Feb. 23, 2013

Democrat Or Republican

by Jesse Wilson (author's profile)



These politicians shame the American people's intelligence with their childish antics. It just seems ludicrous the things voters allow them to get away with. I understand why it's possible but I do not grasp why it has worked for so long. It's possible because the people are manipulated with this partisan pride nonsense.

Obviously I'm not the brightest of men, I have tattoos in my face, I'm locked in a cage. But even I can see how this will end if it is not reined in, BADLY.

While the politicians play these petty games sniping at one another, striving to gain points, boasting & bragging, the richest country in the world is borrowing money to pay its bills. People are without work, going hungry and even homeless, the infrastructure is crumbling or outdated. School systems falling behind the rest of the world. Men & women dying and killing in wars that cost billions of dollars a year, wars that from my small mind's point of view make no real sense. Terrorism doesn't seem to be something you can fight like Nazism. Seems more sensible to fight it through intelligence gathering & sharing, using smaller smarter forces to eliminate them where they are found. Occupying countries does not seem to be working.

Anyway, what I'm saying is this does not seem to be progress. Our politicians sicken me with their games. We are members of one nation, Democrat or Republican. What does it matter who comes up with a bill that pushes the country forward, as long as it betters our nation. Divide and conquer works, history shows that. We are dividing ourselves. What follows?

I do not see how this can continue. It is up to voters to change it. The politicians have got to work together as one. Sure, they will not agree on everything, nobody does, but some things are just obvious. I mean, come on.

Anyway, what do I know. Just putting some thoughts out there. Probably need to stop listening to the news so much. :)



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