I miss you terribly and love you tons. I love your artwork. My favorite is the one you drew of you behind bars and me laying on a bench in front of it. Be looking for my letter.
Hey it's will. Me an jade didn't work out turned out loyalty wasn't her strong suit. I tried my hardest to keep my lil family together but I failed. If the opportunity is still up I would like to take you up on the job. It's crazy hard to get a job here in California.
Hey pops. It's will, sorry it's been a minute. I been dealing with so much here. An I wish I had some good to say but lil good comes my way now an days. I feel like the only thing that brings me joy in my life right now is my son. But When I'm not with him I'm always pissed of an angry. Havens almost 2 now he's smart an loves cars an motorcycles. He already knows how to start my car haha an he's not even 2 yet! Destiny and yash are doing good. The man she's with is a good guy he's got mine an yashes approval haha witch is not easy to get..
Hey Trevin. Thanks for telling your story. How old were you when you got sentenced to life? Are you up for a pen-pal? If you are include your address on your reply and I'll write you asap. -Gabrielle
Shawn: You've made the best use of available resources. Your star may have shone too brightly. It is good to see you making the most of your mind and heart despite circumstances and consequences.
xoxo Cindy
Love the blog. And thanks for the shout-out!
I am waiting for a letetr of yours?
It's been so long.....
What can be the reason?
I surely hope and pray you are well. I am worried. Since you got the bad news.
I spoke to your dad. I've only a few minutes left on this pc, in the library.
your sweety sends you warm hugs and many kisses..
how is your current state? I am hoping you are okay?
I've only a little time here in the library. My pc is in repair for at least 4 weeks!
I wrote you a letter to know of a trusty address to send you a little money. To support you.
I am waiting for your rsponse now.
George was not released.
I know by a friend, (woman) that a person can be out, but hasn't an address..... same as you.
Hope you can read this.
big hug from Rita
You've made the best use of available resources. Your star may have shone too brightly. It is good to see you making the most of your mind and heart despite circumstances and consequences.