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Lavender Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Milo

I've transcribed your post entitled 'Place The Entire Appellate Record Under Scrutiny' dated September 2nd 2012. I hope you find it heartening that I had to go back that far to find one that hadn't already been transcribed, but I'm not sure when they were done. I'll keep working backwards anyway. In any event, it looks as though your campaign to raise the profile of your plight is gathering momentum. I hope you're successful, and that someone in a position to help you comes to your assistance.

With kind regards

theonlyforgivingchild Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
hey johnnie, this is your sister just wanted to say hello i love you and let you know i posted this between the bars on facebook so you may be famous. lol just trying to make you smile. love your baby sister

Posted on Untitled by Johnnie Jones Untitled
anthonyjohn75 Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Hi, my name is john dimambro,i would like to startby saying that bryce was one of my best friends, i met him when he first moved to woburn and we became very close friends, i spent nearly everyday with bryce while he was home awaiting his trial, while we all know the terrible thing that was done we were only kids back then, he was a good friend to me and i love him,i wish i stayed in contact with him over the years, i cant change that but plan to, bryce is a good person who made a terrible mistake, he hs payed his debt to society and deserves to be home, i am so happy that even through the hell hes been through and the terrible place he lives that he has found a woman who loves him and i hope jr can comr home to you very,very soon, i love you brother and think about you often, your friend always, John DiMambro, i hope to see you again real soon!!

Ashby Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite

I am following your saga on the Between the Bars blog which I have just discovered today. Your description of "Janus" is poignant. Although so many of those old gods have long since been forgotten and are myths in or minds and stories, there's a lot of symbolism. I can feel the light of God in your words, which is much needed. I meditate frequently on Ecclesiastes and remember that all is a chasing after the wind, which comforts me in an odd way.


Posted on Hope 2014 by Gary Field Hope 2014
Woz Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Reck , Stumbled upon this by accident . Loved reading about the history of and your adventures with H.R.P. Brought back many memories of my own . Not sure that you would remember or not but I'm one former "heads" from VTA. Our crews crossed paths a few times in the mid to late 80s . Not sure how it started or ended though . I'm sure you or yours were shagging sure of the local "Lasses" at the time and lead us all partying together and hitting up gigs . Not sure what my handle was in those days ( pollock , spanky ) idk and doesn't really matter . Some names you may recall chopper , Frankenstein , mouse creeper ect . Also around that time was the two skins from Texas , danny boy and Jeff I think . I know you remember batgirl since her name popped up in your writing . I remember you Animal , J Gore , Sep , Cameron ect . Spent a lil time on the blvd and a lil more drinking off the blvd . Also remember the rock shop and gigs at the anti club in those days . Best of times and worst of times . It's all a bit fuzzy now . Paroled from Corcoran in 98 and went civilian . Currently living in the south doing the family thing . Still catch a show from time to time and still love cranking up the old school sounds that take me back . Anyhow , just wanted to thank you for writing about our scene in the 80s . Would love to read more if you decide to put it out there . Sometimes I scour the web for stories of punk crews back in the day . The kids today will never understand . Maybe they are lucky ? I hope you get some serious action on your writ soon . That's no place for our kind or any kind for that matter . Stay strong and don't let the badtards get you down . They are only pathetic boot lickers who's only authority is a punk ass piece of tin they called a badge and their only power comes out the end of a gun . State sponsored cowards .

In liberty and respect , Woz

Posted on Ramblings in No Particlar Order by Scot Pinkerton Ramblings in No Particlar Order
sheshe1234 Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Hey uncle Johnnie its sheshe Billy Jones kid yeah I sent YooH a letter it shudd could in in a couple days well love u

Posted on Untitled by Johnnie Jones Untitled
jrowan Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Librado!
I hope this finds you well, it was great to get a response. Don't worry about not responding before, sometimes we lose track of things and it's not our fault. I am quite forgetful myself.
I find it really interesting to hear what you have to say about your experiences in prison, I hear about conditions in prisons on TV or in news articles but to have actual knowledge of that experience just enforces it. I hope you have the space you need, I know I value my personal space and that must be difficult in prison. Especially an overcrowded prison. Obviously in the time we live, there's such an emphasis on money and economics which must definitely impact on your experiences within prison. Money is king, people are expendable.
I'm not an American, I'm actually British so I only have a vague understanding of Californian legalities and prison systems. I am very interested though so now I have some direction, maybe I can do some reading to try and increase what I know.

Once again, I hope this finds you well. I admire you spirit and your acceptance of your situation. Sometimes the only power we have is to be ourselves, so hold on to that power.

Posted on Just A Shout Out To All Bloggers! by Librado Clemena, Jr. Just A Shout Out To All Bloggers!
Lavender Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Milo,

I've transcribed your post titled 'Petition Mass Media Attention.'

Take care,

Posted on Petition Mass Media Attention by Milo Rose Petition Mass Media Attention
Lavender Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Milo

I've transcribed your (very short) Twitter Users post. I hope it works.

You asked in a note what was stopping me from contacting you directly. I'm fairly new to all of this, and I prefer to remain anonymous. If that's a problem please let me know.

With kind regards

Posted on Twitter Users by Milo Rose Twitter Users
lru Posted 10 years, 11 months ago.   Favorite
Kyle: is it allowed to mail you softcover books with a metal spiral binding? what about plastic?


Posted on A Typical Tuesday Night by Kyle De Wolf A Typical Tuesday Night
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