Sept. 30, 2012

Time For Another Installment

by Joe Gaillard (author's profile)


Time For Another installment of life in the big house. I guess it's actually past time, but as I've said before I've always been a procrastinator. You would think (and you would be right) that with this much time on my hands that I would be better at getting things done in a timely fashion, but it would seem that I'm hopeless in this department.

It still seems a little redundant to me to have clocks in prison. Most guys in here measure time in years or decades, some of the lucky ones in days and months. So watching the clock tick off seconds, minutes or hours doesn't make a lot of sense to me. There is 86,400 seconds in a day, trust me, it gets boring watching them.

Have you noticed how I've used the words redundant and procrastinator and mentions the seconds in a day? You can't hide genius. (Does the fact that I misspelled Genius give it away that this statement was a joke?)

I want to wish Shannon a happy 50th birthday! Fifty is a milestone, it's when you stop and contemplate where your going to end up, also a time ti reflect. I suppose you should have a list of things to do by fifty, then make a list of things to do after fifty. Examples: before fifty, raise family, save some money for later list, floss, exercise, eat healthier, stay out of jail (O.K. that one was for me.) After fifty: I guess you could call it a bucket list, travel, spoil grand kids, etc.

As I've said before, I like to think I can pass on some bits of wisdom by now. I've tried to teach me girls some but I know I failed in many areas. If some of it comes in handy I guess it wasn't a big loss. Like putting the toilet paper so that it runs under the roll, not over the top. And at least to this one, stir your chocolate milk. Then reverse to counter-clockwise, two areas of importance that you can use all your life and hopefully pass on to the next generation.

As I've said before, most older guys in here, after a handful of years, feel that we are now qualified to be the next Guru on top of the mountain, we can answer most of life's Difficult questions. A kid asked me the other day if I take the Bible literally, as Christians we are proud to say yes. But this can lead to "trap questions." I spotted this particular question as one of those traps. That's when they bring up something like "Can do anything?" The Bible says that nothing is impossible for God. But the trick Question will be "can he make a rock so big that he can't lift it?" Or Ps:91:4, He shall cover you with his feathers... We know God doesn't have feathers. But I don't mind when these guys try to trick me or make fun of me, because it opens the door to talk about the Lord with them. I do tell them that I believe the Bible was inspired by God. The words "inspired" comes from the Greek word meaning 'God Breathed.' So God breathed into man what he wanted written. That's beautiful thought isn't it? They tell you God works in mysterious ways, they just don't tell you how mysterious those ways can be.

I suppose "they" also tell you things when your young that may not be entirely honest. Things like- When you grow up you can be president, they just don't tell you that it's president of a fan club. Oh the things we learn in life.

I put in for a program they offer at Kirkland from Columbia International University. It's a two year program going to school full time to get your associates degree. It's a Bible based college that designed this program for inmates. It's offered free of charge to inmates who meet all the requirements who want to better themselves and minister to other inmates. In addition to speech, writing, literature, mathematics, philosophy, etc. We get New Testament, Old Testament, Bible Discipleship, Bible Interpretation, Biblical Exegesis and Exposition, Romans, Ethics and Sanctification, evangelism and Discipleship, Plus several other and three different workshops.

It is a wonderful opportunity and I ask for your prayers in being selected. Hosea 4:6 starts off by saying 'my people are destroyed by lack of knowledge in the word and in secular studies is not wasted time, we need to be effective in sharing his love with others and I believe this will deninitely help me in ministering to others.
Once again, your in my prayer, andI do thank you for putting me in yours. Also pray for this Blog site to remain open, there's talk fo S.C. shutting it down.

With Love,


Replies (7) Replies feed

jennymac207 Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hello Joe! Enjoy reading your blog. We are praying that you will soon be starting your new program. God has a plan for you and I think He will open all the door for you to learn all you can. Just hang in there. Take care of yourself and know that we love you and are praying for you.God bless you. Aunt Jenny

lmason41 Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hello my son as always enjoyed your blog. It is so nice to read on writing on the internet I am so thankful for this blog site. We are still much in prayer for you class I am sure God is in control and we just have to trust. I am in RI it has been raining and quiet cold but you know I am cold at 7o degrees. I am having a good time looking forward to your call on wednesday and the next time you call I will be home. You sure get treated good here always wanting to do for you and wait on you not use to that but maybe I could get use to it. Getting ready to go out so I will close with telling you how much I love you. You are the best and I am so proud of you.
I really enjoyed our visit sat. before last I think Bobby really enjoyed coming down to see you. He said he was not going to wait that long again.
Remember you are always on my heart and in my prayers.
I love you Very Much!

vmatheson78 Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
I enjoyed transcribing this post. You have a delightful sense of humor and I will keep you in my prayers.

MaryLsamples Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hey, Brother
Its about time you wrote again I enjoy reading your blogs. I really have been missing you Mom and I were just planning a visit soon and of course Mike and I will be there for thanksgiving
I love you so much I am praying for you to go to this school! How is your Hebrew coming along.I am real happy to hear that you may be teaching some bible studies I know that would be a blessing.Keep the faith and we will see you soon .

Love always Mary one of your favorite sisters!!

JoG Posted 12 years, 4 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 4 months ago   Favorite
Hi Daddy,

You'll probably never know how much wisdom you actually passed on to us. Even if most of it was probably unintentional or through your mistakes that I learned some of my best lessons. For instance--the biggest thing that kept me from any experimentation in drugs and alcohol was the fact that I knew you'd catch me. Or the fact that you planted the seed of my love of fantasy and science fiction.

And yes, I still make my chocolate milk the way you taught me. It's a reflex. I don't think I can make it any other way. :)

Can't wait to see you at Christmas. At least it's only a few months away.

Love always--Amanda Jo

timb12957 Posted 12 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Hey Joe, it has been too long since I have been down to see you. I really want to before long. Mama had me send you a book from Barnes and Noble, hope you have it by now and that it is something you will enjoy. Johnny asked me just today if any of us was still in touch with you, and I told him I had been down several times to see you. I also told him about this blog, but he doesn't mess with computers. Hope your spirits are up and you health is good! Love you man! Tim Blackwell

Drwitt Posted 10 years, 5 months ago. ✓ Mailed 10 years, 5 months ago   Favorite
Hi Joe,

I found your blogs on another persons Facebook. I enjoyed reading them and am happy that God is using you in such a way to inspire others. I pray God comforts you and continues to provide a light for you there.

Take care,

David Witt

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