Do you really feel like the victim of your crime was qualified to forgive you? You brainwashed her at a young age to believe you are the only one who would truly love her. She probably still believes that today. If this is still your attitude, you need a whole lifetime in prison. No wonder your daughter ignores you.
No worrys about the handwriting I've seen a LOT worse and I'm can assure you mine is probably worse.
Back to the topic, just because love isn't hard doesn't mean finding the right person to love isn't. Not to mention graduate school takes up a lot of my time.
And you're right love is work. My great great grandmother taught us that Love has hands and fetlet. And the bible even tells us that love is an action word. So yes to love someone will require work. But all work is not hard. It requires willingness, patience, dedication and that can be challenging because of something someone did in the past or anything of the sort.
And as to your questions at the end they made me laugh because I though you were keeping stats of the responses you receive. But I'm from Michigan and I'm not sure how I got linked on your blog but it was an interesting read and break from the other materials I read on a daily basis.
Thanks for the response; I've enjoyed the conversation
Marcus, thank you for replying. I give you major kudos for your acceptance of your responsibility. In my personal situation, after the funeral of my daughter, I owed the funeral home and the church over 12,000.00. I come down hard on some of the convicts that post here AFTER I've done some research. You will note I said *after your restitution and fines* in my comment. Another blogger jumped in and insinuated I was being judgemental. I happened to have researched your case which is why I spoke what I did.
In any event, I think you are a good spirit and I hope and pray that you will feel the peace.
These convicts use this site BTB to BOOHOO about their incarceration. IMO, each post should be PREFACED with their rap sheet. Reading about their lack of rec time or the quality of their sleep pales in comparison when you research their crimes (that put them there) AND perhaps view the autopsy photos. Sorry, no tissues here.
No worrys about the handwriting I've seen a LOT worse and I'm can assure you mine is probably worse.
Back to the topic, just because love isn't hard doesn't mean finding the right person to love isn't. Not to mention graduate school takes up a lot of my time.
And you're right love is work. My great great grandmother taught us that Love has hands and fetlet. And the bible even tells us that love is an action word. So yes to love someone will require work. But all work is not hard. It requires willingness, patience, dedication and that can be challenging because of something someone did in the past or anything of the sort.
And as to your questions at the end they made me laugh because I though you were keeping stats of the responses you receive. But I'm from Michigan and I'm not sure how I got linked on your blog but it was an interesting read and break from the other materials I read on a daily basis.
Thanks for the response; I've enjoyed the conversation
In any event, I think you are a good spirit and I hope and pray that you will feel the peace.