'd run up n down playing ball by myself! Yeah I like the Harlem Globetrotters. Wish I could jump like them or dribble like them. Do want 2 see em in person one day. Take some poor kids with me
They'll love it
Football cool, big fan of the Cowboys. Only seen rugby like once on TV its alright but everything is different once u know the rules n the objectives.
Know I'm so not a fam of baseball or hockey or gold or NASCAR though they got some cool jackets. Rugby also got cool shirts

Yeah ur right bout the hardest part of prison being the time right b4 release. Lotta a pressure just cause I can't wait 2 actually b free n wrap my head around it! Right now it's still foreign 2 me, like a dream! Feel me?
Like I know what I want it 2 mean but what does it mean really? All I can do is inaccurately fantasize. Just know I want 2 succeed n not ever b in prison again! Amen
Taking ur advice I've taken steps 2 stop lookin at the walls! Bought a couple of sings 4 my tablet n created a place list entitled My Write 2 Write
Now I just got 2 go get it!
Also working on hiding God's word in my heart so I can put it in practice.
Even moving slower! When I see potential traffic jams/road blocks I step aside n recalculate, waiting 4 the coast 2 b clear b4 I get my move on.
Yeah I'm gone make it. Amen
Bout 2 get back 2 focusing on my dreams coming true!
N they can 2
Friday seen one of my inventions on shark tank! N course they got invested in by Damon John.
Should've been me getn my removable/interchangeable shoes n soles idea licensed 2 companies 4 top $$$$$$$
The name of the comp is MUVES
Then a comp called Bad Birdie which makes fashionable golf polos got invested in.
Could b me
Next time!

Well found out
Pray 4 me

Alright young lady time 4 rec!

Love on ur loved ones


Date: 4/10/2020 12:35:31 AM


righteously I AM bold as the Lion, Jesus Christ
It is my duty 2 be a man of understanding, who supports the people
I won't oppress the masses, poor or their children
One way I can fight wickedness is by keeping God's commandments
I seek 2 understand all things by seeking God's take on the matter
Integrity is better than riches
As a wise son of God I must strive 2 keep the law of love
I will not seek 2 increase my finances or possessions by usury or the hot pursuit of blood money
I will not hinder my prayers from being answered by turning a deaf ear 2 God's commands
Upright in my heart I will be blessed with good things from the Father of Lights
God is my spirit of discernment
My godly success will bring joy 2 the hearts of the righteous
When I confess n 4sake sin God has mercy on me n blesses me with strength 2 overcome
As a ruler in my own right I will wisely be a blessing 2 my community
It is my duty 2 flee corruption of mind, body, soul n spirit
May I value the lives of others as much as God does
As I position myself under the shadow of God's wings, I AM kept from harms way
Hard work at work keeps food in my fridge n on the table
As a faithful man I shall be blessed by an always faithful god. Amen
I will pray 4 God's help 2 not be a respecter of persons
I would rather get rich slowly but surely than fall flat on my face chasing a get rich quick scheme
I will not blow smoke but give myself n others honest feedback
I will encourage others 2 fear their mother n father n 2 honor them
I trust that trusting God will lead 2 spiritual fullness
God will deliver me as I walk wisely with Him
By giving 2 the poor I ensure that I will lack no good thing
May righteousness continue 2 increase inside me


Eyes on Jesus keep me from suddenly being destroyed
Entrusted with authority I must use it 2 serve the people
My strength is 2 be spent pursuing God
God help me say "no thank u" 2 gifts given by people with wrong motives
God help me not 2 flatter or run game on others
Righteousness expresses itself thru songs n joy n songs of joy! So I will sing n rejoice in my salvation!
I will intervene in the cause of the poor
May I bring Jesus Peace 2 my city. Amen
It's not 4 me 2 contend with fools
As a just man it's my duty 2 reach out 2 lost souls
God help me not make a judgment call till I've heard all sides of the story

Lord U R the Light of my eyes
If I faithfully judge the poor my throne will be 4ever
Disciplining my kids will bring them 2 wisdom
I shall see the fall of those who insist on being wicked
I correct my children so my soul can continue 2 delight in them
I keep a lovely God given vision b4 my eyes n I shall see them, by God's will, come 2 fruition.
God help me not 2 be hasty with my words
God whatever's in ur will 4 my life bring it 2 pass
Honor promises 2 uphold the humble in spirit
I will not partner with a thief as this would be tantamount 2 hate'n my own soul
God deliver me from the fear of man
I have put my trust in the Lord which assures me I shall be safe
My judgment comes from the Lord, who made heaven n earth
7 billion people can h8 but I will rest in the fact that GOD LOVES ME

Chapter 30

God I desperately need a prophetic word 4 2day. Please speak 2 me that I may be comforted in these troubling times
Surely I AM nothing without U
I only know U n Ur word cause U lovingly taught me
(Thank U 4 Ur patience)
Ur the 1 who ascended, having 1st descended
Ur the 1 who gathers the wind in His fist
Ur the 1 who has bound the waters in the cup or Ur shirt
U have established the ends of the earth
Ur name is I AM n Ur Son name is Jesus
Every word U speak is pure in heart
U R a shield unto me as I put my trust in U
I won't add unto Ur holy word or detract from it

God thank U 4 feeding me with just enuff 2 eat on a daily basis
When I AM rich I won't deny U
While I AM poor I won't blaspheme Ur name either, by stealing
God bless me not 2 falsely accuse others
I AM part of the generation that blesses their mother n father
By the grace of God I AM washed from the internal n spiritual filthiness
I will have humble eyes
I won't devour the poor n needy, but seek 2 serve them
May I find true satisfaction in God
I will not mock my father nor despise her that bore me
God U n Ur love r 2 wonderful 4 me

I AM heir 2 the kingdom
I AM little but wise
Like the ant I prepare my meat in the summer
My house is built on Christ the Rock
God is King
My heart is in Kings palaces
I AM comely in going
Like Christ I AM a Lion
Hear me roar!
There is no rising against God

Date: 4/11/2020 5:07:31 PM


God thank U 4 speaking prophetic words over me n my life
U R the God of my 1st n 2nd birth
God because of my past, I desperately need Ur help 2 strengthen me 2 not give my God given strength 2 promiscuous women
Give me the heart 2 not give into actions that will destroy me. Amen
Lord thanks 4 teaching me that it's not 4 me 2 be a drunkard or drug addict. If anything I need 2 be addicted 2 U!!!
God I praise U 4 making me a voice 2 the voiceless n the voice of the voiceless.
Just know that I can't fulfill this responsibility without U
Assist me, O Lord, in judging righteously n pleading the cause of the poor n needy

My wifey is a virtuous woman, whose price is priceless
My heart safely trusts in her. She is my secret keeper n confidant n counselor
She will hands down, do me the best spiritual good n not evil, till death parts us
She is my God appointed helpmate who's industrious n delights in working willingly with her elegant hands
She willingly goes the distance n extra mile 4 her family
While it's yet midnight she arises 2 take care of me n the children n whoever else may b under her roof
My wifey knows how 2 manage her household n the finances. I trust in her investments
She gives life her all n all. Yeah she's strong like that!
Her candle refuses 2 go out but is ever burning on the altar
(Leviticus 6:13)
She so much loves n enjoys womanhood n the fact that God entrusted her wit the gift of femininity. She uses it wisely
This godly woman serves the poor n needy especially. She is a community volunteer
We are warmly clothed in the scarlet of her love
She is clothed in the tapestry of purple n gold. Royalty
I AM blessed 2 be her husband she helps me be a pillar n elder of the community
She's an entrepreneur whose chief investment is eternal life
This lovely lady, who came from my side, is clothed with God's strength n honour n she will rejoice i God's most beautiful time!
She consistently speaks the wisdom of Christ. Her tongue graces the world n her house hold wit the law of kindnesses
She sty busy walking in love n refuses 2 eat the idle bread of h8
Me n the beloved children arise 2 call her blesses N I personally love 2 praise her publicly n privately
She is the Queen of Queen's
Her favor is not deceitful nor is her beauty vain as she keeps them in proper perspective
She is praised because the fear of the Lord inspires her 2 love
She is blessed as she reaps what she sows the consequences of her lovely actions praise her throughout the earth


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