Aug. 8, 2012

God's Not Through With Me Yet!

by LeVar E. Jones (author's profile)


Wrote on 11-11-08 God's Not Through With Me Yet! By LeVar E. Jones

Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to die?
Why should I keep fighting, when death comes like a thief in the night
The face of the devil, still haunts me in my sleep.
the grim reaper is waiting for me, and stand guard by my feet.
my mind is warped, and my time is of the essence,
The devil sends his troops to get me, I constantly feel his presence
I cry for help, but it seems my prayers get answered late
is it the devil telling me that? or do I really lack the faith?
I wake up day after day, after dreaming about things I fear,
I sweat in my sleep, and its the grim reaper's voice I hear.
Is my mind playing tricks on me, is God teaching me a lesson?
are my prayers getting answered, can I get answers to my question
Dreams are about bad things that I know the devil sent,
instead of receiving happiness, torture is my punishment.
When I die I know that my body wont be wrecked with pain,
no more heartache, being homeless in the rain,
no more sadness and no misery left to gain.
So why am I fighting? so people can talk about what I done?
and I'm broke, so what can I leave to my son?
My mind is tangled up, and it seems I began to stray,
God shakes His head at me because I moved so far away.
Why am I fighting, even though my pillow stay wet?
there's a blessing waiting, cause God's not through with me yet.


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@transcribeNa Posted 4 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I found your poem very interesting and heartfelt.

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