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Schneehase Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Hi Ronnie,

I received your two letters when I came back from holidays yesterday and I´ll reply soon.
It´s all right, we´re going to do it as you wrote.

And hey, about women working in a males´ prison....
hope I didn´t forget the ;-) in my comment?
I do understand your point.

Posted on Comment Response by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Comment Response
Schneehase Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Oh, I don´t think religion opponents mean THAT with the sentence "religion is dangerous".

I have alot of discussions with my colleagues on that topic....and no, it´s not that I´m seeking them. ;-)
It´s always that nonsense of "religion is the root of all evil" and "all wars were because of religion".

I always reply that Stalin was not a religious person, Hitler wasn´t and Pol Pot wasn´t either....
Last time I got the answer that THOSE were dictators and not atheists (nonsense....they were both). Besides the Holocaust, they said, WAS about religion, that is, the Jewish one....
But first, Hitler didn´t consider the Jews what they are - a religion - but a race (Edith Stein was brought to concentration camp and killed although she became Catholic....because of her Jewish roots; if Hitler had considered it a religion, he would have had to spare her because she wasn´t Jewish anymore....)
Second, the religious part was the religion of the VICTIMS and do they really and seriously want to forbid the VICTIMS to believe what they want....?

But you made a good point, religion is dangerous as far as the faithful have to suffer.
On the other hand....
it´s dangerous to live at all, isn´t it?
Unfortunately we´re not in paradise yet.....

And I don´t think it was Jesus´ wish to bring chaos into the world. I assume he´d have preferred people living united according to what he taught them.
He simply knew that this wouldn´t happen so he prepared his followers for all the suffering that was coming up to them.

Posted on Daily Journal October 12-14, 2012 by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal October 12-14, 2012
Schneehase Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
I remember you posted about that warden telling you "you need to die".
And now you´re going to do him THAT favour?
Sometimes you really surprise me. ;-)

Posted on You Want Me Dead? by Ronald W. Clark, Jr You Want Me Dead?
Hazel Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Mr. Riker,, instead of making excuses for all the pain you have caused people in life it's about time to man up and stop playing victim. You are an evil, deceitful, sneaky, snake. You are a snitch and have an innocent man in prison who has a family that would have loved to see him home. You took that all away. Your poor children will have to live with thoughts of you for the rest of their lives. Make your peace with God, it's about time you stop having these pathetic, poor you blogs.. You are the farthest from innocent and nothing more than a life destroying human being with no remorse.

Posted on Moderating the Sean Riker Debate by Nathaniel Lindell Moderating the Sean Riker Debate
Nicki Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
I enjoyed reading this and read it over and over. I see the importance of the words to you, but it meant something else to me. Being a single mother of 3 being responsible for my children 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the endless school lunches and no male presence to watch on... I've never seen it all as poetic. Thank you for your perspective.

Posted on Daughterless by James Collins Daughterless
OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
But when it comes to a time when its been a 2 decade onslaught of mass chaos that cannot be prevented or stopped, and everyone else out here has to pay the dues of crazy people who did wrong, I have an issue with that. Not me, nor will I die and pay the ultimate price with my life or god-daughter's life over someone else's bad decision(s) to make me or us victims. Not here. Wrong home, baby. But I dont expect THE MAJORITY (I said majority, no freak outs please, for love of Hail Mary and the disciples, apostles, pentecostals, and every fine Baptist overly southern style of A church Ive ever been thrown out of! Yeah I know, I make church sound like a bad southern fried version of chicken, Im just sickening I know already but LOL jk sorry twisted humor cos sometimes after 29-30 yrs in this crazy world with crazy society bass-ackwards confused as hell its better to make yourself laugh or youd probably cry your eyeballs out and I DO MEAN BOTH of em too! XD jk lol carry on, Im sorry once again, I was saying....the MAJORITY ahem) of USA citizens to get it to be honest with you, definitely not in the USA where if its not shocking ENOUGH, it doesnt matter til its HARDCORE SHOCKING to society and then when it all finally dies down, we take the less shocking option and blame everyone thats civil and obedient to laws or at least threaten to do so with 2nd amendments rights taken away, all right before getting lazy and giving up only so that society as a whole can simply get back to where they were all at before- which was/is always 1 main point/goal: forgetting the whole entire deal. Crazy place. Not like any other, and not peaceful minded as an overall mindset among people here, but thats not surprising given the way our country sets things up in the first place. Just my humble opinion, learned over the years and by opened wide eyes, thats all. -Much Luv, CC

Posted on Gun Control... by Andy Blackmore Gun Control...
OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Around here, someone can illegally acquire a pistol grip pump shotgun 12 gauge quicker on the streets in the city (and not even know how to use it other than scare/harm people hoping that works only) than I can LEGALLY buy, train to use, and own it through and through a simple .25 small pistol which is about the pettiest pistol one can own, and Id shoot myself in the foot and drive myself to the hospital to anyone who didnt believe me on that one. But look at the difference. A shotgun illegally acquired and they dont know anything about it (as a wise man once said- outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns- and that is very true since they are so easily gotten off the street that anyone out to harm me COULD beat me to it easily), cos they will get them and then what will law abiding citizens have? Emergency protection orders that protect from immediately fatal double barrel 12gauge sawed off shotgun wounds? I doubt it here. Even if there are or would be any wounds from that kind of shot, I doubt it. I should have chosen better example but thats what is on the streets not in stores, ready for anyone to grab and not go through the waiting period/concealed weapons permit testing/background check/test and learn to fire whatever gun I PURCHASE on the firing range until Im familiar with it the honest way. Not how its done here, so taking away self defense is taking away alot more than others wanna imagine cos they cant wrap their little minds around it.

Posted on Gun Control... by Andy Blackmore Gun Control...
OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
PART TWO- LOST BITS OF REPLY DUE TO INTERNET CONNECTION. Since he did bring that many fellow nutcases and borderlines with sociopathic traits scattered here and there if you watched the way these people acted in daily life. But was a gun to blame for their actions? No, and was my life the price to pay to teach others not to defend themselves against 4 morons, 2 with firearms (small pistols) yet dont know how to handle/use them other than wave them arounnd, point, and yell demands as if they will get somewhere with that......But its always possible in my area- should they just decide on this house number for any reason and Im sure meth users up and awake after a 19 day binge arent too reasonable of thinkers but I digress..*sigh*..its not about being a maniac wanting more guns, thats not the answer, its about everyone wanting to see that as the answer because when you start taking away rights that were placed in our amendments (2nd- right to bear arms was put there on the basis of military AND for citizens and self protection according to what Ive learned through the years, protection, not mass murder madness) taking my right(s) away at all only implies that I have to pay the dues that this maniac created himself, because he of course didnt stick around to do so and didnt plan on it, and because his odd crime made no sense to society (overall, they gave a summary thats it) its much easier after YEARS UPON YEARS of school shootings (yet this is the first Ive heard of a 20 yr old running up in his old elementary/primary school for Christs sake!) to instead of admitting hey, this kind of stuff cannot be prevented, its much easier to simply threaten to make us all suffer for a few peoples horrible actions that society found shocking and regular citizens pay the price? Thats what will never make sense to me. I already pay the price when Im put in danger, a 2nd time or 3rd even, and Im not even paranoid- its more or less hypervigilant and aware of my surroundings which helps me to not be stupid with a weapon of any sort that Im legally trained and allowed to own- even if and when faced with danger I wont be stupid. Period. Thats a responsible gun owner who respects the weapon they own for their household and their self protection as well as their loved ones protection also. I want more out of life than to hope that my few family members divvy up my crappy life insurance policy without fighting each other over the crappy amount once divided up, I want more life and I do not want it taken from me. Call me nuts, call me paranoid, call me what you will, but you wont call me DEAD AND GONE when another psycho comes around- and evidently the USA is full of them or so they say these days? Whats to control, who needs to be punished for doing nothing wrong at all, and whats truly at the root of all of this, if anything is able to be controlled? Who could even answer that? Much Luv TO ALL reading right now, CC

Posted on Gun Control... by Andy Blackmore Gun Control...
OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
I dont blame the 9mm and .22 that enabled someone to (usually inadequate about their life and money/relationship issues on the daily they bitched about this) finally feel powerful big and strong (in a group of 3-4 buddies though) enough to break into my home (thats not what firearms or bearing arms is for feeling- powerful enough to take anger out on person is not anywhere close its more like the nut that killed those primary school children at age 20 yrs old!! wth??), The psycho guy brandishing a 9mm in my home was one of which I worked nights with 2nd-3rd swing swift welding parts full time plus, and knew beneath this sweet false demeanor and charismatic pushiness that everyone else overlooks or falls for (ends up hurt very badly or in court with EPO against guy) was a potential threat PLUS a potential creep- and I do mean creep. Not, oh hes a flirt who wants to stalk me and leave threatening notes about killing my pets and then do so on my doorstep, he was a true nutcase and coming from me, Ill give anyone the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their mindset(s) yeah, so that means alot- however, I did not enter these guys (even the one and his brother, his toadie in this robbery on dope BS game of breaking in my home 2 yrs ago both armed and bringing 2-3 extra friends along to wait outside I guess? Big dummies) everyday lives threatening them with harm in any way (and yet still had they done this to me DAILY I still was not taught/and would never be "careless" or disrespect a firearm by being careless or flippant with a gun in any way shape or form, ever.

I have not been taught/trained to handle and own) despite the fact that they caught me minding my own business and tried to take advantage of me in my home, what they thought would be a comfort zone for me.....The guy who broke into my home did not have good intentions and I am fortunately (dunno which is best in the USA, Ive tried to accomplish being stupid but hey it didnt happen, did my best dammit lol) not STUPID when it comes to knowing what is obviously trouble even though "everyone else in their workplace/small town trusts them and never would think theyd do this kind of stuff etc etc etc yada yada yeah they believe the false charisma and thats when I pay said person some much needed (mentally) extreme hardcore extra attention, and usually by not falling for it, piss off a psycho or two- in this case maybe 4?

Posted on Gun Control... by Andy Blackmore Gun Control...
OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
PART TWO (last)......(can be easily set up by friends or even trusted or simply asked to do so people you know on the outs such as new friends or kind of acquaintances, set up the ad for ONE YEAR its not too expensive and costs overall not too much money and you do get replies if you include at least 1 photograph or especially 2 photos in your pen pal ad, and that gives you this to blog entries on which would be best and that pen pal ad would be like your own personal web page where you could straight out declare the badly needed donations for legal assistance and/or just legal donations etc which is the norm on some pen pal sites, even if you are not searching for a penpal to write to regularly, setting this up would not hurt it would be worth the chance and keep your blog here so its not lost should you create a new 2nd one and it not work out, draw enough traffic/readers to its page). Id hate to see you blog anywhere else, Donnie, or even leave here totally for a 2nd blog because I feel the high volume of readers that this webpage supposedly reaches across the entire world not just the USA/States gives you a better chance (with a 2nd ad or page of some sort, for legal donations) of the right audience hearing what you have to say because hey, Im realistic but you can never say never in some cases when it comes to saying the right words and the right person hearing/reading them. Especially if they are in a position of power to help you more than just bits here and there, it would be a blessing but you know that. Anyway, I hope 2013 has started out okay for you, Donnie, and that youll decide what you wanna do about setting up a donation page or 2nd pen pal page with a setting for donations only etc but just dont stop blogging here mainly, because honestly although words are not always the easiest when typing to explain things- the truth is that I have been blessed with ALL of your many (since day one when I first replied) blogged and sent in/written entries along with your words. I definitely do read your words with more than a grain of salt and do attempt to try and be not only of an understanding heart and mind but also of an understanding nature (comes naturally to me though) as well as by your side as you endure harsh times well mentioned in the past and I read about them.....because even though I do not endure these times, I hope to in any way possible successfully and kindfully be of support and just plain be there for YOU in STRONG spirit through any struggles that you face/endure/must go through and see while in your situation on a daily basis if not worse. I wish there was a better way to explain it. -CC

Posted on December Blues by Donald Tinsley December Blues
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