Aug. 30, 2012
by William D. Linley (David) (author's profile)



Hello World!

First silver medal won for the U.S.A. today in archery. Yay! U.S.A. ...Yaay! I'd love to be in London right now. A Guinness sure sounds good. Is that one "n" or two? No matter...

Today was the first day I made it out of the yard for exercise in two months. I've been skipping yard and lunches, and starting my day at 6 AM to do legal work. Sometimes spending 8-10 hours working. How dull! mostly I'd get a good solid four hours to work.

I know a guy who just received 10 years back from his appeal and I am so envious. I'm more happy for him, of course. It's just that he hasn't lifted a finger in the effort. I've worked hundreds of hours and spent hundreds of dollars.

Day 2 on the yard. I need it.

Had an annual physical two weeks ago. They simply check vitals, eye test, I.B. test, and blood work for cholesterol. But it's still worthwhile. So today I visited the doctor to conclude my physical. He says, "You're getting fat. Eat better and go to the yard." Okay... The mirror's been telling me that for two years.



Replies (1) Replies feed

Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
There's nothing like a medical degree to help you to state the obvious though ;)

& yes; Guinness has 2 N(s)

I wish you well with your appeal. If you achieve 10 years back, you'll live with the satisfaction of knowing your efforts were all worthwhile. I'm sure your freedom is worth the effort.


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