Jan. 15, 2021

So blessed

From Lessons Learned by Antoine Murphy (author's profile)


Date: 1/3/2021 12:15:41 PM
Subject: So Blessed

Inspired by 1 Samuel 12:24...
A few of the great things God has done 4 me...
Provided food I can actually eat
Gave me the courage 2 x Ramen noodles out my diet 4 the most part,
can't tell u last time I had one!
Gave me friends in other continents!
Said YES 2 some prayers
Said NO 2 some prayers
Counseled me wonderfully
Been patient with me, remind me 2 give patience 2 others
4given me
kissed me
Guided me
Taught me
Given me strength 2 get through
At other times delivered me from hellish situations
Gifted me with design talents
Blessed me with song lyrics
Brought things 2 my memory
Blessed me with quiet time with him
Inspired me 2 pray bout having n reflecting a godly character
Family Restoration
Healed my digestive issues
Comforted me
Helped me live new
Assisted me in carrying my cross
Given me words 2 say
Blessed me with a blog
Given me recipes
Told me 2 stop complaining
Gave me 3 dreams of getting out of prison in 20 yrs (I.e. 2020!) then
brought it 2 pass
Gave me 3 dreams of meeting LAUREN
Showed me who I am
Blessed me with the right book 2 read at the right time, like TD Jakes book Crushing when I was
sick with Covid. N Get Out, Get Rich right after my release was set in motion
Revealed His will 4 my life, like being a Pastor/ Teacher, write, fashion designer, Father, President, entrepreneur,...
Gave Me the courage 2 tell people "No!"
Taught me that love doesn't enable (foolishness)
Helped me that love doesn't enable (foolishness)
Helped me appreciate His definition of love
Taken me overseas, no passport required!!!!
Cheered me on at basketball games, while even my teammates rooted against me
Led me 2 my 70
Clothed me in my right mind
Been my anger management
Gave me a much needed heart surgery


Replies (1) Replies feed

BReyes Posted 3 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 3 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
I appreciated the opening scripture this was inspired by. Someone who is in the truth strongly agrees with 1 Samuel 12:24 "Only fear Jehovah, and serve him faithfully (or "in truth") with all your heart, for see what great things he has done for you."

It has been shown time and time again, when we give God our full truth and faith, and rely on Him for guidance and support, He will be there and show it in ways we never knew we needed.

Wonderful piece, hope your relationship with God is always true and continue to grow.

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