The Science of Machines
As we perceive the vision of a mechanism at work, the first thing we must take into consideration is the mind itself! The original man's mind was, is, and shall ever be the very first engine in operation since it gained the advantage to do so through supreme wisdom. That A.T.O.M. excited labor from its proton, neutron, and electron components. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that time equals motion which subsequently creates existence. Thus the same cycle in do time space and matter brought the physical being to the scene, e.g. ARM, LEG, LEG, ARM, HEAD (ALLAH). Zooming in on our modern day and time; we, the students of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad follow the course and path of unique building (architecture). We must continue to be the original levers and fulcrums in order to get the proper work done to live in an active God-orchestrated society. If we breath, blink, walk, nod, turn, talk, jump, bind, stretch, twist, etc., we must bring a new creation into existence. The first "egg" is a work in progress. Let us reflect and remember the significance of going through pain via means of hard labor. This is why the actual development of a project in progress is symbolically defined as a "her" or "woman" because of the pain the woman goes through when pregnant and in labor to bring new life into the world. So start to put forth new gods by the works of our hands, which are naturally machines. How else will we build a nation?
By: Bro. Wazir Khalil Allah
All praise due to Allah.
W.F. Muhammad. (*)
2013 mar 21
2013 mar 21
2013 mar 13
2013 mar 1
2013 mar 1
2013 feb 17
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