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fatimah_peoples Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Marcus hi. My name is fatimah. Im writing because my grandmother recently died and with the loss of elders comes the loss of family ties. When I was younger I had a cousin whom my grandmother would care for. Hr was the cutest little boy and I grew to love him alot. One day he wasn't there anymore and I never knew why. I asked questions but never received answers. Over the years I thought of my little cousin often. I wondered where he was, what he was doing and what he grew to become. Today I received a phone call from my little cousins dad. He actually made a mistake and called me but it was wonderful because I hadn't spoken to him in many years and I always get this overjoyed feeling when I talk to him because he is my family and we were separated as kids. So I asked him where was his son, the little boy that I grew to love but was taken from me. He said he went through some things and he is locked up. I said I would love to connect with him because grandma died I need for all of our family to be reunited. He said okay he is in Wisconsin. I said im going to find my little cousin and tell him I love him. I asked fit his full name and he told me. So I went online and found a picture in the system and became overjoyed with excitement because I finally got to see him. Marcus you may not remember but you are that little boy I speak of and I just want to tell you that I Love You cuz. I Love You.

Posted on My Birthday Wish List 3/9/2013 by Marcus T. Rogers Jr My Birthday Wish List 3/9/2013
SAH Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
i SPOKE with co's in ur housing trying to get a message 2 you. no can do.

god bless and i hope u carry forward.

best of luck.


Posted on My Birthday Wish List 3/9/2013 by Marcus T. Rogers Jr My Birthday Wish List 3/9/2013
SAH Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Marcus, this is the 2nd time I've tried to fund JPay to get email to you. They charge me then ur not in a valid facility.

I will snail mail u.

Keep ur chin up. I'm happy that u see the light at the end of the tunnel.

There are *good* folks out there. I'm excited that you will emerge as a good person and help us make life safer.

god bless you.


Posted on My Birthday Wish List 3/9/2013 by Marcus T. Rogers Jr My Birthday Wish List 3/9/2013
Voice12 Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Thanks for the reminder not to judge others by appearances. We all do it, but it can be completely deceiving at times.

Posted on Untitled by Jesse Wilson Untitled
lru Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Glad to hear your photos were found!

Will they give you a replacement Bible or Qur'an? I thought such things were automatically made available to prisoners upon request. Perhaps the chaplain has extra copies?

If nobody has any replacements, I happen to have a stack of KJV Bibles that I found for cheap a while back, that are doing nobody any good sitting on my shelf, and you're welcome to one or five. :-) You have my address, or just post to your blog and I should see the request.

- Chris

Posted on A Retraction by Kyle De Wolf A Retraction
lru Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Kyle!

I thoroughly enjoyed your Hormigas! post!! Thanks for that... it put a solid grin on my face.

I can sympathize with the conservationist tendencies... but when insects invade the home, the line has been crossed! :-)

- Chris

Posted on Hormigas by Kyle De Wolf Hormigas
Goldfish1871 Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Thank you for your honesty in writing this.
There only appear to be 2 of the 3 pages in this post - I'll see if maybe the other one has been posted separately as I would like to hear the end of what you have to say.

Posted on Why Did I Do It? by Nathaniel Lindell Why Did I Do It?
Voice12 Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Happy birthday! By the time you get this I know it will be passed, but I thought I'd say it any way.

Posted on Untitled by Trevin Gamble Untitled
Voice12 Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Roland, so sorry to hear that you got bad news. Hang in there! -Voice12

Posted on Comment Response by Roland F. Stoecker Jr Comment Response
nick Posted 11 years, 12 months ago.   Favorite
Hi Barry,

I really liked your letter because it made me look at things from a different perspective. I do agree that we often lump all of the accused together as if they are not human. I also liked how you talked about the best were sent to prison because I think that is very true especially in countries with a more tyrannic justice system. Thanks for helping me see things from a different perspective.

Posted on Diamonds In The Rough by Barry Williams Diamonds In The Rough
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