Thanks for writing! I finished the transcription for your post. It is interesting to hear about American TV. The Voice only came over to the UK last year, but it has done a lot better than the X Factor which makes me happy, although admittedly I do quite like Simon Cowell.
Well, Bob I realized I forgot to include the art pictures I promissed; they'll come later with a letter from Belgium then. You'll get them! :-)
It's late here. And it was a very hot day!
I am visiting George jr tomorrow and these will be my 2 last visits. He will be sad... I know him. :-(
I visited today the museum of Carl Sandburg; one of the greatest poets of America! His parents came from Sweden. Did you hear from him, Bob? He wrote many! poems for the people, he was a prose writer, he wrote children's songs and forgotten songs also, he played the gitar. He was a filosopher, a socialist, an activist and wrote the biography of Lincoln's life. He won the Pulitzer price with it. I saw his tiny birthplace in Galesburg, IL Where I am at.
A man who visited Belgium, took an interview of me. While he had visited Belgium and had written an article about my country. And was writing other articles in a magazine relating to Carl Sandburg. I told him I loved poetry! I bought two books of Sandburg and some postcards. I love reading in general as you know. Just finding the time to read ;-)
Have a nice tomorrow, Bob; and I hope you'll receive pretty soon my letter!
When George jr would be released, he has to stay one yr and a half in Chicago. where he is supervised. But he has a job and his pro deo lawyer Jessica is searching for a groups house to readjust to society. We hope for the best!!
If so, I will help him to do that!That is then my mission. ;-)))
I read your blog. Does it warm your heart to know your son is out there making 4th of July memories whether it's a BBQ, fireworks, & family, or even the aftermath clean up? Logan & I went to work together & went to the family's cabin in Shelton after we got off. I'd have to say the highlight was kayak racing with Logan, my lil sis, and her husband. We made smores & had dinner & came home & lit off a few fireworks. It was fun & I love when I can actually get some of Logan's attention....ya know teenagers are pretty busy doing a whole lotta nothing :0) Hope all is well with you. I will talk to you soon.
keep being the very way you are; you are unique.. i' m telling you, ok?! It's like I feel your special energy, and that's just cool, haha
You know, I promiss to write you a letter from Belgium. With a photo and how Antwerp where I live,looks like. Just let me go over my jetlag first, arriving in my country, the 11th of July and than I need a week or so to adjust.
Well yes Kelly, I see much positiveness in you. Keep that growing. Maybe trying to take calmth and 'silence' in your being. Like in times you read a book. And I know you enjoy reading books!! Which one you read right now? I LOVE reading books!!! Always 'searching' time to do it though...
Here I was pretty busy visiting George in the correctional center. We've a great time enjoying each other's company!! I ususally hand him over some magazines; he loves !!! fashion and i'll give him a Vanity Fair. Also being an activist, he loves history, politics and does chess games with opponents in the free world. He studies chess.
Well, at my first B&B I got them for free ( those magazines) from the people there. Also magazines 'The Newyorker'. I've 2 more visits to go. The last visit he gets sad, ... I know him.:-(
I told you he might be free in September or in Oktober!? His PB was replaced, because the 4th of July. But I got 6 hrs at the other hand; on the 4th I only had had 4hrs. When visiting, I saw five prisoners being released!!2 black men greeted me and they seemed so very happy!I was moved by it.
Know what? Kurt was my ex neighbor in Belgium, While I moved and live now another place. He is a travestite. And he is married with Thomas. They are a nice couple and very friendly people. He used to dress himself as a girl when he was small, he told me one day. People should remain themselves, whatever you feel like. It's your own freedom.
Today I went to the museum of one of the greatest poets of America! Carl Sandburg; his parents came from Sweden.I like poetry. He wrote also prose, songs for children, he was an activist, (such as George whose mom is also half Swedish/half Fin(n)ish. He won the Pulitzer price for the biography of Lincoln's life!A socialist, a philosopher and he was a poet for the people.I bought 2 books at the museum. And visisted his very small birthplace and took some pictures there too. Somebody who visited Belgium, interviewed me there and would write an article for his local magazine having to do the writer. I should send him by mail some photos of my paintings too!
Well,have nice days ahead of you, Kelly;you create for a big deal your own life, remember that!Be kind to people and they'll be kind in return. George is living that way... and he is locked up for so many yrs!!!
a friendly hug from Rita!
I was glad to hear some news of you! Stay strong! No,I do not know Little Pilgrim
You'll get them! :-)
It's late here. And it was a very hot day!
I am visiting George jr tomorrow and these will be my 2 last visits. He will be sad... I know him. :-(
I visited today the museum of Carl Sandburg; one of the greatest poets of America! His parents came from Sweden. Did you hear from him, Bob? He wrote many! poems for the people, he was a prose writer, he wrote children's songs and forgotten songs also, he played the gitar. He was a filosopher, a socialist, an activist and wrote the biography of Lincoln's life. He won the Pulitzer price with it. I saw his tiny birthplace in Galesburg, IL Where I am at.
A man who visited Belgium, took an interview of me. While he had visited Belgium and had written an article about my country. And was writing other articles in a magazine relating to Carl Sandburg. I told him I loved poetry! I bought two books of Sandburg and some postcards. I love reading in general as you know. Just finding the time to read ;-)
Have a nice tomorrow, Bob; and I hope you'll receive pretty soon my letter!
a big hug from Rita
We hope for the best!!
If so, I will help him to do that!That is then my mission. ;-)))
keep being the very way you are; you are unique.. i' m telling you, ok?!
It's like I feel your special energy, and that's just cool, haha
You know, I promiss to write you a letter from Belgium. With a photo and how Antwerp where I live,looks like. Just let me go over my jetlag first, arriving in my country, the 11th of July and than I need a week or so to adjust.
Well yes Kelly, I see much positiveness in you. Keep that growing. Maybe trying to take calmth and 'silence' in your being. Like in times you read a book. And I know you enjoy reading books!! Which one you read right now? I LOVE reading books!!! Always 'searching' time to do it though...
Here I was pretty busy visiting George in the correctional center. We've a great time enjoying each other's company!! I ususally hand him over some magazines; he loves !!! fashion and i'll give him a Vanity Fair. Also being an activist, he loves history, politics and does chess games with opponents in the free world. He studies chess.
Well, at my first B&B I got them for free ( those magazines) from the people there. Also magazines 'The Newyorker'. I've 2 more visits to go. The last visit he gets sad, ... I know him.:-(
I told you he might be free in September or in Oktober!? His PB was replaced, because the 4th of July. But I got 6 hrs at the other hand; on the 4th I only had had 4hrs.
When visiting, I saw five prisoners being released!!2 black men greeted me and they seemed so very happy!I was moved by it.
Know what? Kurt was my ex neighbor in Belgium, While I moved and live now another place. He is a travestite. And he is married with Thomas. They are a nice couple and very friendly people. He used to dress himself as a girl when he was small, he told me one day.
People should remain themselves, whatever you feel like. It's your own freedom.
Today I went to the museum of one of the greatest poets of America! Carl Sandburg; his parents came from Sweden.I like poetry. He wrote also prose, songs for children, he was an activist, (such as George whose mom is also half Swedish/half Fin(n)ish. He won the Pulitzer price for the biography of Lincoln's life!A socialist, a philosopher and he was a poet for the people.I bought 2 books at the museum. And visisted his very small birthplace and took some pictures there too.
Somebody who visited Belgium, interviewed me there and would write an article for his local magazine having to do the writer. I should send him by mail some photos of my paintings too!
Well,have nice days ahead of you, Kelly;you create for a big deal your own life, remember that!Be kind to people and they'll be kind in return. George is living that way... and he is locked up for so many yrs!!!
a friendly hug from Rita!
I was glad to hear some news of you! Stay strong!
No,I do not know Little Pilgrim