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iThinkB4uAct1981 Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
SAH - I used google, not so much luck in finding much information on these criminal's past. any other options I can use to research?

Posted on Prison Life: A Photo Album by Jeremy Pinson Prison Life: A Photo Album
Donny Welch Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
(scanned reply – view as blog post)

Posted on Comment Response by Donny Welch Comment Response
KarenW Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
This would be a good article to send to our newspaper writers. Worth a try. They would need to edit it or read it and write their own article. They would need your permission to do that. Do I have it?

Posted on California's Cuckoo's Nest by Robert Outman California's Cuckoo's Nest
KarenW Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
What I can do Robert is print this out make copies and send this article to a few legislators and whom ever else you deem would it would deem appropriate. How that? We have new congressmen/women are they ones? How about the Governor?
So either write to me, give Nathan the instructions In case Nathan gets transferred soon my address is 1712 Carver Rd # 230 Modesto Ca 95350.
Ok my heart is with you. God bless dear and yes those who served for our country are publicly highly revered and special attention are given to them while in uniform. So I'd like to personally thank you for serving our country.
You know there is a trend developing that "are" paying more attention to the observation like 30% of our homeless served..ect. and public opinion especially the holiday season are sympathetic to that and realizing they do have special needs in the mental dept soo..Until then Robert
Love Karen Woodyard

Posted on California's Cuckoo's Nest by Robert Outman California's Cuckoo's Nest
arcadiaego Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite

At no point did I say people should not be incarcerated if they broke the law. However this post is about what is happening to man while *in* prison. He is already serving the time he has been sentenced to. Do you believe that any other treatment of him is justified simply because he is a criminal?

"I don't know the answers to dealing with mentally ill repeat offenders. Do you?"

I would assume that treatment and rehabilitation work better than violence. I also believe all humans deserve human rights, regardless of what they have done. Do you believe violence solves problems in our society and prevents further crime? Do you believe this man should be executed as well?

Posted on Prison Life: A Photo Album by Jeremy Pinson Prison Life: A Photo Album
SAH Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
What if we don't incarcerate people who have been convicted of murder? What if we don't lock up people who issue death threats (several)? Do we just sit back and wait to see if they do it again or if they act on the threats? Again I'll go back to the heinous ambush/murder of John F Kennedy in November, 1963.

Posted on Prison Life: A Photo Album by Jeremy Pinson Prison Life: A Photo Album
SAH Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I agree with you, arcadiaego - but what does society do with a person who commits a major felony while incarcerated? Such is the case of Mr. Pinson AND Mr. Ronald Clarke. Should we as a society not be safe if convicted felons are incarcerated? When is enough enough? Let's take the bold and potentially lethal escape via helicopter in the Clarke case. Were lives not risked? I am certainly no mental health expert. I don't know the answers to dealing with mentally ill repeat offenders. Do you?

Posted on Prison Life: A Photo Album by Jeremy Pinson Prison Life: A Photo Album
Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I will reply more in depth when I get a chance. Can I also ask you to spell my name 'Nicki' not Nikki... I would normally never be so pedantic, but there is another Nikki (spelled that way) who leaves comments on BtB, and I think she might be from Australia also. It just makes it easier for me to understand who you're talking to - Because you're hard enough to understand at the best of times without me attempting to decipher messages meant for someone else entirely ;)

Posted on Portrait & Nikki Talk by Nathaniel Lindell Portrait & Nikki Talk
Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I WISH we had the ability to send pictures today... I'd send you an Aussie 1 dollar coin. Unfortunately, to send you an actual dollar, it would cost me $20 (which is what it costs us for a cashiers cheque as money orders have now been abolished) and with the exchange rate taken into account, I would actually be sending $1.04 so you would have to send change! haha (beautiful pictures!)

Posted on Even Bad Wolves Can Be Good by Nathaniel Lindell Even Bad Wolves Can Be Good
Nicki Posted 12 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
I too have realised, when you don't have much, you don't need much, being a single mother for a decade of my life. Although I have the constant reminders of the love of my children which makes struggling through the tough times worthwhile. I think as long as you retain the ability to love, you will find it again.

I am writing from Australia, but heard last week that California abolished the 3 strikes law for non-violent offences. I'm interested to hear whether this is the news you've been waiting for and how it may impact on your current sentence.

I hear your story repeated a lot on other blog posts on Between the bars, where people lose contact from those they thought loved and cared for them when they're incarcerated. I find it very difficult to understand myself. I am sorry you feel abandoned by your loved ones but I'm also very pleased to hear you haven't given up hope. I too wish for the things you wish for - more carrott and less stick in the justice systems of the world, never running out of hope and that we never run out of things to smile about.

Thank you for sharing this touching & heart felt post.

(& I'm sending a little love your way today <3 ... it's a start, something to build on...)

Nicki :)

Posted on Living With A Bitch Called Hope by Scot Pinkerton Living With A Bitch Called Hope
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