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bluelotus Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
It's a sad thing that prison seems to be the place where all the doctors go that con't make it anywhere else. Just because you go to prison shouldn't mean that you should loose all your rights as a human being, which includes the right to receive adequate medical care, but I guess this is exactly what happens. There are lots of doctors even out here who do it just for the money and do not enjoy their profession one little bit. Many times they actually work together with the drug companies and just prescribe people as many drugs as possible to make profit. They do things like putting little kids on psychiatric drugs when the parents report they are acting unusual or are hard to deal with. It is ridiculous. You could say, I have lost much faith in doctors and general so I am actually not surprised that the situation is even worse in prison. Probably the best thing to do is to try and do everything possible to avoid the need for a doctor, even if this is not always possible, especially in a situation like prison, but you can still try to avoid the worst junk food, exercise and keep a positive mind set which goes a long way in keeping the body healthy as well (I have made myself sick from stress before- the mind is a powerful thing).

Posted on Prison Pathophobia by Johnny E. Mahaffey Prison Pathophobia
JT Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Then don't be embittered!

(I'm not suggesting that you are - just responding to what someone can do when they are caught up in the system).

I've worked in prison as a counselor. I know how bad the system can be - but I have to say that I cared enormously about my men and women (I've worked in both male and female prisons).

Every once in awhile a name pops into my head or I hear a name on the radio that is close to a name I know. And I wonder how so-and-so is doing.

So, I look them up. (Well, I only ever look up to see if they've been arrested again. Anymore than that is intrusive).

The thing is, more often than not, they have. It's heartbreaking to think of all those men a and women who blew yet another chance. The last name that popped into my head belongs to a man who was just sentenced to 15 years.

He was out of prison only a few weeks. He was young, smart, handsome. And he had a young child that he said he wanted to help raise.

When he next sees his son, the boy will be a young man. It's heartbreaking.

I know that prison is unfair and dangerous. But all you can do is what you can do yourself.

That's what I told them my job was: to have hope.


Posted on Comment Response by Johnny E. Mahaffey Comment Response
JT Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
A very wise client of mine, from a few years ago, once said of her 'incident' (that put her in prison) - that she had to remind herself everyday that she had already forgiven herself for what happened.

And then she moved on with her day.

I think that, over time, it will come up more gently - the guilt less severe.

I remember what she said because we all (the rest of my group) were so struck by what she said: we thought that she had forgiven herself and it never came up again.

It still did, and her daily reminder was a way to help her practice forgiveness.

Mercy, I think, is like that, too. It's what we want from others; but really it is only what we can offer. Mercy is a state of mind, a habit. It is what we offer ourselves in the morning and practice throughout the day.

Mercy is what you offer the mailperson when they come late. The checkout perso, who is frustrated and new and packs your eggs on the bottom of the bag (yes, that happened just recently!)

Where you have been living, mercy is what you show your bunkie, perhaps, when they step on your bunk getting up to the top. Or the person who cuts in front of you in line in the chow hall.

Little things, that are opportunities for anger or mercy.

I think when we (all) get really good at mercy - and compassion - we see it everywhere.

It takes time. But all habits take time.


Posted on Comment Response by Tracy L. Judy Comment Response
Rita Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
hey Kelly,

hi hi hi... it's been a while! I'm in Illinos visiting my friend George. I'm astonished you're in the Hole!! Can you tell me in short why that is!!
I's so sorry to hear it...

a big hug from Rita!

Posted on Dear Readers 1/20/13 by Kelly Jones Dear Readers 1/20/13
Jeremiah Ray Bond Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on April 7, 2013 by Jeremiah Ray Bond April 7, 2013
Rita Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
hi Bob,

My letter will be posted the 5th of July, and I had to wait for the 4th of July.

I enjoyed your very interesting letter, Bob!
You must have a kind interior life. You have so very much to offer.:-o

Each day here in Illinois, Galesburg is a busy day! I had a six hr visit for 6 days in June and 6 days in July. Which is a lot!
I walk home mostly every day for an hour, when temperatures are not that hot anymore.

I enjoy the long talks with George jr. He ever was a pen pal(I had 2 when I started 10 and more yrs ago) and he grew very dear to me.:-)I taught him today 3 Flemisch sentences. This was fun!;-)

I had to write on small pages from the hotel because I lacked writing paper! Well, this too will pass.

I will make tonight a call to my daughter Leslie in California. She will be surprised!

I will include some photos from art, ok?

All the very best! Rita

Posted on Letting Go by Bobby Williams Letting Go
Johnny E. Mahaffey Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Prison Pathophobia by Johnny E. Mahaffey Prison Pathophobia
Rita Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Hello Frederick,

i am pleased to see a reaction from your side on my writings!
See, lately I got a strange message from a certain Mary...?? and it was send from behind the bars; so, I wondered how you suddenly send this email with her name Mary?? It was real strange. But now I we can start to write.:)
I was quite busy lately since I am now in Galesburg, IL visiting my friend George; he still is one of my penpals. By writing he grew very dear to me. Today actually it had to be his PB, but they replaced it because of the 4th of July, to August.
First I had 2 pen pals: Robert, a Mexican on d/r and George; he could be released in September!? Then Cuhua(temoc) another Mexican on d/r; a lot younger then Robert and also Johnny a black innocent man. The DNA has dissapeared and it is a struggle to prove his innocense...
I started recently to write with Bob, a white man and on d/r in CA. On his blog, but also letters. He is really very spiritual, which is nice.
Well, there are two people more I found on this blog and we write on the blog. Not everyone can answer like you do, Frederick.

Too bad you got busted for so long for an auto theft! I see you make yourself ready what to do next comimg on your release.;)
It's nice you have a daughter. Can she visit you and did she do? Do you ever get a visit?

Like you we have two grandkids: Adric 4 and a half and Claire 2 and a half. She was born in San Diego. I see them on skype and I do visit them now and then. Our oldest daughter lives in Brussels, the capital from Belgium.

I wondered if you speak any Spanish?I do speak several languages.Yes ia am retired ,I ever taught, but i lived a long time in America, and right now I do some volunteer work. I am divorced and my ex still lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We lived also there for almost 6 yrs.He lives there now. I live in Antwerpen, a lively port city.
As mentioned already we've two daughters.

Well,i'll prepare myself to go visit George now. I usually come back walking for an hour.I've six hrs to visit each day!!12 days in a row in 2 different months that is.

beye for now and have a great day Frederick!

Posted on First Of All Please Excuse My Typing by Frederick A. Jimenez First Of All Please Excuse My Typing
Bill Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
Well, I've kinda got mixed views on the death penalty. I think it should only be used in cases where the evidence is overwhelming, and where the crime is particularly cruel. A man who kills someone he finds in bed with his wife should be held to a different standard than the guy who rapes, tortures and murders someone whose house he deliberately breaks into. There was a case a few years ago where two guys broke into a house, kidnapped the mother, took her to a bank to withdraw money, then took her home and raped and killed her and her daughter. There is no doubt that these two should be executed , in my opinion. But who is to say what is extreme? I know that the crime you were convicted of was very gruesome. But you were also young and had a lot of mitigating circumstances.

Posted on They Are Not Like Us by Robert Pezzeca They Are Not Like Us
Daniel Labbe Posted 11 years, 6 months ago.   Favorite
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Posted on Comment Response by Daniel Labbe Comment Response
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