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SAH Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Let's focus on someone who has the POTENTIAL for rehabilitation and to whom we should throw our dollars and efforts.

I'm thinking Mr. Riker is OFF the short list.

I do, however, support ANY death row inmate who can counter their conviction with evidence.

I've personally donated to a few funds in hoping that happened (LOL - used for commissary not intended for).


The *funny* part is that while you are on the offensive...fighting attacks from all sides...your "MAN" already has the next one lined up. lol.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
SAH Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
"Sean Riker's profanity-laced outbursts in court, including threats to have the judge and prosecutors killed, led to his removal from the courtroom Friday January 13, 2012. He was in court for a hearing to establish that he did not wish to attend his sentencing hearing"

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
SAH Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Shawn *sean* himself has used this spelling MANY TIMES to law enforcement.

He needs to MAN UP.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
SAH Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Based on my review (I'm no super duper purveyor of law - I'll give you my best guess).

He IS GUILTY AS CHARGED. Shawn will have his number much sooner than he would like.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
sweetpea01 Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
continued...I do hope that IF he really did do any of these things to you and your kids that you guys will be able to move on and put this behind you and somehow maybe even heal from this. But if you lied or even exaggerated any of this then you are just as evil as he is or anyone else that would do something like this. Every single person that has even been through something like what you have accused Sean of deserves to know the truth and nothing but the cold hard truth. And untill there is actual proof of it then you guys are dishonoring those of us that have really been through such evil violence. When people lie about stuff like this it makes it hard for the rest of us who really ahve been through it to be able to prove it. Because for one thing after so many lies have been told it makes everyone question what you say when something like this does happen to them. And believe it or not there are alot of people that don't want to deal with stuff like this either. It's really sad. There is a part of me that wants to believe you and yet another part of me hopes that this is a lie & it never did happen to you and your children. Cause this is some real serious stuff and if it really did happen it will effect you guys for the rest of your lives and I know exactly what that is like. I'd rather someone kill me than go through what I went through as a child and young adult. Most of my life has been littered with pain and the things you say Sean did. I KNOW exactly what it is like and what it can do to a person's life. It is the worst thing (other than loseing a child) for anyone to ever go through. PLEASE show proof of what Sean did to YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. NOT PROOF OF HIS PAST ON THINGS THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU OR THAT HAPPEN BEFORE YOU CAME INTO HIS LIFE.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
sweetpea01 Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
continued...I am asking you kindly and with respect to PLEASE show proof of what Sean did to you and your kids. Was any pics taken of what had happened, any DNA , or just anything that can prove he did the things you say he did. And just so you know I am NOT one of his ex's, or someone who wants to get with him (I do have a grat man in my life) but just someone who really wants to know the cold hard truth and see actual proof that Sean did what you say he did. I am sorry but there are alot of crazy folks out here and I have known women (not many) that have made up lies about stuff like this just cause they were mad at their ex or whatever and wanted them to go to jail. And one of these cases it actually did work. She lied and he went to prison with very little proof that he did what she said he did. It's jsut stuff like this that makes me question both of you. Not just you or just Sean. I have seen several pictures on here of him with the kids and even with you in a couple of them and everyone looks so happy. The children show no fear of him in any of the family videos made. Just some things don't add up. True I wasn't there and true I don't have all the facts and stuff but you guys are posting stuff on here for all the world to see so you can't blame me for wanting to question on some things.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
sweetpea01 Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Well this definately proves he can be VERY violent and dangerous. BUT I have known a few men (one of them was my step father) who have been in prison or jail and been known to be just as violent and dangerous but have NEVER hurt a child or any of their loved ones. My step dad was one of the most dangerous men (before he died of cancer)ever known yet he never hurt me or any of my family or anyones kid. And my step dad has even killed people. The police would always call for backup anytime they knew they were being called on him. An entire town was even shut down because of him and the list just goes on and on. And no I am not proud of this by any means. Him and my mom were togoether on & off for 20 years. Why she stood by him for so long is beyond me. He did treat us very good and we never wanted for anything but the life he lived and the things he did to certain people was something you would see in a movie, or talk show or even in a book. Matter of fact some of his friends are actually in a book. Go check out the books called "Bluegrass Conspiracy" and "Helter Skelter". We lived with David Hammon who use to live with Manson long before the murders took place. David was an outlaw for many years known as David Jack. He is dead now but his name is in that book and him and my step dad ran around together for a long time. The point I am trying to make is this: I grew up in a very very strict christan home till I was about 14 and then went to live with my mom and step dad. It was a huge change in my life. Through the years I have been around and met alot of violent men and I mean some real violent men but none (that I know of) ever hurt a child. If they ever did then they are scum in my book. But what I am trying to say is just because someone is violent or has even killed someone doesn't mean they would hurt a child. I been in a marriage with a guy who was just as violent as Sean. This guy put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. The gun was half way loaded. I believe it was a 38 but not for sure. This happened over 20 years ago. Well, when my ex pulled the trigger and seen I was still alive he said " I guess it's your lucky day bitch". He did alot of crazy stuff to me and after that happened I left but he tracked me down and this went on for a long time till he finally gave up and found someone else. But anyhow, as mean, evil hearted, dangerous, and sick as he was he never hurt any child. Tayler or whoever you are, you have put up alot of info and proof on here but I have been a victim of child abuse and rape that went on for years as a child and 3 times as an adult. It takes more than someone just saying their ex raped or beat them. There has to be some kind of proof and not just of someone's past of what they have done before they was ever with you.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
Megan Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
First of Tayler, you're remarried so why are you on here hiding behind a false name and making false statements. We know you framed Sean and that you severely abused your children it's all on paper. Let's not bring Angel up in these conversations anymore that is unneccessary and completely unacceptable. Sean is a very, very good friend of mine and he will be set free it's just a matter of time. I do not doubt the innocence of Sean, nothing about him screams child and wife abuser, except the false reports made by Tayler. Tayler if I were you, I would be concerned about your wrongdoing and how you abused your children physically, mentally, and emotionally, and how you will suffer at the hands of the justice system. You keep pointing the fingers at Sean, but you're guilty and you think that you're going to continue to bash Sean and make up false testimony to present to the court, you deserve to rot in a small cell for what you have done. Why are you so abusive? Why are you so evil? Why do you hate your kids and Sean so much? Why did you lie and tell the police in a written report that you made a false statement because you were mad about having to move? You see all this stuff is slowly leaking out and you will be in front of a judge for ruining innocent people's live's because you're a sadistic, sick, white trash piece of shit that will eventually rot. I'm waiting for the day that Sean gets released and you have to explain to a judge why you did the sick, cruel things you did.You think you can play the victim here, but a court of justice is going to hear what you have to say and lies can only cover up lies for so long before the truth comes out. So continue posting lies on here you're making yourself look more and more fucken stupid each post.

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
Voice12 Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Hi Trevin - thanks for sharing part of your journey. I look forward to hearing more about it! -Voice 12

whoeveryouwantmetobe Posted 12 years ago.   Favorite
Above copied information from:

Journal Times comments on various stories about Sean Riker:

October 20, 2012 6:33 pm may he die in prison.

btw, where's riker's little honey? i remember she was posting on JT defending him.
did she move on to her next psychopathic skinhead?

Sean and Nathan submitting a lawsuit together, how nice of them.

You two must be awfully busy:

Lindell, Nathaniel et al v. Jess, Cathy et al

Filed: October 15, 2012 as 3:2012cv00759

Plaintiffs: Nathaniel Allen Lindell and Sean A. Riker

Defendants: Cathy A. Jess and John Does

Cause Of Action: Prisoner Civil Rights

Court:Seventh Circuit > Wisconsin > Western District Court

Type:P. Petitions > Civil Rights

Riker, Sean v. Overbo, Todd et al

Filed: September 24, 2012 as 3:2012cv00696

Plaintiff: Sean A. Riker

Defendants: Todd Overbo , Vicki J. Sebatian, Kelli R. Wellard-West, Timothy Haines, Ellie Ray and others

Cause Of Action: Prisoner Civil Rights

Court:Seventh Circuit > Wisconsin > Western District Court

Type:P. Petitions > Civil Rights

Posted on Interview Of An Innocent Man by Nathaniel Lindell Interview Of An Innocent Man
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