July 20, 2016

Re: Solitary Confinement, Mental Torture & Psychological Warfare

by LaRon McKinley Bey (author's profile)


La Ron Mckinley Bey
WCI - P.O Box 351
Waupun, WI 53963

July 15,2016
RE: Solitary Confinement, Mental Torture & Psychological Warfare

My Greetings:
After many months of neglecting my blog due to actually being consumed with protecting myself from an onslaught of psychological abuse in the form of classical and aversive, conditioning, employing many forms of noxious stimuli, and manipulation of the environment, by my wardens here at Waupun Correctional Institution's Restrictive Housing Unit (RHU/Seg Unit) in an effort to psychologically lash (punish) and coerce and otherwise torture me into some broken shell of a human being that they whimsically would have me be. But, I am well and have withstood all.

Enclosed I am submitting a 4 pg. article, The Mental Torture of American Prisoners: Cheaper Than Lab Rats Part II, and a 35


Replies (2) Replies feed

Ma-Shell-ArLa Posted 1 year, 10 months ago. ✓ Mailed 1 year, 10 months ago   Favorite
sHALOM blessed ramadam brother or achi in Hebrew. Manyof the black Hebrew IsrELITES have sold out. I am with Immortal Technique whose lyrics I told you about. King SElassie I Jha rastafari is my father. Same as him I am here to reunite jews chrsitians and muslims. Everything I wrote to you when I was diagnosed dire gnosis is more or less true, The Holy Spirit RUWAH in hebrew She will guide you in all chokmah wisdom and truth emet. Remeber YESHUA JESUS ISA PROMISED US IT OWULD SET US FREE. STILL ISLAM SUBMISSION TO ALLAH ALA IS ETHIOPIAN FOR FATHER GOD ET-HOPI-AN NOT OF THIS WORLD LIKE OUR LEADER. HOPI NATIVE AMERICAN HAVE PROPHECY OF ME A TRUE WHITE BROTHER COMES TO HELP GET THEIR LAND BACK. LIKE RED ELK TESTIFY IM A SISTER. MY FATHER KNEW OF SHAYTAN WICKED PLANS TO MAKE FAKE WHITE MAN JESUS WHO IS CESEAR BORGIA A ROMAN POISONERS SON. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH HERE I SEE YOU NOT WROTE FOR AGES. MAYBE YOU WAS IN THE HELL REALMS WITH ME AND KING DAVID. GO TO jahtruth.com you will see the truth about Ireland and the tribe of dan. Blak folks ha 400 years of slavery for breaking the laws statues and commandments. Irish had 800 years of brit oppression cos were first to do idol worship. my family ex daughter ex mum etc with mary magalene who betrayed Messiah. we stan with Tec some of the noongars in australia who are tribe of Ruben. be ready He is visitning us all in the dream zone. Pretty sure we all ready been to hell like Quran says I can send Bibles and qurans etc. Insha Allah we see you soon. Blessings from michelle now spelt Ma-Shell-ArLa tiochardi ar la irish for our day has come. its international if you want it claim it.

jonnysmither Posted 1 year, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 1 year, 5 months ago     1 Favorite
mckinley...sunrise...you shot that cop in your failed attempt to escape custody...you got that black female deputy 15 years cuz you got in her head...you were on a robbery spree back in the 80's thankfully the cops intervened..you victimized innocent people(White people that you hate) and you stabbed that co in north program with a chicken bone...who had the gun to your head forcing you to commit crime that you knew was wrong? no one.stop whining and man the fuck up...youda robbed me i'd kill ya point blank then i'd be the one cryin like a bitch about conditions of confinement

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