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rowan2783 Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
This was a great story to tell. I am a student working toward a degree in criminal justice so I read a lot about how the system works or does not work but I really haven't seen what goes on inside the walls of a prison. I am glad that there are programs for inmates that are beneficial aside from educational services.
Kudos to you Miracle Mike for taking that first step to better yourself!

Posted on My Introduction to AVP by Michael Winsett My Introduction to AVP
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
says in psalms Jah will have them in derision why not the lion of judah send cat messangers, im glad u believe in angel cats some of these astray christians just look at me when im nuts when i meniton it and that bageera is a shaman cat like abraham. maybe they got family history type of cromwell oppressor christians who killed followers of the Black Christ call us witches in ireland. im learning more about hopi the Creator has a friend called spiderwoman they say, i think about her when im smoking mi tobacco and herb and sending out mi shaman darts and ropes to build a bridge. dont ask me where its going mi life seems like hell sometimes i start appreciate it more when i read your blog and thin of ppl getting tourted up close and personal like the muslims in gitmo says right in quran we take our colour from ALlah , the old egyptians paintings show 4 races, all the ancestors have the 4 colour thing in the circle. i agree the white race went most astray into capitalism this times it seems be part of Jah decree but im realy ashamed i got caught up in the wrong type of black power movement. im really glad im pale/albino or whatever cos i bee feeling lot worse if i was black skinned about being a black racist. hopefully ppl will see i was going along with it cos i thought it was Jah wanted that, muthafucking pharisee on ewn made video about hip hop he pretends his down says tupac, who i love, i quoted his lyrics from dear mama on the comments of the video - that preacher never cared for me, hes a crook with a book, only here to be sure i dont drop a dime to GOd about him robbing on the poor, is about a youth on death row, i quoted it to the robbing pharisee. i better continue mi search how spell your name i aint good at spelling, i may have been a witch before and some of mi spells are backfiring but its all part of the plan. King Selaisse I is like David i remember reading somehting about someone cursed up David and he said let it might turn to our benefit. curse course leper leaper this sirius dog star messanger needs spun back da rite ways. liked your reply to the christian about you feel unconditionally loved by Jah i wish i did i do sometimes then i worry its mi ego. i heard a voice in hospital said i was wearing her dress, it was while i was speaking ot someone who i think is mi fake mum in disguse she said also i was a boy and i said no i swopped places with mi twin that must been the thing in the shower when i thought like i got castaratd, i was probably a shaman in one mi life same as i think is some truth how i been told i was a black woman in ghana i read shaman often take on opposite sex roles for a while and must be like that but with other lifes not just in this one. i was wearing a nightdress with red roses on i was scared for a minute i stolen it off mary magdalene, even if i did borrow a dress or rob Jah i think it was cos i wanted get revenge for ppl that was being oppressed but only Jah knows. so long, mich.

Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
only just reading it now bud, i looking tru blogs see how spell your name on the form is taking ages then i keep forget what i meant be doing. im hoping mi daughter is gonna ring soon to say meet me in kingston go bank try send u fifty quid if i have enuf i will send 60 the fee is 23 but kaya is paying that so i wont be able really to afford send money this way again. maybe one of this christian preacher whos things u is attending has a penpal or cud set one up so i cud start sending u a few quid regular if Jah wants me too, pleasae try cut that batty boy shite on the head i appreaciate it must be real hard in there, i actualy done a bit of ho shit myself lol i know hard to believe now u seen mi photos but for real, i wasnt very good at it i turned most ppl down only usually saw a couple of ppl a week who was hard up couldnt afford the fees of the rest of the girls, i think i was under a witchcraft maybe cos when i was young i never even used like take a drink of a man if i didnt have money pay him back. i just suddenly signed up one day on a website after some family memebers done the same, like a dumb ass copy cat. i aint bothered i pretty sure it was ok with Jah for a while, says in the baha'i tablet of job about we have go tru types of degregation, most of the ppl i saw were immigrants i felt bad for them in a strange land must be mi cat on mi mind the egyptian black panther who was persian in his previous incarnation here, purr.sion, when that grotz keeps saying obama is the man of great perdiction i say maybe is bageera and hes the cat of great Gods purr.diction and hes gonna be a narnian messanger cat, i dont see why not

Posted on Untitled by Jeremiah Ray Bond Untitled
William Goehler Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Comment Response by William Goehler Comment Response
Robert Hartman Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Untitled by Robert Hartman Untitled
Timothy J. Muise Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
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Calhoun25 Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
This is a very good argument! It reminds me of something in the Gospel of John. He says that since we accept human testimony, we must also accept divine testimony. I guess it's like this: a) the Supreme Being can at least perform our engineering actions, given who He is.
b) We can impregnate without intercourse.
c) Therefore, the Supreme Being can create a Virgin Birth.
You can also back this claim up with the fact that the birth is independentally attested to in two differnet historical sources (Matthew and Luke). What's interesting is that Luke's account is told from more of Mary's perspective; it seems like Luke was right there interviewing her, and he most likely was. Keep up the good work! Until next time!

Posted on The Virgin Birth by Kyle De Wolf The Virgin Birth
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
i cant really order the check from mi bank they got post it out and i wont be here im hoping kaya can come with me ot her bank tomorror or next day so can order it there get it posted to her address in spain then i can send it to you from there. i will try my best but please understand im a bit useless and is get some harsh tribulations on mi head sometimes to feel ok to do much or concentrate even on the simplest thing but im hopefull will get done before i leave monday. i have also photocopied the pistis sophie prayer for you its got some little drawings of stars and that and how Jesus ties in with the native peoples understanding and how they know more about him than most these nutty religous peoples. laters, Michelle.

Posted on Books Order Form by Jeremiah Ray Bond Books Order Form
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
i put some leg work in while i was in the mental hospital im often in like more than one reality. well i think i am its hard ot tell what with mi confusion ever before me and mi mind addled with drugs and cia interfrence, whatever. on that photo i sent off melcheditz yeah i agree can see like tattoos on his face but if u also look closely at his neck u can see old man face on i thin kits do with quezecoytal. some of these so called black power revolutionarys are a bunch of sell out fake muthafuckahs Q is a pale type of CHrist that went rogue alien and is helping bring tru the ark of the coveant available to everyone eventually if Jah wills and not just for the select self-appointed few..i so glad i got that lefeka sedek bandlet of righteousness book in it it says about if u follow the antichrist u will suffer torment in the fire but if u have that book u wont, i can see on one mi videos looks like that clown on mi neck says in lefeka sedek also about the names can be wrapped round your neck or carried in the womb like Mary did who he originally told the names too. told her not to tell names to those who had not given up wordly accolades and riches and whose mind wasnot set on reach the Most HIgh so she said she wudnt then He said dont seperate thyself i desire that ones shud know. its a bit like trick or treat the pharisee rastafari is think can use Jah stuff to steal the real teachers identity teach a bullshit doctrine of racism sectariansm and nwo of slavery when we meant be get rid of all that shite.

Posted on Books Order Form by Jeremiah Ray Bond Books Order Form
Cursed8Blessed Posted 11 years, 3 months ago.   Favorite
Hi - thanks for 2 letters both came yesterday. i dont think i will be able do that thing on the form even tho it dont cost much cos i dont have a check book or a credit card i just have a visa debit card and paypal facilitie if u knew anyone with that i cud easily send u $20 every fortnight dont have pay a fee and transfers to other currencys. mi daughter is over from spain with the baby then i fly back with her on monday im staying a month, cant wait it in the mountains i finding the emnergies here hard sometimes this current time is do with comet ison is like 3 days get bit difficult im expecting but then be like quran says with hardship comes ease. she has a check book but then we realised still wouldnt be in dollars. i was with her in kingston 2 days ago so i went into mi bank showed them the form your prison sent me ask if i can send a money order in us dollars first she said no i said well u said before i cud if i had the details so she thinks about it says yeah but its £25 fee seeing as i only able afford send 50 and thats like 50per cent fee bigger fucking scammers than western union. she said try the post office i went there they said no. kaya said she will take her bank its 23 fee but she said she cud pay it but then when i showed them the form they said it didnt give right info who make out for . she came round yesterday i was waiting hear from the prison but not come in time got email today so i got all the details and they said too u can have all the money i was worry if u was in debt u wud end up with nothing i will copy paste emials on here later show u our correspondence so u know i aint going behind your back. i agree what u say about those racist black muslims they shud try reading the quran cos its not agree with that. Muhammad was a gentile prophet the israelites found it hard to accept that God gave scriptures to a poor arab. im learning about spiderwoman who the hopi say came here with Creator, im still hoping transform into some type catwoman superhuru and free mi bruthah from jail if i can find him,

Posted on Books Order Form by Jeremiah Ray Bond Books Order Form
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