Oct. 12, 2012

Comment Response

From The Novelist Portent by Johnny E. Mahaffey (author's profile)
This post is in reply to comments on:  Hunting Endangered Species: Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! thumbnail
Hunting Endangered Species: Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
(June 17, 2012)


September 18, 2012

My dearest Ellie

Believe it or not, I just received a copy of your comment. You posted it at the end of June, BTW printed and mailed me a copy less than a week later (which is normal by the way), it was post-dated on July 9th; but the prison will sometimes hold back mail to investigate it -- by sending it to the SCDC headquarters -- especially when it's something printed from a computer and looks to be from the internet. They just want to make sure we're not doing anything we shouldn't, that might be illegal. Unfortunately, but understandably, this was done with an envelope containing some of my June responses -- but the SCDC committee has now reviewed it, along with the rest of this blog too, I'm sure, and has officially stamped it giving me a paper with their approval for BTW mail.

The committee stamped it on September 14th.

I got it today.

So, now I'm finally knowledgeable of your post and can comment to your comment:

I watch PBS a good bit, I like the foreign news much better than the local. I watch the German, the Japanese, and the British news shows almost daily; plus any episode of Nova, especially those dealing with astrophysics or quantum mechanics. I grew up watching things like Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" and things like National Geographic. There's a show coming on PBS tonight called "Death and the Civil War: American Experience: The Civil War death toll and how it affected the nation's psyche".

I just love to learn.

You asked why your middle name "Anne" has an "E" at the end, and you say, "it's really odd."

Well, believe it or not "Ann" is a male name, and "Anne" is a female name. And no, I'm not making that up. I have a book I use for my writing called: "The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook: Second Edition" by Sherrilyn Kenyon (author of the "Dark-Hunter" series), and it even agrees with me on this -- Anne is supposed to have an "E" when used for a girl.

From page 119: Anna, Anne, Anja, Anneli, Anni, Annikki, Annukka, Anu -- grace

Listed under Female in the Finnish section

From page 184: Ann, Anne, Ane, Annie, Anny, Ayn, Anna, Ana, Annette, Anetta, Anita, Anitra, Annora, Anais, Antje, Ance, Aneta, Anka, and the list goes on, plus it means the same thing: "grace", here it's listed under Female in the Hebrew section.

All the entries for "Ann" directly, and there four pages of them, one on page 220 being in the Irish section for Male names, having Ann as meaning "priceless" and a "form of Anthony". In German, Ann is also Male meaning "name of a King". Plus in Anglo-Saxon section it's listed as Male. So, really it's good that you have the "E" at the end.

Keep posting, I love you and will respond the moment I get them.

Love Dad.


Replies (2) Replies feed

Eleanor_Anne Posted 12 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Thank you. An I'll respond whenever I can. lol I'm in social studies learnin the states an its capitals(again). I'm typen this on Halloween. Tonight I'm gunna be hanging out with my friends possibly gunna scare the otherns. But not the lil ones. That would be mean. Only the kids our age or older. It's gunna be fun so yay. :( downside is that connor wouldn't be with me. :) good thing is that Mickie won't either. She gets on my nervz. Well I would talk more but i'd prefer to get an A by listenin then to get an F cuz I was bein ignorant. Bye Bye. Love ya and have a wonderful week

Eleanor_Anne Posted 12 years, 3 months ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years, 3 months ago   Favorite
Hmm...you probably want to read much from me so i figured i might as well just tell you about TSS. TSS is short for Teton Science School. On Oct. 14 I left to go there. While there our class room was outside. The great Teton is beautiful. It is REALLY different compered to the Smoky Mountains. The Smoky's are eroded down while the Tetons are tall and jagged from the glaciers. We played some really fun team building games.One game included Lava River its when you try to get at the other side of a distance. The only way to cross the river is if you are standing on a mat. If you are not touching the mat then it floats down the river. The other game was peanut butter river. In order to cross the river, you have to be wearing Joshes(our teacher) hat. I crossed the river by having Colter give me a piggy back ride.It was really fun going on long hikes. My favored day was Wednesday. We got rained on. My pants was soaked and my shirt dry. Funny thing is that after it stopped raining i took my jacket off and found a rainbow on it. It was really weird but its cool too. Hmm...Well I'm bored of talkin' bout TSS. Today is the day after Halloween. I was Yesterday. I'm tryin' ta send ya a pic of me and Weston but it won't let me. Weston wants me to talk 'bout him but I don't think you'd like ta hear 'bout him. All I can say is Halloween was awesome and funny. Awesome cuz I got to hang out with my buddz. Funny cuz Weston was trying to put smarties in my hand...it took him an hour and STILL failed. In math He tried again when we were finished. He ended up leaving to Basketball practice very irritated. hehehe I love getting on his nerves. Okay well I need to go. I gotta catch a bus and ask Wes 'bout his practice. Goo bye and love you lots

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