My name is Jackie Burnett. My father was one of the 3 men you murdered. You left 3 children fatherless since 1991. Craig Burnett now has 5 grandchildren that will never know their grandfather. What took place caused me and my brothers to live through some very tough times without our father. But what it did was allowed us to grow strong and united as one.
You will never be forgiven by our worldly minds and hearts. But God is a different story. The Almighty may have had a different plan in mind. You are behind bars for a reason and I don't wish bad on nobody, but I can't hide the fact that I am very angry. My words to you are be grateful you are still breathing. Thank God that you are able to continue to communicate with the world. Because as you know there are 3 individuals that do not have that same privilege. In closing, I will never contact you again but just know that the 3 of us know who you are as well as your mother. And I pray to God my son never shames me the way I know you've shamed her. Peace and I pray to the Almighty that I can one day forgive before I die... (Today ain't that day).
Hello Jimmy Ray Robinson boy: I am so excited that you have gotten in touch with me I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply. I would love to hear from you more. My address is:7343 south Tennessee drive Willowbrook,Illinois 60527 apt:112. Please write soon or you can reach me at this number:847-204-3219, as I told you before my daughter Tiffany who is my oldest is convinced that you might be her father. I know it sounds crazy but I would like to put her mind at rest so please contact me and i will explain.
Imagine being 22 and having everything to look forward to.........then imagine NOTHING! Imagine being found in a dumpster like some unwanted garbage. Imagine the pain that those left behind must endure for ever. IMAGINE!
wow this is such a eloquent and insightful essay ! You pose very powerful questions about the whole humanity that I believe we should all think about. I love all the literary references and I love your writing style. I read all your other publishings and I was simply blown away. In all of them you present very deep and astute thesis. Thank you for these !
I just wanted to say, thanks for writing this. I found your words to be very evocative and I felt like I could get a sense of the individual person behind the words. In particular, the image of it being like a party where everyone is loud, you're never having fun, and the party guests never leave made me smile—it was a humorous way to describe it, and also painful, because you said "imagine" and I was like, "Yes, I can imagine that, and it sounds awful!" As someone who has never been incarcerated, but who really likes quiet and privacy, your words really hit home to me as I imagined how the lack of privacy, peace, and quiet would affect me.
It sounds like it would be challenging to anyone to find mental space to think one's own thoughts in your environment. I hope for you that you are able to find moments of peace and tranquility despite your surroundings. I believe that moments of quiet and reflection are so important to all of us, to allow us to grow and be in possession of ourselves, regardless of our circumstances. I wish the best for you!
X Julia
You will never be forgiven by our worldly minds and hearts. But God is a different story. The Almighty may have had a different plan in mind. You are behind bars for a reason and I don't wish bad on nobody, but I can't hide the fact that I am very angry. My words to you are be grateful you are still breathing. Thank God that you are able to continue to communicate with the world. Because as you know there are 3 individuals that do not have that same privilege. In closing, I will never contact you again but just know that the 3 of us know who you are as well as your mother. And I pray to God my son never shames me the way I know you've shamed her. Peace and I pray to the Almighty that I can one day forgive before I die... (Today ain't that day).
I would love to hear from you more. My address is:7343 south Tennessee drive Willowbrook,Illinois 60527 apt:112. Please write soon or you can reach me at this number:847-204-3219, as I told you before my daughter Tiffany who is my oldest is convinced that you might be her father. I know it sounds crazy but I would like to put her mind at rest so please contact me and i will explain.
Love always,
Myrna Michelle Hardy (not Williams)
Imagine being found in a dumpster like some unwanted garbage. Imagine the pain that those left behind must endure for ever. IMAGINE!
Thank you for these !
"I am light
but one that's unwelcome"
I thought these two lines were especially powerful.
Also, you have really beautiful handwriting. Is that something you have practiced, or have you just always had nice handwriting?
Best wishes,
VB in Massachusetts
It sounds like it would be challenging to anyone to find mental space to think one's own thoughts in your environment. I hope for you that you are able to find moments of peace and tranquility despite your surroundings. I believe that moments of quiet and reflection are so important to all of us, to allow us to grow and be in possession of ourselves, regardless of our circumstances. I wish the best for you!
VB in Massachusetts