Dec. 1, 2012

Family Photo's

by Donald Tinsley (author's profile)


"Family Photos"


I'm enclosing a photo of me, my brother Levi and my brother's wife, Robin. This photo was taken in March of 2002 at Pelican Bay State Prison. As soon as I can I will post a recent photo of myself. I am being told that I look the same so I guess I am lucky to have it like that. At this time I don't have a lot of family photos that I can part with. I can post all of the ones that I have but I don't have the stamps to send the company to have them mail the photos back to me. I'm not the kind of person to ask anyone to send me stamps in the mail. Postage is costly these days and the economy stinks so I just can't see myself asking someone to send me a book of stamps that cost $8.80 a book. I'm allowed 2 books of stamps in each letter, that's what, $17.60, that's a lot. Besides the cost of postage, it's not my style to ask citizens for a free hand out. By the way, it may sound strange to you when I say that I'm not a citizen of this wonderful country but I'm not. I'm property of the state of CA, I'm owned by the CA Dept. of Corrections. Actually, if you want to get technical, I'm owned by the BPT - Board of Prison Terms. They work for CDC The State of CA. The BPT will decide whether I die in here or not. One day I will go in front of the BPT and they will decide whether I'm suitable for parole or not. So till they give me a parole date, and the gov. of CA don't fight it, I'm state property. Also till that day comes I'm still being held hostage. The photo or photos that I'm posting at this time will be posted and then disposed of because I don't have stamps to have the photos mailed back to me. Between the Bars have put up my blog for free and I'm grateful to them 4 that but I can't expect them to post photos I send in to be posted and pay postage to send the photos back to me. It's cool, and I can part with the photos I'm posting in the future. I plan on posting lots of photos of family, friends and of course, myself. My plan is to post plenty of photos of me so I can meet a nice lady. I have been single for 19 years due to be being locked up for 19. It's very hard to meet females when you're in the joint. Not to mention when females hear that I have a life sentence, they shy away from me. I understand that. Relationships are hard enough sometimes and then add being behind bars, that's usually a deal breaker. A relationship with a state prisoner can be good for both parties, it's just a matter of how you look at it. For the female it's very hard on her emotionally and without a doubt, physically. Lifers are not allowed family visits or night visits.

Inmates who have a parole date do get family visits. The thing with me is I want to become friends first then if she can deal with my life sentence then a relationship can be an option. Right now, it's count time so I will write more later.

Today is Wed Nov 14th and all is well here. I can't seem to find all the photos of my people so I will just post one of my favourites. It's me, my brother Levi and my sister in law, Robin. It was taken at the visiting room at Pelican Bay in March 2002. Recently after taking this photo, I started growing my hair and haven't cut it since. As soon as I can come up with more family photos I will be sure and post them. After doing all this time that I have done, a lot of my family have passed away so I don't have any photos left. I'll be sure and post them as Robin mails them to me.

Write more soon




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