SAH - can you tell me about Ronald Clarke? He says he is innocent. I must admit he has pulled on some of my emotional strings as I read the horror he goes through.... Can you tell me how I can look up these incarcerated people and see what I am getting myself into before I write to them?
Nicki - next on my discussion list is Ronald Clarke. Your bleeding heart probably can't understand how I'm going to celebrate his execution. I can smell the charcoal and the sizzling steak now. Can't wait.
Jeremy was INCARCERATED when committing his last crime. Read up on Mr Pinson, Nicki. Your bleeding heart moves me *NOT*. These cons survive on people like you. You're probably a good person but YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND FELONS.
Nicki - what do you think should have been done in the case of Jeremy Pinson? If you have researched his case...can you answer me that? What can society do to protect itself from the likes of Jeremy Pinson but to lock him up? This site allows him to post his beat-the-hell-out-of-him photos in his attempt to gain sympathy. There is no sympathy here. The record of Mr Pinson is extensive. Minor and major infractions. Some of us learn from our mistakes. Mr Pinson obviously does not.
My comments are NOT from a place of ignorance as yours appear to be. Quite the opposite, actually. Being the "victim" of a crime gives me the right to tell the world (or BTB website readers) the reality behind some of these convicts. Just so you know...I don't make judgements lightly. Before I decide to comment, I read court transcripts, etc.
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