Feb. 23, 2013


by Nasir Wali Muhsin (author's profile)



By: Nasir Wali Muhsin!

OK! So today I woke up with the most profound question on my mind. Notably it was a question that I myself could find no clear and/or correct answer to, so I took the question abroad - well, not so much as abroad like around the world but to a few of my fellow comrades and associates, but despite all of our collective brainstorming, elaborate dictionaries and dialogue we still fell short of an answer to such a profound question!...

Surely by now you're wondering what this question is that got over 30 men thus far or that I know of perplexed!! Actually I'm not a gambling man but if I were I'd put up top dollar and say that you could ask 1,000 men and ironically 1,000 (women) this question and you'll get the wrong or no answer at all!! The shock however would be that "woman" or I bet most women don't know or won't know unless they look it up on some net or Wikipedia etc...

Without a doubt we could spew out several nicknames for this answer but the "sir name" is the one I seek!... Let me start by asking - what is the technical name for the fluid that men/males ejaculate when they or should I say (we) climax or reach climax!?! OK-OK-OK! Let's not all shout out sperm at once!! We all know that!! :P Just the same we nickname it nut-come/cum etc. etc.!! Whatever you call it, as a man I can attest that that sh#! feel good as hell bustin' up outta my bat!! :P...

"But wait"!!

So too does women have a point of climax in which or at which point they ejaculate a "feel good fluid"... the question is: "what is the technical name - the sir name of that fluid women ejaculate at the point of orgasm!?!! Surely orgasm or sexual exclamation is the FEELING but what is the (fluid)!!??! Of course like the nicknames for the male fluid we could call it nut or bustin' a nut or cum but what's the sir or technical name!?!

It's crazy because at times I'm surrounded by inmates who claim to be pimps - players - chick magnets, female connoisseurs etc. etc. (Might I add that they're all "self proclaimed" so y'all know how that goes... lol :\)

Me!?! Oh - well, I've claimed to be a bit of all in my pre-Muslim days!! Now! I just thank Allah for giving me the opportunity to have some beautiful experiences with those women in my past and path. However, I'm not so naive as to say or think I know everything or even a lot about women - I may know a lot about (a) women here and there but we all know that all women are different from each other so we/I won't get far with that!!... Still too - I don't know the name of that fluid! Seen plenty of it before - even had a little tastie-taste from time to time :P (did I just write that!?! Ha ha ha l.o.l. :P)

So there it is! The question of the day! What is the technical name of the fluid that "females" ejaculate when they reach climax or sexual exclamation!?!!?!

In fact - I'll send the 1st (3) people 50 cents who answers it correctly!! :P (smile)

I am: Nasir Wali Muhsin!
Y'all get at me!


Replies (1) Replies feed

@smith Posted 12 years ago. ✓ Mailed 12 years ago   Favorite
Well my dear brother Nipp! I was absolutely surprised but delighted to recieve your post card in the mail yesterday. My first thought was "wow he has been away from us for so long and yet he still remembers me" But then I thought to myself, "how could someone who considered me a sister, and he my brother EVER forget me?" I am so happy to hear from you, and glad that you are doing ok. Life for me is quite well, I am wife of 8 years and the lucky mother of 2 wonderful boys Xavier 5 (soon to be 6 on 3-16) and Malik 2 1/2 going on 22..I look forward to commuicating with you and knowing your thoughts through your blog. Keep your head to the sky brother. I love you much, and miss you dearly

Love Dija!
27th Street family for LIFE!

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