Jan. 25, 2012

The Recipe For The Destruction Of Our People

by Nasir Wali Muhsin (author's profile)
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The Recipe For The Destruction Of Our People
(Jan. 25, 2012)


The Recipe For Destruction of Our People
by Nasir Wali Musin

Question: What has Amerikkka done to ensure that our African people in Amerikkka and our culture are doomed?
Answer (!): They first destroyed our most essential components (i.e. our unity and individuality).


*1 cup of "crushed psyche so that brothas will sadly think that 'manhood' is found in the bedroom, and sistaz will assess their 'self-worth' by how many times they give birth"
*1 teaspoon of "inferiority so as to make our beautiful brothaz and sistaz feel like 'creatures', then they stood to the side to watch us go to great lengths to destroy our 'God-given African' features"

They stirred #1 and #2 together to rob our brothaz and sistaz of their wealth. Then for flavor, they added a dash of "lack of knowledge of self".

*1 pound of "lies to increase our consternation so that brothaz and sistaz will never realize who started civilization"
*1 gram of "deceit so that they could put their 'shackles' on our minds instead of our feet"
*40 ounces of "any kind of alcohol" and 2-5 grams of "any type of street drug so that our beloved brothaz and sistaz are too inebriated to mentally fight back"
*1 full ounce of "individualism simmered over the flames of self-hate while they sit back and watch 'black-on-black' crimes escalate"
*1/2 pound of "pure ignorance so that when it's time to eat, our beautiful and soulful brothaz and sistaz will sadly continue to poison themselves with porkchops, hamhocks, and pigsfeet." :(

They measured two heaping tablespoons of "capitalism so that when everyone was ready to revolt ('cause we couldn't take it on moe), they let 'one' through so we'd calm down thinking, 'Maybe I could make it too.'"

They slowly added the "integration sauce" with a pinch of "how to's". Then they sat back and watched brothaz and sistaz adopt someone else's values. Theirs. :(

Then they poured all into the saucepan of Amerikkkanism so that even when our race is portrayed as miscreants, pimps, hustlers, thugs, goons, players, whores, and bitches, our beloved brothaz and sistaz will still and continue to fight "aimlessly" in Amerikkka's Vietnam, street, and Persian Gulf wars.

Lastly, they mixed all of the above ingredients thoroughly and put them into their oven of oppression for 400 years. Then they gathered at their dinner table set with a delicious helping of our cultural genocide.


Question: Are you being served up tonight, playa, pimpbuddy, pimp, mack, thug, goon, heavy hitter, dope boy, boss, bitch, hoe? Which helping on their plates are you, my n#@$$@"?

Solution: Look at the brotha or sista in the mirror and dare him or her to change his or her ways, especially if they're damaging to us as a whole. This in turn will wake you up to the fact that people will only treat you how you act or think of yourself. Stop contributing to the mental and cultural genocide of our people because what you do reflects on us. I did.

I am Nasir Wali Muhsim, an individual, human being.

Words of Wisdom 2010


Postscript: I'm quite sure that many of you will read this and think that I'm either racist, an angry black man, or that I've lost my mind! But the truth is that I'm a hint of all of them at one point or another. After all, who isn't?

I'm actually of the opinion that it is virtually impossible not to be a bit racist, a bit angry, or out of your minds! This is a natural phenomenon that resides in us all. Some may choose to hide it, deny it, or fake it. But in reality, the golden rule is to understand it to the point that it's not an outright and unnecessary rage or hate because, for me, it's about truth—not faking, kidding, or lying to myself.

Actually, once I realized that these essences or elements reside in all of us, it became a lot easier for me to become—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually—free. With this truth at hand, I've realized how easy, refreshing, and profound it was for me to become an egalitarian and humanitarian, not to mention that, due to such truth, I'm a self-proclaimed "multi-cultural and social butterfly". Not because I am actually "multi-cultural" via DNA, but because I love all races, nations, and generations. That doesn't stop the truth from being true though! :P

So for those of you who may have gotten upset, uptight or skeptical, I say relax and be human. :)

I am Ceso Sprewell
Nasir Wali Muhsin

Hey! Don't forget to both comment and send your questions, concerns, comments, or even hate mail to me at:

Ceso Sprewell-Nasir Wali Muhsin #259325
Post Office Box 9900
Boscobel, Wisconsin 53805

Oh, and please tell your family, friends, co-workers, classmates, church, unmah, and neighbors about my blog. I dare you! :):P


Replies (4) Replies feed

Nasir Wali Muhsin Posted 12 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
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Afriqah Posted 12 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

Bro. Nasir,

Insha'Allah this will find you in the very best of iman and health.

Alhamdullilah! I find your blog to be quite interesting...your take on the Africans who were brought to this land. If I may I would like to add a few points to that insha'Allah.

When our forefathers were kidnapped,& truth be told, not all of them were,some were sold by US to THEM. Nevertheless, as they came to this foriegn place they were first stripped of their own identity...that being their heritage i.e. language,deen and culture.
The Black man was made to feel less than a man, less than a human being, by being beaten, beaten down as he watched his wife being "taken" literally raped by his "massa" & had no recourse in defending her honor except fear of death. The women in turn felt she "had to" oblige her massa to protect her family.
I don't agree that she felt her self-worth lie in how many children she bore, rather it was the circumstances she found herself in at that time.
For years, we stuggled to gain our independence. Whether it be collectivelly or on an individual basis. Mind you, we were set up against one another on the color scale...light skinned vs. brown skinned vs. dark skinned. Whatever your complexion determined how well you faired in society & that still is the case today.
Fastforward to the 20th century:The slave owners have had their foot in our necks all those years, physically & mentally. And now, some of us get a little something something, and here we go putting our foot on the necks of our own brotha's and sista's, not realizing that this was the plan of shaitan all along.

So here we are in the era of pimps, pimpettes,prostitutes,bootleggers,smackheads, number runners ect. It's every man/woman for themselves.Shaitan comes in & causes division in the family unit...how? Because the black man has been beat and beaten down through the years by his massa. He could'nt defend her then,& throughout time he did menial jobs to put food on the table, she ended up on the welfare rolls (another divisive plan of shaitan)so she began to BELIEVE she was the one who wore the pants since she got the food stamps/welfare check.

So not only has he,(the black man) been degraded by his massa he has now being degraded my his wife. She (his wife/woman) tells him "he ain't worth a hill of beans.
And look at our society because of this.Daddy doing his thang, trying to make a living for the family. Mama gotta go get on her grind and what happens to the children? Left to fend for themselves. Yet another cycle begins.

The pimp lurks in the shadows for the sista' who been beat down, who is so insecure in herself due to emotional tramas in her life, being told she ain't good for nothing but laying on her back....stemming from the days of slavery...never having anyone to love her as she should have been loved...he comes along with all the sweet talk & she falls for it.

Afriqah Posted 12 years, 11 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 11 months ago   Favorite
He saw his mama treat his daddy like he was less than a man, so he has decided that he's not going to be treated in the same manner. He's lazy, does'nt want to work and has seen the hustling game so he goes and puts on his $39 suit and lays in wait on that vunerable one to come his way. He finds his strength in preying on someone weaker than himself. She does'nt know that he's just as insecure as she is.

The drug user/abuser/alcholic are only looking to hide their fears/problem(s) rather than deal with them. Not realizing that when they come off that "high" their problem(s) are still remain. Just another day, same problem(s).

Na'um we have been an oppressed people since being brought to this land against our will. However, the blame cannot just be layed at the feet of those who brought us here. We have also oppressed each other or have ALLOWED others to oppress us. This being due to own defficiences, arrogance & weaknesses.

You are so right in your assesment when you speak of the need for us to stop contributing to the cultural & mental genocide of our people. But it goes even deeper than that. We also need to stop assisting the physical, emotional & social genocide as well.

Until we can look at ourselves, first as individuals, desiring & striving to fulfill that innate responsibility to our CREATOR, then learn to treat each other with respect, dignity,love & humility, only then will we be able to stop hating & killing one another. Making way for a better society for all, insha'Allah.
Just my perspective.

Your Sista' N Faith

Nasir Wali Muhsin Posted 12 years, 10 months ago.   Favorite
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