Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I hope your friend gets your message soon, it is nice that you still have connection with people. Best of luck, I hope you are soon released and can start to rebuild your life. All the best.
Some prisons let the inmates have ipods (they purchase them off of the canteen). I know that the prison here in Florida let the women borrow small radios (only, they said, so they could listen to a local religious program -- the reception was so bad that was *almost* all they could get -- but, being in prison, and inventive, they found ways to boost the signal!).
Anything that keeps folks involved in a productive activity is a good thing.
But that's not the kind of forward thinking that usually goes into the decision making.
At the male prison I worked at, the inmates couldn't even get to the library on any kind of regular (and I mean monthly) basis.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Jennifer, don't be put of by a lack of response, I am sure people still read it. Keep writing. All the best.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Like you I have a father in my life who isn't actually my father, for that I feel very lucky.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. It's a nice idea, but I don't think it is realistic to have iPods in prison, it would be quite expensive and people still think that prison should be punishment rather rehabilitation. All the best.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I hope I have transcribed everything that you wanted, I thought writing out too much of the headers and footers would detract from it so I kept it to the main text.
Anything that keeps folks involved in a productive activity is a good thing.
But that's not the kind of forward thinking that usually goes into the decision making.
At the male prison I worked at, the inmates couldn't even get to the library on any kind of regular (and I mean monthly) basis.
It's a real shame.