Aug. 18, 2012

Do Not Entertain The Devil

From African Rhapsody by X-ray-Robinson (author's profile)

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OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
I too, did not get mentally aware of the things I should have long ago appreciated and held onto/noticed years before, etc until wallowing in the dirt and misery of rock bottom for many years myself. This piece literally left me speechless for now and that barely happens with my replies and comments to the blogs I read on here. I will comment in a better more detailed fashion later on, but wanted to let you know that I too did not just get lucky and receive the blessings that were put upon me to learn to work with and use as time went on in my life, I had to go through the hell and suffering to come to my senses first. As nothing is ever easy, nor do I expect it to be that way. Like I said though, overall Im speechless because so much jumped out at me in your words on this post so Ill give a more coherent reply later (smile)- leaving me speechless is pretty hard so feel special! Thanks alot XRAY, you have been a lifesaver for me during my time(s) lately that I have almost slipped up and went back to only relying on my feelings and not my mind AND heart AND soul and the TOOLS/GIFTS I was given from above to work with when I learned how best to do so..... and when you mentioned that among other things, for once I will not be typing a 3000 letter reply (smile) like Im known for doing on this website! Never change, and keep the truth where it matters- in your heart and passing it into the hearts of those who are lost and DONT WANT TO BE LOST as some do. Wow, I am still just overall speechless when it comes to what I really wish to share right now, but there is so much to say that you mentioned that I relate to. Much Luv, C.C.

OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
I believe that some of the truly best places one can spiritually and mentally be at peace in life are also the hardest to reach, yet when we finally arrive all seems to finally make sense as to WHY? Its as if after a lifetime of climbing a rough mountain, you finally reach the right spot and you learn to use your past pain in a positive way. As long as you have the heart and open your mind and soul to what is calling you out of your own personal created Hell you are dwelling in, its an open invitation for all of us here on Earth. And totally worth the long road traveled to get there and not give up when things arent revealed to us quickly as we impatiently wish they would be. -C.C.

X-ray-Robinson Posted 12 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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