La Ron McKinley Bey
WSPF P.O. Box 9900
Bescobel Wisconsin 53805
June 11, 2012
To Allied Media Conference:
Among the most pressing issues that I think should be addressed and made an issue to media coverage are: 1) the psychological experimentation conducted againgst/upon many prisoners across Amourica, primarily, but not limited to, in superdark(sp?) and central unit prisons. Various forms of brainwashing under the false guise of "behaviour modifications" are being experimented with daily in their facilities. I myself have been the subject of several such FORCED experiments. Anyone interested to know more about my story should contact me. 2) there should be more proaction towards laws that provide elderly prisoners (those 50yrs or older who have served 15 or more years) to earn redemptive release by the sentencing court upon completion of intense rehabilitation courses administered by victims of crime and their families. For more info on this please contact me. 3) the support that i need that i am not getting is help with photocopying, typing, postal costs and supportive friends to let prison officials know that they are being scrutinized. 4) media should link with the small hardcore of national prison rights activists. they know the best use of media. sincerely La Ron McKinley Bey
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Replies (11)
Heritage Dictionary as:
1. To force to act or think in a certain
2. To dominate, restrain, or control by
3. To bring about by force.
Coercive psychological systems are
behavioral change programs which
use psychological force in a coercive
way to cause the learning and
adoption of an ideology or designated
set of beliefs, ideas, attitudes, or
behaviors. The essential strategy used
by the operators of these programs is
to systematically select, sequence and
coordinate many different types of
coercive influence, anxiety and stress-
producing tactics over continuous
periods of time.
In such a program the subject is
forced to adapt in a series of tiny
"invisible" steps. Each tiny step is
designed to be sufficiently small so
the subjects will not notice the
changes in themselves or identify the
coercive nature of the processes being
used. The subjects of these tactics do
not become aware of the hidden
organizational purpose of the coercive
psychological program until much
later, if ever. These tactics are usually
applied in a group setting by well
intentioned but deceived "friends and
allies" of the victim. This keeps the
victim from putting up the ego
defenses we normally maintain in
known adversarial situations.
The coercive psychological influence
of these programs aim to overcome
the individual's critical thinking abilities
and free will - apart from any appeal
to informed judgment. Victims
gradually lose their ability to make
independent decisions and exercise
informed consent. Their critical
thinking, defenses, cognitive
processes, values, ideas, attitudes,
conduct and ability to reason are
undermined by a technological
process rather than by meaningful
free choice, rationality, or the inherent
merit or value of the ideas or
propositions being presented.
How Do They Work?
The tactics used to create undue
psychological and social influence,
often by means involving anxiety and
stress, fall into seven main categories.
Increase suggestibility and "soften
up" the individual through specific
hypnotic or other suggestibility-
increasing techniques such
as:Extended audio, visual, verbal, or
tactile fixation drills, Excessive exact
repetition of routine activities, Sleep
restriction and/or Nutritional
Establish control over the person's
social environment, time and
sources of social support by a
system of often-excessive rewards
and punishments. Social isolation is
promoted. Contact with family and
friends is abridged, as is contact with
persons who do not share group-
approved attitudes. Economic and
other dependence on the group is
Prohibit disconfirming information
and non supporting opinions in
group communication. Rules exist
about permissible topics to discuss
with outsiders. Communication is
highly controlled. An "in-group"
language is usually constructed.
Make the person re-evaluate the
most central aspects of his or her
experience of self and prior conduct
in negative ways. Efforts are designed
to destabilize and undermine the
subject's basic consciousness, reality
awareness, world view, emotional
control and defense mechanisms. The
subject is guided to reinterpret his or
her life's history and adopt a new
version of causality.
Create a sense of powerlessness by
subjecting the person to intense and
frequent actions and situations which
undermine the person's confidence in
himself and his judgment.
Create strong aversive emotional
arousals in the subject by use of
nonphysical punishments such as
intense humiliation, loss of privilege,
social isolation, social status changes,
intense guilt, anxiety, manipulation
and other techniques.
Intimidate the person with the force
of group-sanctioned secular
psychological threats. For example, it
may be suggested or implied that
failure to adopt the approved attitude,
belief or consequent behavior will
lead to severe punishment or dire
consequences such as physical or
mental illness, the reappearance of a
prior physical illness, drug
dependence, economic collapse,
social failure, divorce, disintegration,
failure to find a mate, etc.
These tactics of psychological force
are applied to such a severe degree
that the individual's capacity to make
informed or free choices becomes
inhibited. The victims become unable
to make the normal, wise or balanced
decisions which they most likely or
normally would have made, had they
not been unknowingly manipulated
by these coordinated technical
processes. The cumulative effect of
these processes can be an even more
effective form of undue influence than
pain, torture, drugs or the use of
physical force and physical and legal
How does Coercive Psychological
Persuasion Differ from Other Kinds
of Influence?
Coercive psychological systems are
distinguished from benign social
learning or peaceful persuasion by the
specific conditions under which they
are conducted. These conditions
include the type and number of
coercive psychological tactics used,
the severity of environmental and
interpersonal manipulation, and the
amount of psychological force
employed to suppress particular
unwanted behaviors and to train
desired behaviors.
visualized in physical terms. In this
form it is easily definable, clear-cut
and unambiguous. Coercive
psychological force unfortunately has
not been so easy to see and define.
The law has been ahead of the
physical sciences in that it has allowed
that coercion need not involve
physical force. It has recognized that
an individual can be threatened and
coerced psychologically by what he or
she perceives to be dangerous, not
necessarily by that which is
Law has recognized that even the
threatened action need not be
physical. Threats of economic loss,
social ostracism and ridicule, among
other things, are all recognized by
law, in varying contexts, as coercive
psychological forces.
Why are Coercive Psychological
Systems Harmful?
Coercive psychological systems violate
our most fundamental concepts of
basic human rights. They violate rights
of individuals that are guaranteed by
the First Amendment to the United
States Constitution and affirmed by
many declarations of principle
By confusing, intimidating and
silencing their victims, those who
profit from these systems evade
exposure and prosecution for actions
recognized as harmful and which are
illegal in most countries such as:
fraud, false imprisonment, undue
influence, involuntary servitude,
intentional infliction of emotional
distress, outrageous conduct and
other tortuous acts.
Along with the voices telling me to kill myself, the stress, the programming (subliminal) the manipulation of my emotions, thoughts, reason, health, in fact most everything that makes me human is under assault by the “watchers”, the evil group that is carrying out these murderous deeds against humanity.
And as if that was not bad enough, I HAVE A LOUD, PAINFUL HIGH-FREQUENCY ‘SOUND’ being BEAMED INSIDE my BRAIN, BYPASSING my EARS & NORMAL ‘HEARING’ & being picked up as a NERVE SIGNAL in the part of my BRAIN that DECODES HEARING.
This “SOUND” CAN NOT BE BLOCKED OUT! Using earplugs or putting fingers in your ears WILL NOT WORK because the ‘SOUND’ IS not THE RESULT OF MOVING AIR.
The ‘SOUND’ I ‘hear’ may well be resulting from the ‘MICROWAVE HEARING EFFECT” where pulsed microwave electromagnetic radiation causes rapid heating & thus expansion of the parts in the ear causing a ‘CLICK’ to be ‘heard’. The rapidly repeated pulses of microwave radiation heating & cooling the sensitive mechanisms in the human ear is perceived as ‘sound’.
Either that or something even more advanced & sinister. Perhaps direct stimulation of the neurons in the section of the brain that converts the electrical impulses produced in the ear & sent over the nerves to the perception of sound in the brain.
Yes, once the patterns of input stimulation were mapped to neuronal firing in the brain by artificial intelligence running on super or even quantum computer platforms via FMRI or near infra-red imaging, etc, then direct to brain radio communication becomes a reality.
I am living proof of what happens when evil people get control of technology that, if used for GOOD INSTEAD OF EVIL, could make the world a better place for many, many people who suffer today.
I wanted to make a simulation of the remote neural high frequency attack torture that started several years ago, & that I am subjected to constantly to varying degrees. A demonstration where the viewer could FEEL & HEAR the sound as loudly as I do as well.
I used two oscillators to produce the simulation sound.
They were offset in frequency from each other by approx 100htz and were centered around approx. 5700 HTZ. Using two de-tuned oscillators caused a beat frequency, or a varying resulting tone, because of the destructive & constructive interference of the two sound sources as they bounce around the room, then combine in the microphone.
I also moved the sources about during recording to achieve a change in phase as well as fluctuations in tone.
I decided to base the simulation on a lower frequency tone that changed in pitch, tone, & phase for several reasons:
1.) As we get older, many people loose the ability to ‘hear’ higher frequency tones to varying degrees.
2.) different devices have varying ability to accurately record & reproduce these tones.
3.) RESONANCE occurs when a sound (kinetic energy through a medium) creates standing waves that reinforce(add) based on the size of the resonant cavity(ear/skull). Because everyone’s head/skull shape/size/volume/density varies, one is more likely to effectively ‘ring’ the natural ‘resonant frequency’ of the human ear/skull, thus giving a better chance of a wider range of listeners hearing high frequency resonance.
I speak about the effects of the attacks, the politics of EVIL, frequency range of human hearing, theories on the technology used, microwave hearing, mental & physical health effects, MORGELLONS nano-machine bio-weapon technology function, form, & effects, building semiconductor parts in the human body, adrenal burnout, depopulation, the system, cultists, the state of the world and my understanding of it, personal & global existentialism, the experience of discovering you have been used for trauma based human experimentation since birth, doctors, conspiracy, control, corruption, revolution, change, hopes & hopelessness, catholic charities, adoption, Freemasons, adoption, social responsibility, emotions, & more.
Tags: Timothytrespas, TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, TESTIMONY, mind control, morgellons, nanotechnology, torture, Illuminati, alien, SHTF, NWO, depopulation, torture, conspiracy, Mk-ultra, insects, infection, vector, pandemic, bio-weapon, holocaust, LSD, holocaust, gangstalking, LSD, gas-lighting, slander, sabotage, cointelpro, NSA, darpa, satellite, microwave, v2k, microwave hearing, voice to skull,remote neural,
Thank you for your interest and time.
Blessings and peace.