Feb. 11, 2013
by Bobby Villado (author's profile)



I was watching the show 20/20 on Friday which showed the road to entering Mrs. America, even saw the first hour of it, and was struck by numerous things I couldn't help but contemplate the thought that as a - "showcase" of women (cause that's basically what is is) what does it say about them? What 'status' does that bestow upon them? And more exactly, is that something young girls should aspire to be?

Now some people would argue that a beauty pageant is not a sexist, patriarchal, exploitative or degrading business, but the reality is it is all these things. Let us look at the sexist part of it. Discrimination: now ain't it awkward, perhaps that's too nice a word, ain't it ironic that a supposedly "platform" for progress, in which women showcase their talent is ultimately a notion that, "hey, if you have a pretty face, nice slim waist and good body" you could win and have all the privileges that come with winning? More "opportunities" open up for women in a number of fields, to say a couple; porn, modelling, stripper, trophy wife, etc, etc. All these are superficial in that they allow the 'superficial.' There's no meaning to these endeavour besides their discrimination. That's to say there's no other market for women besides 'their' role.

Patriarchy: It's no secret that men are the dominant sex of our species. But let me be brief with this one and give the most patriarchal of all. The supposed "God." Hey, "he£ (why is it a 'he' anyways?) made (again supposedly) women for man's comfort and companion. Think about it.

Exploitative: How many times would a man (better word is boy) take advantage of a women? How many times is a woman coerced into sex? Taken advantage of due to her physical strength not on par with his? Prostitution they say, is the world's oldest professional (take note profession, what does that entail?). What more extortive, exploitation can there be? Time after time men will take advantage of women for many things, often, to the disadvantage of her. Then there's the whole issue of make-up too. Not only is it a billion dollar industry, it fives confidence to women, thereby saying that there's no beauty unless you have make-up on. Most men get the impression that a woman without make-up is ugly and when they do have make-up they're beautiful. How backwards is that?

Degrading: What is it to degrade someone but to show them that they are pitiful, puny, docile and only worth so much? How degrading is it when a woman is raped? To know that she has been taken advantage of, innocence ripped from her. Funny that America is #1 in porn, both ways as consumer and maker, what else to turn to then the selling of the body of pay. The 'legal' prostitution. The degrading of women where 'hardcore' porn is the norm, where bodily fluids whether it be pee or sperm at thrown at women and it's supposed to be a good experience of the man. You say to someone who has crashed and is drunk "you're fucked" or anything that's negative or has no good outcome, out comes the phrase "you're fucked." For some reason though men say and refer it to women all the time..."Oh yeah, I'm gonna fuck her tonight," "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of her." Yet, referring it to women is as normal as cheese in a grill cheese. Then the issue of abortion comes in. Why is it that women can't have the sole authority of their bodies? Why is abortion illegal? What does it say when a women can't make the choice of being a mother and is forced into it? What kind of society criminalises abortion? A foetus is not a baby and abortion should not carry the burden of stigmatisation.

Women are seen as second class species to men. Men carry the notion (and a deep one at that) that due to them having a penis and not having to sit down to piss, makes them superior to women. That due to strength and other physical abilities they're behind men. The status of women as such as secondary. Take the nurse and secretary for example. And on the other hand "roles" that are theirs for the keeping as far as motherhood, childbearing and caretakers. Some argue that this is their nature, their role in life and should not be changed. And with good reason! Patriarchy, as top 'dog' in the say - so of the world will lose his position if their is true equality between the sexes. It is a low blow to a man's ego if he gets beaten up by a woman, why?

I cannot say that women have been given accommodations and concessions because I'll sound like a complete idiot. That does not negate the fact that, as before, as still, certain roads are easily accessible to women. Modelling, porn and other types of 'showcase platforms' take the cake though.

Young children will find a hero or role-model and wish to aspire to be just like them. For boys, the obvious "superhero" will do, as a fireman and policeman. For young girls a teacher, nurse, princess of some far-away land, perhaps Sailor Moon. As youths, we're conditioned to conform to societal standards. Blue is for boys and pink for girls, deviation from this path is locked upon as abnormal or weird. Is there anything wrong with a girl playing with Barbies? What's the problem with wanting to be Snow White? Hoping for a chance like Cinderella to have her Prince Charming? Yes, actually there is. All these are second to the man! One need only await to have her fairytale come true to find that prince. All this gives the perception and impression to young girls that men are the dominant ones. Just look at the average household where the male is the "man of the house." Want to go back to roles and talk on how the "father" is a demi-god? Oh yeah, that "father" in Heaven too. And when it comes to sex with the 'daddy' being dominant and having a role. And the bad girl, the school girl, cheerleader, nurse, teacher, on and on. The salaciousness of provocative clothing? The fetishising and eroticising of young girls? The language, culture, need more be said.

Being a model, porn star, a beauty pageant or any such roles that give credence to their roles should not be idolised or to be something to aspire to. For cue, it boosts and furthers patriarchy. For two, their detrimental to not only women but the world. For three, these are constructs that have been invented to degrade, debase and lower the status of women. What would this writing be without mention of the upcoming pageant beauty queen "Honey-Boo-Boo?" Look at how young girls are viewed and treated. What does that give the impression of? I'm not just bashing the present/past without suggesting as to how these issues can be solved. Well, for starters women must be at the forefront of this issue. Feminist must come out boldly and educate the coming of age/present men. Pseudo-feminism will not do and a radical leap is needed to bring about the emancipation of women. Oh, yeah, you didn't know they needed freeing. Most importantly though the social relations, which commodify everything (Capitalism) must cease to exist. The way things stand today only hampers what can be a truly liberating society, moreover, world. A lot of people don't view it as such then again, a lot of people don't know reality, nah, they refuse to see its true face. We'll get nowhere in a carriage with the cart in front of the horse. For as long as women are held-under, so in humanity. I'll end with this quote:

"Look at all these beautiful children who are female in the world. And in addition to all the other outrages which I have referred to, in terms of children throughout the slums and shantytowns of third world, in addition to all the horrors that heaped on them - the actual living in garbage and human waste in the hundreds of millions as their faith, laid out before them, yes, even before they are born - there is, on top of this, for those children who are born female, the horror of everything that this world will bring simply because they are female in a world of male domination. And this is true not only in the third world. In "modern" countries like the U.S. as well, the statistics barely capture it, the millions who will be raped, the millions more who will be routinely demeaned, deceived, degraded, and all too often brutalised by those who are supposed to be their most intimate lovers; the way in which so many [women[ will be shamed, hounded and harassed if they seek to exercise their reproductive rights through abortion, or even birth control, the many who will be forced into prostitution and pornography; and all those who - if they do not have that particular fate, and even if they achieve some success in this "new world" where supposedly there are no barriers for [women] - will be surrounded on every side, and insulted at every moment, by a society and a culture which degrades [women], on the streets, in the schools and workplaces, in the home, on a daily basis and in countless way."

-Bob Avakian


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Bobby Villado Posted 11 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
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