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Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
That's so sweet :) & makes me want to send you a birthday card. Have you opened any of them yet..? It's not difficult to make someones day is it. Thank you for your sweet cartoons. They're a unique addition to this site... How about doing the next one in pastels! Take care funny man :)


Posted on Hijinks (Comic) by Daniel Baker Hijinks (Comic)
linburke Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Hay big brother,

yes its really me i tried to leave a note for you a couple of weeks ago but i'm not sure if it went through because i lost my internet conection at that time.
i am on the laptop that randy got me, and the he got me a wireless device for christmas and now i can get on line whenever i want.
yes i said for christmas, but just like when i was a kid i don't like to wait.
but everything is good with me. i am just waiting to go home. i go to my p.o. on the third and we are going to do the paperwork then we just have to wait for california.
well i guess i will get this sent so you will know that i am back on line. i love you.

with love
your baby sister

Posted on Untitled by Steve J. Burkett Untitled
pajamawriter Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite

Such beautiful words and learnings. Wish you all the best :)

Posted on Dear Residence Of Corning by Daniel Womack Dear Residence Of Corning
admin Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
We have removed the comments from the above mentioned user and disabled the user's account while we investigate. Our Terms of Use forbid anyone under the age of 18 from using this site and make clear that by using the Site, users represent and warrant that they are 18 years of age or older. We take violations of these Terms seriously.

Posted on Untitled by Guy Graves Untitled
jhnstam5 Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite

I must say these words are very well put in place. when couples come together and its meant to be then i call it one life becoming two. My reason for saying this is due to the fact that as a single man or woman u live ur life as one for ur self when u join 2 lifes u r living as two . both parties have to take the good with the bad .

Posted on Where Is The Love? by Leonard Jackson Where Is The Love?
Voice12 Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Mmm sounds like a treat :) I am just stopping by here, but I enjoyed reading a little bit about your life. I'm sorry to hear you've facing a lot of challenges lately, but you've got a great attitude about it.

Posted on Untitled by William D. Linley (David) Untitled
Spryte Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I wish you had been outside the walls in the aftermath of 9/11. There were no party lines...just Americans and I was never more proud then at that time to be counted amongst such a people.

Maybe I've grown somewhat cynical since then because it seems that when we tackle crisis, it all seems like a giant united front while the cameras are rolling. The minute they are diverted to the next disaster, interest falls off. As I child, I caught my first glimpse of this craving for sensationalism, to be noticed doing something good as if without the notice, it's just not as worthwhile. I'm as repulsed by it now as I was then.

I don't think we've ever lived in such selfish times as we do now. There's no demographic for it though...I've seen it in the young, the old, the rich, the poor, both political parties, atheists and religious zealots. We believe we're entitled to what another person has, whether we worked or sacrificed for it as they did. We are so easily if it were a god-given right to have the world exist to placate us. Technology imprisons us while giving us the illusion of free time, easier access to what we desire and cloaking us each in anonymity.

The reason mankind will fail utterly, unless it wakes up (and I'm optimistic about that really)is because it always takes the path of least resistence. I mean sure...there are individuals out there...those people that don't quite fit the accepted norm and find their own path instead...but they are becoming a rare bird. If that day should ever come when the species becomes extinct...then we are all doomed.

But I don't think that will happen. I truly think that the scales will start to tip they tend to do when we reach one extreme or another. I would love to be alive to see it...I have a feeling that the opposite of "me" is "we" and won't that be something?

Posted on Hello People & Peoplettes by Daniel L. Van deBogart Hello People & Peoplettes
GeorgiaDondlinger Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
This is Dylan Graves' legal guardian, Georgia Dondlinger I want the administrators of this website, Guy Graves and any family that may be reading this to know that by no means am I allowing or condoning this communication. He is a 14 year old minor and I am warning and letting it be known that any more communication that goes on between the two of them the adults that are involved in helping it happen will have legal action taken against them. I will be taking this and the other correspondence I have from another family member to the proper authorities tomorrow at 3 p.m. This is my one and last warning.

Posted on Untitled by Guy Graves Untitled
yashua Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
hey it yashua, ive been in a program the past year and i just wanted to let you know im doing very well. i kinda remember what i wrote to you a year ago but i was really spun out so whatever it was im sure it was nonsense. hope to hear back from you.

Posted on Halo Jashua by William Goehler Halo Jashua
mlstcyr Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for writing! I worked on the transcription for your post. lovely poem...

Posted on Comment Response by Leon Irby Comment Response
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