Well done #W66927...........you beat a DR. Not the last you'll earn, I'm sure. The only thing missing from your post advising the world of your success is 'Nyah, nyah, nyahnyah nyaaah' or some such expression of a 5 year olds triumph.
Since I am not, never have been and never will be a corrections officer I didn't understand Commander of the IPS. Since 'Google is my friend' I had a look but I can't for the life of me get the relationship to the Indian Police Service.
Your "meagre blog" could not be a more accurate description, with page views in the last quarter of 400 blogs and comments even harder to elicit it needs a lot of work.
I was browsing through this website and had never seen any of your posts before and wanted to tell you I really enjoyed reading your letter dated 15th August 2015.
That Business Technology class sounds tough - hope it's all over now and you're able to focus more on other things, but it's a great achievement!
You seem like a really inspiring person and like you said, we are all gonna make it together. After all, each person is just trying to make their way through life in this strange world as best we can, getting past all the individual challenges and problems. Some people seem to have more challenges than others, so they deserve a helping hand.
Please know that there are people out there who are thinking of you even though we don't know you or much about you - it doesn't matter. Sending my very best wishes your way!
I've only just stumbled across this website and started reading people's blogs and wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your post dated 7th July 2015. I'm really sorry to hear about all the trouble you had and I'm glad you're all healed up.
It's a shame you were denied the chance to attend the Arts and Education Class - hope you get a chance next time and enjoy it.
You must be a very patient person to enjoy chess - I learned to play a long time ago but was never very good at it! I admire anyone with that skill.
I don't know if you get bored in there but while you're listening to your radio or reading or writing, just know there are people out there who are thinking of you and wish you all the best.
Oh ok :)
Since I am not, never have been and never will be a corrections officer I didn't understand Commander of the IPS. Since 'Google is my friend' I had a look but I can't for the life of me get the relationship to the Indian Police Service.
Your "meagre blog" could not be a more accurate description, with page views in the last quarter of 400 blogs and comments even harder to elicit it needs a lot of work.
I was browsing through this website and had never seen any of your posts before and wanted to tell you I really enjoyed reading your letter dated 15th August 2015.
That Business Technology class sounds tough - hope it's all over now and you're able to focus more on other things, but it's a great achievement!
You seem like a really inspiring person and like you said, we are all gonna make it together. After all, each person is just trying to make their way through life in this strange world as best we can, getting past all the individual challenges and problems. Some people seem to have more challenges than others, so they deserve a helping hand.
Please know that there are people out there who are thinking of you even though we don't know you or much about you - it doesn't matter. Sending my very best wishes your way!
Stay safe and keep smiling
I've only just stumbled across this website and started reading people's blogs and wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your post dated 7th July 2015. I'm really sorry to hear about all the trouble you had and I'm glad you're all healed up.
It's a shame you were denied the chance to attend the Arts and Education Class - hope you get a chance next time and enjoy it.
You must be a very patient person to enjoy chess - I learned to play a long time ago but was never very good at it! I admire anyone with that skill.
I don't know if you get bored in there but while you're listening to your radio or reading or writing, just know there are people out there who are thinking of you and wish you all the best.
Stay safe.