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lru Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hey Kyle,

I'm noticing the new theme of woodsy wisdom and outback living in your posts. Not sure that clubbing squirrel is the most nutritious option, though!

It occurs to me that there are a few skills needed to live alone in the wilds: building, hunting (possibly), clothing, gardening, cooking, and food preservation.

The building will be tough to practice for now, but the learning curve could be tackled now. Similar for hunting.

Not sure how far off the grid you want to go, but making your own clothing is another skill and option.

But the most intriguing idea to me is the gardening/cooking/preservation. The prison there is labeled "low security", so does that mean gardening is allowed? Is there a garden? Is there land available for one? If there was, the grown food could be fed back into the prison, where everyone could eat of it.

I don't recall if you've ever mentioned gardening in your posts, but it might come in handy someday in the wilderness.

And depending on how successful it goes, you could put your building skills to work and build a greenhouse for the winter, for the hydroponic angle. If it saved money for the prison in food expenses, they might even go for it.

Just some thoughts.

- Chris

Posted on Rustic Dreams by Kyle De Wolf Rustic Dreams
lru Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Your quote of the story of a man who threw a loaf of bread at the poor to drive them away brought to mind a poem I read a while back that had a similar theme... I thought you might enjoy it. :-)



"Whene'er I take my walks abroad, how many poor I see!"
Said pious Watts, and thanked the Lord that not so poor was he.
I see so many poor to-day I think I'll walk no more,
And then the poor in long array come knocking at my door.

The hungry poor! The dirty poor! The poor of evil smell!
Yet even these we could endure if they were only well!
But, O, this sick and crippled crew! The lame, the deaf, the blind!
What can a Christian person do with these upon his mind!

They keep diseases growing still like plants on greenhouse shelves,
And they're so generous they will not keep them to themselves;
They propagate amazing crimes and vices scandalous,
And then at most uncertain times they wreak the same on us!

With charity we would prevent this poverty and woe,
But find the more we've fondly spent, the more the poor do grow!
We've tried by punishment full sore to mend the case they're in;
The more we punish them the more they sin, and sin, and sin!

We make the punishment more kind, we give them wise reform,
And they, with a contented mind, flock to our prisons warm!

Then science comes with solemn air, and shows us social laws,
Explaining how the poor are there from a purely natural cause.
'T is natural for low and high to struggle and to strive;
'T is natural for the worse to die and the better to survive.

We swallowed all this soothing stuff, and easily were led
To think if we were stern enough, the poor would soon be dead.
But, O! in vain we squeeze, and grind, and drive them to the wall --
For all our deadly work we find it does not kill them all!

The more we struggle they survive! increase and multiply!
There seem to be more poor alive, in spite of all that die!
Whene'er I take my walks abroad how many poor I see,
And eke at home! How long, O Lord! How long must this thing be?

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (c. 1895)

lru Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
The battery bouncing trick sounds odd to me, but I was unable to find confirmation on the internet.

I did discover that rechargeable NiMH batteries should NOT be dropped, as they can be damaged.

Posted on Battery Myths: Fact Or Fiction by Kyle De Wolf Battery Myths: Fact Or Fiction
William1992 Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hey happy thanks giving pop. We all love you

SAH Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
In case Nicki or someone else wants to call me out...I have, personally, donated to specific inmates for stamps/commissary. I wish I had more to give but the giving I do is based on their communication to me (us) via this website.

Posted on Murdered by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Murdered
SAH Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
STFU Mr. Clarke. Do your time for your crime. Stop whining. Enough said. I do have apathy for SOME convicts - depending on their crime and their remorse. Mr. Clarke is not in that circle. There are others here I want to help. Personal choices.

Posted on Murdered by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Murdered
SAH Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Ronald Clarke and the "helicopter" attempted escape. He wonders why he's a target at UCI?

Posted on Murdered by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Murdered
JohnO88 Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Hey Ronald its john from middleburg yea its a shame those punk ass animals act like this they will get whats there's one-day but there is no justice out here inbred red necks get off the hook Scott free like frank vadles in Floridas state prison that was murdered by guards i haven't been in prison befor but i was in clay county jail for a year and i seen people being abused almost daily and that sickens me to death if i can do anything to help u i Damn sure will i have my own house in clay hill i am 24 work is slow out here but anyways keep your head up man keep on doing what you do i love to read all your posts your friend john

Posted on Murdered by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Murdered
Schneehase Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
It´s not religion being dangerous but what some people make of it. Important difference!!!! ;-)
(Of course it depends on the religion. The one of the old Aztecs is indeed dangerous unless you have masochistic tendencies and fancy your heart being ripped off while you are still alive. But I can´t find anything dangerous for example in Christian faith the way Jesus taught it. If all people acted like he wishes the world would be better.)

I for my part see the point that an innocent child would be killed although he/she isn´t guilty of the way it was made.

But what I also find disturbing is that it´s very often men who try to tell women what to do then - men, who will never have to prove that they would act "better".

In general, I would say abortion is wrong as a human being´s life is destroyed but I would see the gravity of guilt differently.
After rape or if the mother´s life is in danger, I would absolutely see "mitigating circumstances".
It´s a difference to have an abortion because of such reasons or simply because you have been too lazy to take the pill or didn´t want to use a condom.

Besides I see a difference between the sin and the sinner....
You know, loving the sinner doesn´t mean not to see the sin and seeing the sin doesn´t and shouldn´t mean to judge the sinner as a person.

Life isn´t simply black and white, bad or good, hè?

Posted on Rape by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Rape
Schneehase Posted 12 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Dear Ronnie,

leaving a child with a nanny or someone else than the physical parents depends on the nanny and the parents.

I have heard of cases like the one you described, right.

But sometimes my brother and I were in charge of another woman for some hours - not regularly, my mom was a housewife and usually took care of us herself - and that woman also was a nanny of some children whose parents both were at work.
We loved her dearly and so did the others - they even called her "mom" whilst they called their real mothers with their Christian names.

On the other hand, there are so many children molested by their own parents, mostly fathers - and recently there was a case in the German papers: There´s been a couple who dreamt of molesting a child. What did they do? They made an own one - especially for that purpose.

Just as I said... it depends.

But I admit, there are so many horrible things in this world - you can´t eat as much as you want to vomit.

Greetings from over the pond!!!

Posted on Daily Journal 10/26/12 To 10/31/12 by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal 10/26/12 To 10/31/12
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