Here we go again.........always someone else to blame. If they let you recreate on your own that would also be a problem. Would you have been happy to report that they pepper-sprayed you and everyone else on the yard or that you were hit by a gas ball gun?
Stand up and take responsibility for once. DOC didn't create your problem with the other inmate.
I'm not sure I have enough for a letter, just that it's usually not the case that people's sexuality is a result of those things. It's not my business so much a just a fact of life and science etc. People are 'born this way' as they say. But if you would prefer me to talk more via mail then I would certainly do my best!
Timothy, Thank you for sharing this, all MASS TAX PAYERS need to see this and take a stance. Having a husband that is incarcerated for the last 14 years, and visiting him at 4 different institutions in Mass. I see waste of our tax dollars on a weekly basis. He is currently housed at Concord in the segregation unit so I visit him on Mondays; a time when there is no other visits open to the public, only Seg visits and attorneys, and in the 108 days that he has been in Seg I have been the only visitor on Monday and at the most I have seen 2 attorneys up there. 35 new hires started and on one Monday 2 female officers were sitting out front at the visiting desk where normal visits are processed and I asked them why they were out there on a Monday, being rookies they answered"they have no assignment for us, so we are out here". I was the only visit they processed that day; yet they have 2 units closed and are 200% overcrowded according to the DOC statistics. At this institution like so many others it is locked down half of the time, library, gym and the time for movement is half of what it is at other institutions. It is classified as a level 4 but still ran like an intake center. And I could continue on about the waste that we see, hearing the guards shift swapping, and on and on.
Stand up and take responsibility for once. DOC didn't create your problem with the other inmate.
Universal Life Church Monastery Headquarters
1425 Broadway Ste. 67
Seattle, WA 98122 USA
Thank you for sharing this, all MASS TAX PAYERS need to see this and take a stance. Having a husband that is incarcerated for the last 14 years, and visiting him at 4 different institutions in Mass. I see waste of our tax dollars on a weekly basis. He is currently housed at Concord in the segregation unit so I visit him on Mondays; a time when there is no other visits open to the public, only Seg visits and attorneys, and in the 108 days that he has been in Seg I have been the only visitor on Monday and at the most I have seen 2 attorneys up there. 35 new hires started and on one Monday 2 female officers were sitting out front at the visiting desk where normal visits are processed and I asked them why they were out there on a Monday, being rookies they answered"they have no assignment for us, so we are out here". I was the only visit they processed that day; yet they have 2 units closed and are 200% overcrowded according to the DOC statistics. At this institution like so many others it is locked down half of the time, library, gym and the time for movement is half of what it is at other institutions. It is classified as a level 4 but still ran like an intake center. And I could continue on about the waste that we see, hearing the guards shift swapping, and on and on.
Best Laurie and Kenji Drayton