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Randy Whiting Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Randy Whiting Untitled
Nicki Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
I fail to see how the death penalty can be any form of deterrent or an acceptable punishment for any crime. I'm thankful that I live in a country where a man has not been committed to death since the 1950s. A reasonable comparison would be smacking a child & saying 'don't hit people' what does that conflicting information do to our minds!? Legalising murder; committing someone to death is nothing more than madness. Every life has value, yet this is not the message that is conveyed under this form of 'punishment'.

Thank you for sharing.


Posted on Terrance "Butter" Williams, Phase II by Daniel Gwynn Terrance "Butter" Williams, Phase II
Nicki Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
As you can probably tell, I'm stalking you through all your blog posts now. haha. I'm writing from Australia so hearing about the shooting here, I would have thought it is a little easier to distance ourselves from the horror, to a degree. We still feel the tragedy as our own though I think, we have similar cultures & identify with the U.S. on many levels and we feel the heartbreak of all those involved, it does still touch us all in some way. I still hear the voice of a mother that I heard on the radio when I was in the car as the news was breaking, she was distraught, crying & saying she didn't know where her 2 year old baby was - that goes straight to a mother's heart & the pain stays there. I never heard any update on her.

I had actually planned to take my 2 boys to watch the movie on the weekend following the shooting & had decided it was silly to not follow through with our plans because they were excited about going. I must admit though... sitting there with my 2 children beside me & staring at the screen, I found myself thinking about what those poor people had gone through in the same circumstances. I'd even gone so far as to make a little escape plan in my mind in the off chance that there was any possibility it could happen again & that's a reaction from the other side of the world, from an emotionally stable person. I'm also a psychology student so I found myself processing the tragedy from many angles (how it has, and will continue to effect the shooters loved ones, the loved ones of the victims, the survivors and even people not directly connected to the incident and of course, what was going on in the mind of the shooter himself - what any of us could have done to prevent it). It's a tragedy; a far reaching one. Something else I'd like to say to you about those around you, sometimes making jokes is a way for people to cope, we all have our own ways of dealing with things so I hope you didn't take their reactions too much to heart. Take care of you.


Posted on Comment Response by Marcus T. Rogers Jr Comment Response
Nicki Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
I haven't read it myself, but have friends that have read all 3 books in a week (some can't get enough) haha.

There seems to be 2 camps... people are either saying it's complete literary rubbish or they simply Love it.

Something I saw about it on Facebook a few weeks ago made me laugh... "Women don't WATCH porn... but they'll READ the shit out of it" haha. That should tell you as much as you need to know to make your decision ;)


Posted on 50 Shades Of Grey by Marcus T. Rogers Jr 50 Shades Of Grey
Nicki Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
You've hit the nail on the head Marcus. I was actually just saying this to a friend the other day about leaving comments on posts. Sometimes it is difficult to know what to say; sometimes there are no words... just feelings, but we do want you to know that what you have to say is important.

My friend actually said to me at the time 'it's best to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt'. Haha - SO supportive! But I think in this instance, it is important for us to muster something up & I've made a point of leaving more comments lately. I assure you we do hear you, your thoughts matter & you're not forgotten!


Posted on Thanks To The Readers by Marcus T. Rogers Jr Thanks To The Readers
Brihon-Ruti-Binghi Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Shalom u alright i hope la ron its michelle well i gave mi old name an orphan girl in Ghana name of deborah she on crutches i think i saw one of mi old woman teachers from there on the bus other day she was on crutches too cud just be mi mind plahying tricks, wat happen u photo babe i had set a new profile up get on here comment i just got over da spell from that faker psharisee masquarading as rastafari on ewn i been exposing his game bad enuf lot ppl dont know Yashua was black i been letting dem know now i let that traitor know he even worse hypocrite he does know and uses Him and Haile Selaisse his man made doctrine of slavery no jokes hating on the hip hop was the last straw dat mi brutha tec i dont give a feck if he made mi life hell a while i still try stay loyal him now i know why glad i did babe i been barred of ewn channel now i think he coin tel pro be honest and worse i gwan go post office hope post u bit on that mind control thing u wrote mi khat said this mk ultra sex kitten programme has to go he knwo all about pussy power being a black panther and respecter of womankind same as u and me hey he gwan flip dat cia script to da A>C feel me....did these internet censors take u photo down cos u just too damn cute dey got jealous oh well insha allah i cud be coming to america faster dan a james brown record i get me djinn shoes on i need u for me olympics event i know u aint gwan let me down if not i ask Jesus take me collect u those girls in dr who always get a trip and trust me i aint one dem birds want go shopping on mars i want a real good time and freedom not worship mammon or pharisee. stay positive tiochardi ar la comrade i love u and miss u brutha but we always together cos we chosen true and faithful and thank God u help me wake up to that i wonder why ewn is always harping on about white jesus must be his brutha way he hype him up enuf already with the phantasy fiction why he not mention quezecotal :P X

Posted on Hi Michelle by LaRon McKinley Bey Hi Michelle
OnTimeInCheckCC Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Aug 21st- received your letter and am hoping the rest of my mail still gets to you since Ill be out of town if its returned!

Aug 22nd- (today 8 am) Sending off my 2nd letter, along with 2 more envelopes with the remaining 2 sets of printed out photos which youll get before this, probably. I think you will get a smile out of the envelope with the letter in it though, and the pics I sent inside of it. I hope they made/make you smile. Also thinking of you, hope you are doing well. Ill save the rest for my letter. (smile) Take care and keep on keepin on! Much Luv, CC aka B :)

Posted on Thanks To The Readers by Marcus T. Rogers Jr Thanks To The Readers
Nicki Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
It's great to read how you're entertaining yourself.

Thank you for putting a smile on my face! :)

Posted on I Am Atheist by Jeremy Pinson I Am Atheist
Nicki Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
I don't know the Reverend, nor did I hear the comments he made but they sound like they come from a place of ignorance, a lack of understanding & compassion; not qualities you would expect in a man intent on sharing 'the word of god'.

We all need to embrace the differences in each of us; they are what make us beautiful and unique.

Posted on Gay Marriage in America by Jeremy Pinson Gay Marriage in America
Nicki Posted 12 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
People will say stupid things (I'm sure you must have noticed that before) haha. Here in Australia we had quite a bit of negative, ignorant press comments made during the Olympics also (mostly about how our athletes weren't winning a lot of gold). It's always easy for others to look for a negative & although I don't know the athlete you're speaking of... just the fact that she has risen to the top and is able to represent your country on the International stage, unfortunately makes her a target for those more in touch with their own insecurities than the incredible achievements of others.

You shouldn't get so upset... the things people say, are a reflection of their own self image and say more about themselves and their own insecurities, than about those people they're aiming their comments at.

You have every right to be proud of your race... the rest of the world sees you as a strong people who endured and fought relentlessly for your freedoms & this young athlete is testament to that courage.

Posted on Where's the Love by Quashon Huskey Where's the Love
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