5th Blog Post:
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The Black Power Network Movement
A Movement to Record and Celebrate Black Excellence and Achievement Around The World
Be A Part of An Elite Movement, A New Awakening
Do you believe some black Americans have an inferiority complex? We think some do. It seems all they do is blame, criticize, condemn and complain to others for past grievances and atrocities. While some of the complaints may be very valid, what do they do to solve Black America's problems? We think we have the solution.
Media pages, YouTube accounts, Black Power Network Movement blogs, chatrooms and websites.
We respectfully ask that you allow our logo to be the symbol of Black excellence and achievement in the 21st century. Above all else, we ask that you please only focus on positive Black individual and group accomplishments.
2. Then support your new black movement by going to our new limited edition Black Cultural Luxury Branded Merchandise and Apparel store at www.cafepress.com/BlackPowerEx and buy some of our limited edition merchandise and apparel. We are going to use the profits from our store to build our local black community websites in every city in every country where there are black people exhibiting excellence and achievement in their lives.
It is crucial that you support this new movement by buying merchandise and apparel from our new limited edition black cultural Luxury Branded Merchandise and Apparel store at www.cafepress.com/BlackPowerEx.
3. Most importantly, tell your family and friends about the BlackPowerNetwork Movement. Tell them about this new movement to record and celebrate black cultural excellence and black cultural achievement around the world. Please tell them about the limited edition www.cafepress.com/BlackPowerEx store Ask them to support our new movement. Please build a link to this story and send it around. Then come back to this blog and post what you did by clicking the "your contributions" buttons on the menu so that we can catalog who has done the most work in helping to build this movement.
The Black Power Network Movement is going to build a cultural phenomenon that will serve as the standard bearer for black individual and group greatness. This black excellence and achievement movement will be historic. This is your chance to be a part of a movement that will help black men, women and children achieve greatness. This movement will help other blacks by inspiring and motivating them when they feel discouraged and stressed. Picture what this movement could do when millions of black men, women and children have a 21st century black movement to use for their own inspiration and motivation.
When you join this new and historic movement, you specifically will be remembered for helping to build, motivate and inspire millions of black men, women and children to strive to do and be their best. Most importantly, you will have the power to set the black cultural agenda for the future.
Build Black Power Network Movement social media pages, go to www.cafepress.com/BlackPowerEx and buy some of our limited edition merchandise and apparel. Tell your family and friends about the Black Power Network Movement to record and celebrate black excellence and black achievement around the world. After you've read this blog please post to us if you like and agree with this idea and movement and if you think it will work. Be prepared for future postings.
Thank you
Black Power Network Movement
2011 aug 30
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