June 18, 2016

The Lost Of Both Mother & Father

by Joe Gaillard (author's profile)


Joe Gaillard / 613

A while back, I wrote a tribute to my father who passed away twenty years ago. We lost our mother this past year on Dec. 21, 2015 and I would like to share with you a little about her.

Growing up, I always felt like Dad was my best friend. I just didn't feel as close to Mom. I loved her and I know she loved me, but we were just not that close. It took a lot of years for me to realize how much I cheated myself out of a beautiful relationship!

After my arrest in 2007, we became very close. We started to talk, really talk. I learned a lot about my mother during these conversations. My family has always dealt with issues by pretending they never existed.

I learned some things I didn't know, and I learned more of some traits that I was already aware of. Some things I found out through others writing to me about all that Mom meant to them. I always knew she had a heart bigger than her little frame should be able to support. Her generosity touched many lives. She spent many, many hours at the food bank, visiting the sick, and volunteering at church. Even if she was extremely tired, if someone called, she would go. After she retired and was on a fixed income, she would often use her own money to supply others' needs.

Through our many conversations over the past nine years, we not only grew the bond between mother and child, but we also became friends. I knew there would come a day in here that I would lose her. I just wish it wasn't so soon. We spent these nine years healing and growing closer, yet it seems only yesterday. We loved and cherished our time together that our four hour visits felt more like four minutes.

When I was arrested, she knew I would need an anchor, someone to help keep me sane (or as sane as one can be here). She threw herself in that role and I thank her so much. These years would definitely been much harder without her.

I believe one day we will be able to go on that picnic we talked of often. Until that day, I will miss her terribly. I am so thankful for our time together and I know Heaven is a little brighter since one of its stars came home. I love you, Momma, more than I can pen into words. I love you.

Please note address: Joe Gaillard 331557
Lieber Ci SB-27
P.O. Box 205
Ridgeville, SC 29472


Replies (1) Replies feed

flynnamy82 Posted 8 years, 8 months ago. ✓ Mailed 8 years, 8 months ago   Favorite
I just asked faith about you! Happy Father's Day! You were an incredible example of a father to me when Faith and I were at NGU. I am sorry to hear of the passing of your mom. I cant imagine the pain and how hard it is. Man, Faith's kiddos are precious. To catch up with me I have a 10 year old and a 4 year old...both boys! Still teaching as well. I think of you often and apologies i do not do my share of letting you know. You are a jewel! Amy Fowler Flynn

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