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Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
hi Daniel, would you know I reread my postings to several people and I located just now you blog site again?!I see you answered back in time. So very ssrry that you never heard from me again!

This is a new year and I will make up for it.:)
First of all I like to wish you a Happy New Year plenty of inspiration, friendship, warmth and inner peace.
You are an optimistic open person with many goals and I wish you continue it going along your way, Daniel.

It's been 2 yrs I have written... goshie! I am 67 by now, but I maintained my young spirit though. ;)
I wrote to some more people here on this blog site and noticed how many are so very lonely...I try to give them some courage and hope, as they all deserve this.

Of course so many events happened here!So many changes have happened your side of life; Daniel!? So, tell me what you're busy with, ok?

Here I am still living in Antwerpen), an important port.Brussels is our capital; mom lives there. She's 90 and still doing good.Living on her apartment.

Our family lived 7 yrs in th States: 3 in Utah and 4 in Ohio.
Later on we as a couple lived also almost 6 yrs in Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Our daughters Elke and Leslie (Leslie was born in Utah) also studied 4 yrs in Ohio.
Now L. decided to stay with her husband in CA. They have two kids.
Elke and her partner expect their second child for January 28th!They have another girl Lynn.
I will become the godmother.:)

I do play again the piano. I 'should' paint, but I am so busy with lots of other activities as well!
Daniel, how is your art going along? Tell me about your drive and the activities you do?All is well with you? I hope so!

Well, kind greetings from Rita.. Hope to hear your voice.

Posted on Happy New Year!!! by Daniel Gwynn Happy New Year!!!
Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
hi Antonio,

I am a person who read your 'reaching out'today,Monday 4th January.Today mail should be deliverd to you,but most probably there will be a delay handling it to you?We hope for the best!
Since many years I write with American inmates;pen pals.:)
Maybe in the future you can put your address on the blog so people can write you personaly?
First of all I like to wish you a New Year of inspiration,opening doors(such as writing with somebody),friendship, warmth and inner peace.Working at ourselves makes you free inside,Antonio.The mental freedom is possible.
I don't know lonelyness such as you experience... but I reach out to people who go trough this ordeal.
I am not an american as you've seen probably already.I am a woman, of 67 and feeling young inside.I've a young mind I guess.
Belgian of birth and as a family(I am divorced now, but my ex and me are still befriended)we lived 7 yrs in the States:3 in Utah and 4 in Ohio. Later on we lived almost 6 yrs in Argentina(Buenos Aires)We have two daughters, Elke and leslie.
Only Leslie was born in Utah;also both studied 4 yrs in Ohio.
Leslie and her husband lately lived in CA and decided to stay in San Diego. :)They have kids: Adric and Claire, 7 and 5yrs.
Elke and her husband expect another child for the 28th of January!Their girl Lynn will be two on the 21st of that same month.
I am a busy woman,doing lots of activities,Antonio.
I have painted a lot(being a creating person!),I play the piano, I write on internet and love so many things more!
My main purpose here is to know what you have in store? I'd like so very much you open up and tell me what your dreams and goals are...:)))
Never losse hope nor courage and I will help you maintaining that part of your life.All happens for a reason;I just didn't find you just like that.In my opinion there are no coincidences.:)
May this ne 2016 be the beginning of our friendship?I surely hope so!!
kind greetings from Rita

Posted on Reaching Out by Antonio Perry Reaching Out
SAH Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Nobody wants to transcribe the "aforementioned" poster.

Posted on New Pic's by Perrie Thompson New Pic's
SAH Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
Transcribing INMATE communication can probably proceed. Please don't neglect this site or the posts. Thank You.

Posted on New Pic's by Perrie Thompson New Pic's
SAH Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
I did contact BTB admin and it appears they will "investigate" the onslaught of posts by Michelle8. Thank you BTB.

Posted on New Pic's by Perrie Thompson New Pic's
SAH Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
TY Tigana. Glad I'm not the only one noticing :)

Happy New Year.

Posted on New Pic's by Perrie Thompson New Pic's
Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
... aking Flemish(or Dutch).The Dutch of the south, since I am Belgian.The Dutch of the north is from The Netherlands.Belgium has 3 official languages; Dutch, French and a minority speaks German.
I do live in Antwerp(en)and mom lives in Brussels,our capital.
We have two daughters: Elke,36 and Leslie,35.
My ex stayed in Argentina, we divorced,but we are still befriended.
As a family we lived 7 yrs in the States: 3 in Utah and 4 in Ohio.
We left for the first time with baby Elke and Leslie was born in Utah. She has two nationalities.
Later the girls studied 4 yrs in Ohio.
Later on we lived also almost 6yrs in Argentina.There I was exposing some paintings. Oils, watercolors and inkts mostly. I did academy of Arts in the city of Mechelen (oils and drawing) and was thought watercolor by Stephen Suchy,an American.

Who am I in a nutshell?I am a creative 67yr old peron but with a young mind.Like my mom I do not look my age.;)Then again, an age is just a number, eh.
Everythoing happens for a reason, and so I must have found your name not just by coincidence.(smile)
To add a little ùore of my personality:I am very social,sportive,I do have a positive spirit and am an engaged woman.In my lifetime I did a lot of voluntary work as well.I love literature,and do write now and then poetry.Love to dance, my yoga, playing piano and reading books.
At 19 of age I was a teacher in primary school; but then at 30 we moved to the Stetes.

I can tell things more later and wait for your answer,prior to write you a personel letter,ok?

I write with a few inmates for several yrs!

Have a pleasant day! Rita

Posted on Expand My Horizon by Steven Robinson Expand My Horizon
Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
hi Steven,
On the 3rd of January I went through a whole list of inmates and began at the end of it ans saw your name. I noticed you had almost none response, and after reading it,I was very enthousiatic because of what I read!
I didn't see your profile, but I could tell you aren't very young anyumore, so to see the content of your letter!

By this I send my wishes to have a New Year plenty of inspiration, happiness, warmth and peace of heart. And... I do the Pinky Swear, haha.
Do you know that 'lol' means fun?It came from our language most probably?I am spe

Posted on Expand My Horizon by Steven Robinson Expand My Horizon
Rita Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
hi Thurl,

The new year has come to us and I really hope we can become pen pals?

First of all I'd like to wish you and your family a happy year!!

I had hoped to see some answer from you; but I am sure it will come. :)
Yesterday I went to celebrate New Year at my mother's aparment, in our capital, Brussels.
My oldest brother Paul wasn't there as he and his whole family lives in Auwtralia.
We were there with my younger brother Johan, a dr, and my sis Joke (=Yoke).
Mom became lately 90, but she still is an ernergetic person.

Tell me about your family, thurl?

Well, once we can talk, all will be going easier, I guess.

Kind greetings from Rita

Posted on Untitled by Thurl Light Untitled
tigana Posted 9 years, 1 month ago.   Favorite
just a note, SAH - I found her posts in 3 places - one of whom she knows - or at least has communicated with in prior years. She obviously has some issues :)
As far as admin - I don't know what is going on lately- seems to take weeks to get messages sent on. Maybe they need help? Anyway - just my 2 cents

Posted on New Pic's by Perrie Thompson New Pic's
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