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cita Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
My friend, how truly blessed I feel to read this. My heart cries for you and reflect my prayers of hope for you. The Lord has said, "vengeance is mine..." His promise has comforted me many times when I have been hurt by those I have trusted. I have asked the Lord to remind me of His words when the thought of revenge crossed my mind. I pray for you and I share your story with others in the hope of reminding those who have forgotten that eliminating the bars and the label, we are all human beings who have made mistakes and poor decisions, we have all been loved but have hurt others and we all deserve a second chance and to be forgiven. We are all equal no matter where or who we are.....those who have sinned against a child of God will be dealt with by Him. I am thankful for your voice and the voice you have now given me. Keep your eyes upon the Lord, my friend. I pray for you!!! Humbled, Cita

Posted on Untitled by Luis D. Perez Untitled
Vladimir Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Daniel,

First off, an excellent post! Very poignant and well-written. I fully agree with your emphasis on "restoration" rather than "punishment," especially with regards to the practice of mindfulness. It has worked wonders in my own life, and I have no doubt that it can greatly help inmates as well. What a shame that our government refuses to fund such programs. Sadly, they seem to view all inmates as beyond repair, which is just plain wrong.

Hope you are well. Stay strong!


P.S.--are you allowed to receive books in the mail? If you'd like, I would be glad to send you some reading material.

Posted on A Mindful Approach to Prison Reform by Daniel Labbe A Mindful Approach to Prison Reform
Vladimir Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
Hello Chris, just wanted to say great post! I, too, have read "Frankenstein" several times, and every time I read it, I take away something new from it. A great book indeed.

Stay strong, and know that many people out here support you and hope you are well.


P.S.--are you allowed to receive books in the mail? I'd be very glad to send you some reading material (but only if you'd like, of course).

Posted on Untitled by Christopher Trotter Untitled
JT Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
I emailed a link of this page to a writer at the Globe. I hope they find it interesting.

I think that someone needs to run the numbers on Josh Wall. There was considerable press when he was being considered for the job. Lots of protests.

Someone needs to 'run the numbers' and see 'how he's doing.' A follow up story, if you will.....

Darryl Gwaltney-Bey Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Kickin' It With Compassion by Darryl Gwaltney-Bey Kickin' It With Compassion
Deenuno77 Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
Hello I'm D. Noonan, Bryce's wife I can't even express how disgusted I am with the parole board and the government overall in regards to juvenile offenders. I'm a law abiding citizen paying taxes to a government that has no idea in spending it productively.
I met my husband 8 years ago, and we became friends as our relationship developed I realized how sincere he was, and how truly remorseful he had become. The young 17year old boy, mentally and physically abused committed a horrific crime, and has taken full responsiblity for his actions. He has truly changed himself, not just him but some of the other inmates I have come in contact with. We didn't get married until 2010, Bryce after receiving his initial set back, unselfishly decided that we needed to disconnect because he wanted the best for me, he wanted me to enjoy life and it's experiences. It was a long two years I never forgot him. We reconnected late 2009 and it was agreed that neither one of us ever wanted to be apart again. We were married the following August, and have been going strong ever since. Upon Bryce's second parole hearing, I was appalled and disgusted with the outcome. How can he get a initial 4 year set back and then a 5? It was absurd and clear to me that not only was Bryce paying the price for Cinelli's actions but every other inmate who had hope of going home. I wrote the parole board, the commissioner, and the governor and it got me no were. Yes, Bryce did mention my battle with Cancer, and it was a life battle that I would of given up had it not been for him and our boys. Yes, our boys although my children aren't biologically his, he talks to them everyday and they visit with him once a month which is more then their own father. He offers discipline advice and how to properly raise them, in hopes that they will one day be good citizen's.
No one can understand the thought process behind a mentally and physically abused juvenile, I say this because how would the parole board react if one of their own loved one's stumble upon this misfortune? I would have to say they would not be so heartless. They had no problem having Bryce and I along with our families wait a year before they slapped him with a five year set back...
I'm not sure how these individuals can make decisions like this in one meeting. Why not use the tax payers money and get to know some of these guys, spend time with them. I understand that public safety is in question, but how can you determine someone to be a threat in one meeting with them...Impossible!
Unsure of the road to come, I will always support juvenile reform not because of Bryce but because juveniles are incapable of making logical decisions. Because locking them up isn't a easy fix, it's a waste of money. Money that can be used to help such individual's who are rehabilitated lead productive lives willing to show the community that they are worthy of this.

akalitty Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
My Beloved Six,
I'm feeling pretty bad. I'm not certain how I am going to handle this and what I am going to do, if anything to get through this. Besides being medically I'll, I'm feeling like crap. I'm waiting for the results from background checks and then drug testing. At least I know I'll pass them. After that it is just getting hours. I'll fill you in at a later time. I LOVE YOU, you are my heart and soul.
I miss you like crazzeeeeee.
Always and forever, your Zahra

Posted on Bloody Veils by Sarai Rose Bloody Veils
bluelotus Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
i love this!

Posted on Untitled by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Untitled
Leon Irby Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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Ronald W. Clark, Jr Posted 11 years, 4 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Daily Journal - July 15 - 21, 2013 by Ronald W. Clark, Jr Daily Journal - July 15 - 21, 2013
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