Calvin,once again our paths cross and I am convinced that we are destined to live as friends who love and support each other. Man, how else am I to explain how good I feel now that we have reconnected. It was by accident that I stumbled upon this site and was I ever surprised to discover your blogs. I've always known you are gifted but I didn't know you can write. You express yourself so eloquently as displayed in your blog which describes the moment you were told of your beloved grandmother's death. I felt your shock and pain and suffering and loss. I feel it now but I also feel your resolve to move forward and be your best self in her honor. She would be so proud of you.....I know I am. Keep living and loving and sharing your gifts with the world. You are a blessing. Love, J
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. I hope that your children will see that your absence doesn't mean they aren't loved by you. My father has never wanted to be there and is no longer a part of my life, you can rebuild the relationship when you are released.
Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. Well done in your sobriety, I hope that continues so that you can rebuild your relationship with your family.
Hey Kelly Happy to hear from you again! Sad to hear you're in a bad mood. Well take it easy for a while, like Rita says, the struggle you are fighting can be taken up again later when you feel better about it. No, I don't know Rita, but yes I do live in Belgium too. That's really special, don't you think so, Rita? Lately I asked you, Kelly, if you do some meditation because I do and it strengthens me very much. It's a question of finding your basic strength within yourself. I believe within oneself there is down deep a place where it's always peaceful. It's the place where I feel God lives in. Don't know if you believe in God and I'm sure He loves you too as you are His child too. I didn't tell you yet but I'm always using a wheelchair and for me it has been and still is a struggle to be satisfied with what I have. I can imagine this is hardly possible when you're in prison, but I think it's not completely impossible to find a bit of peace with yourself too. Just a thought of mine, feel free to do with it what you want. Thank you for the hugs, I return them to you with much gratitude and love,
Happy to hear from you again! Sad to hear you're in a bad mood. Well take it easy for a while, like Rita says, the struggle you are fighting can be taken up again later when you feel better about it. No, I don't know Rita, but yes I do live in Belgium too. That's really special, don't you think so, Rita? Lately I asked you, Kelly, if you do some meditation because I do and it strengthens me very much. It's a question of finding your basic strength within yourself. I believe within oneself there is down deep a place where it's always peaceful. It's the place where I feel God lives in. Don't know if you believe in God and I'm sure He loves you too as you are His child too. I didn't tell you yet but I'm always using a wheelchair and for me it has been and still is a struggle to be satisfied with what I have. I can imagine this is hardly possible when you're in prison, but I think it's not completely impossible to find a bit of peace with yourself too. Just a thought of mine, feel free to do with it what you want. Thank you for the hugs, I return them to you with much gratitude and love,